
Zhang Lan is sick! I have palpitations and shortness of breath and can't speak, but I am still begging fans to support a single Ma Liuji

author:Laugh and be entertained

Whether in the entertainment industry or in the business world, Zhang Lan is a very successful female representative, she once founded such a well-known catering brand as South Beauty, and it is also through her efforts that South Beauty has become the current South Beauty, and Zhang Lan has become a billionaire and has a very big fortune.

Zhang Lan is sick! I have palpitations and shortness of breath and can't speak, but I am still begging fans to support a single Ma Liuji

Although Zhang Lan is now 66 years old, her work status has not decreased because of this, and she is still working hard for her career and family every day. But recently, Zhang Lan's friends broke the news that Zhang Lan's recent physical condition is not very good, and she often feels palpitations and shortness of breath, and there will be some convulsions, which also makes Zhang Lan's friends very worried.

Zhang Lan is sick! I have palpitations and shortness of breath and can't speak, but I am still begging fans to support a single Ma Liuji

It turned out that Zhang Lan had some problems with her heart, which would cause her to often feel palpitations and shortness of breath, and there would be convulsions, which was indeed a very big blow to Zhang Lan, who was already 66 years old, and also made her friends very worried, and they also prayed for her, hoping that she could recover soon.

Although Zhang Lan is now 66 years old, her mental state is still very good, even when she is sick, she has not stopped her steps, she still works hard at work every day, and it is also during the live broadcast that there will be some palpitations and shortness of breath, such a strong and fighting spirit is also very admired by many people.

Zhang Lan's career has always been very successful, and it is also because of her efforts that she has everything she has now, and now she has not chosen to give up because of her physical condition, she is still working hard every day to create a better life for her career and family, and she has always been transmitting positive energy and courage to her fans.

Zhang Lan is sick! I have palpitations and shortness of breath and can't speak, but I am still begging fans to support a single Ma Liuji

Even during the live broadcast, she was still weak, and she didn't stop, she still wanted to sell more hot and sour noodles for her son, and it was only in her weak physical condition that she chose to beg her fan baby, such a love


Zhang Lan has always been a female artist that everyone likes very much, and her life is also full of legends, and she has always worked hard for her career and family, giving everyone a very good example and educational significance.

Although she is now 66 years old, her mental state is still very good, and she has been working hard at work, giving everyone a very good inspiration, letting everyone know that no matter what difficulties and challenges she encounters, she must face them bravely, and she will be able to overcome everything and achieve success.

Zhang Lan is sick! I have palpitations and shortness of breath and can't speak, but I am still begging fans to support a single Ma Liuji

I hope that Zhang Lan can recover soon, and I also hope that her family can care and take care of her more, and no longer let her worry about life and work for the rest of her life, and I also hope that all the people around her can cherish the people in front of them, have more care and love, give some warmth and strength to the people around them, and also learn to love themselves and take care of their bodies, so that they can have enough strength to pursue their dreams and happiness.

At the same time, I also hope that everyone can take warning, do not ignore their physical condition because of the pressure of work and life, and should adjust their state in time and take care of their body, so that they can have enough energy and physical strength to face everything, and can achieve better results and future.

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