
Summer time of sweet girls with double ponytails: sweet and lovely, gentle poems in summer

author:The erudite Aoyama 7K
Summer time of sweet girls with double ponytails: sweet and lovely, gentle poems in summer
Summer time of sweet girls with double ponytails: sweet and lovely, gentle poems in summer
Summer time of sweet girls with double ponytails: sweet and lovely, gentle poems in summer

Summer time of sweet girls with double ponytails: sweet and lovely, gentle poems in summer

In that summer day kissed by the sun and kissed extraordinarily gently, there was such a sweet girl, who shuttled lightly on the path of light and shadow with a fresh double ponytail, which became the most beautiful scenery in this season. She is like the glimmer of light on the dew on a summer morning, sweet and lovely, people can't help but want to get close and feel the coolness and sweetness from the bottom of their hearts.

Summer time of sweet girls with double ponytails: sweet and lovely, gentle poems in summer
Summer time of sweet girls with double ponytails: sweet and lovely, gentle poems in summer
Summer time of sweet girls with double ponytails: sweet and lovely, gentle poems in summer

Double ponytail, a simple and childlike hairstyle, is given a new life on her head. Two strands of jet-black and shiny hair, like a budding vine, fell gently on her shoulders, jumping to a cheerful rhythm with her light steps. The sunlight shines through the gaps in the leaves and on the tips of her hair, shimmering with golden light, as if every strand of hair contains the vitality and hope of summer.

Summer time of sweet girls with double ponytails: sweet and lovely, gentle poems in summer
Summer time of sweet girls with double ponytails: sweet and lovely, gentle poems in summer

Her smile is the sweetest ice cream in summer, fresh but not greasy, enough to melt away all the sorrows and troubles in the world. Every time she laughed, her bright eyes bent into a crescent moon, and two shallow dimples bloomed at the corners of her mouth, like flowers blooming in summer, exuding a faint fragrance that made people want to indulge in it.

Summer time of sweet girls with double ponytails: sweet and lovely, gentle poems in summer
Summer time of sweet girls with double ponytails: sweet and lovely, gentle poems in summer

In this vibrant summer day, Sweet Girl likes to wear light skirts, walk briskly, chase the waves on the beach, or walk on the forest paths. Her figure, like a smart butterfly, dances among the flowers, vividly interpreting the enthusiasm and vitality of summer. And the pair of ponytails swayed gently with her movements, like summer wind chimes, making a crisp and pleasant sound, adding a bit of vividness and fun to this beautiful time.

Summer time of sweet girls with double ponytails: sweet and lovely, gentle poems in summer
Summer time of sweet girls with double ponytails: sweet and lovely, gentle poems in summer

Sweet Girl's summer time is a melodious melody, full of sweetness and joy. She uses her own way to interpret the beauty and innocence of summer, so that everyone who meets her can feel the warmth and happiness from the bottom of her heart. She is like a fresh wind, blowing away the heat and irritability of summer, bringing endless coolness and comfort.

Summer time of sweet girls with double ponytails: sweet and lovely, gentle poems in summer
Summer time of sweet girls with double ponytails: sweet and lovely, gentle poems in summer
Summer time of sweet girls with double ponytails: sweet and lovely, gentle poems in summer
Summer time of sweet girls with double ponytails: sweet and lovely, gentle poems in summer
Summer time of sweet girls with double ponytails: sweet and lovely, gentle poems in summer
Summer time of sweet girls with double ponytails: sweet and lovely, gentle poems in summer

In this summer full of love, let's feel the sweetness and cuteness brought by the double ponytail sweet girl! May we all be like her, keep an innocent heart, embrace every beautiful moment with a sweet smile, and make the summer time more brilliant and dazzling because of us.

Summer time of sweet girls with double ponytails: sweet and lovely, gentle poems in summer
Summer time of sweet girls with double ponytails: sweet and lovely, gentle poems in summer
Summer time of sweet girls with double ponytails: sweet and lovely, gentle poems in summer
Summer time of sweet girls with double ponytails: sweet and lovely, gentle poems in summer
Summer time of sweet girls with double ponytails: sweet and lovely, gentle poems in summer
Summer time of sweet girls with double ponytails: sweet and lovely, gentle poems in summer

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