
In the season of flowers, the sun is warm, the breeze is not dry, you and I are good, and the goddess is also beautiful

author:The erudite Aoyama 7K
In the season of flowers, the sun is warm, the breeze is not dry, you and I are good, and the goddess is also beautiful
In the season of flowers, the sun is warm, the breeze is not dry, you and I are good, and the goddess is also beautiful
In the season of flowers, the sun is warm, the breeze is not dry, you and I are good, and the goddess is also beautiful

Under the gentle brushstrokes of time, another season of flowers is quietly coming, and everything is revived and full of vitality. This season, as if it is the most gentle brushstrokes of nature, sketches a brilliant and colorful picture scroll on the vast land. The sun, like a fine piece of gold, sprinkles every corner, warm but not hot, giving the earth endless tenderness and care. The breeze, gently blowing, with the fragrance of flowers and grass, is neither dry nor cool, just right to blow away the cold of winter, bringing hope and joy of spring.

In the season of flowers, the sun is warm, the breeze is not dry, you and I are good, and the goddess is also beautiful
In the season of flowers, the sun is warm, the breeze is not dry, you and I are good, and the goddess is also beautiful

In this beautiful season, you and I are bathed in this warm sunshine and warm breeze, and our hearts have been unprecedentedly peaceful and satisfied. Our smiles, like flowers blooming in spring, are bright and brilliant, and the eye contact between each other is full of warmth and tacit understanding. We walked among the flowers, each step with a light melody, as if the whole world was gently swaying with our steps.

In the season of flowers, the sun is warm, the breeze is not dry, you and I are good, and the goddess is also beautiful
In the season of flowers, the sun is warm, the breeze is not dry, you and I are good, and the goddess is also beautiful

And in this picturesque scenery, the figure of the goddess adds a bit of indescribable beauty. Dressed in light clothes, she flutters in the wind, as if she is one with this sea of flowers, becoming the most delicate stroke of nature. Her smile is more delicate than the flowers in spring, her eyes are deeper than the clear lake water, and her presence makes the world more beautiful and harmonious.

In the season of flowers, the sun is warm, the breeze is not dry, you and I are good, and the goddess is also beautiful
In the season of flowers, the sun is warm, the breeze is not dry, you and I are good, and the goddess is also beautiful

The beauty of the goddess lies not only in her appearance, but also in the purity and kindness of her heart. With a gentle heart, she cares for everyone around her, and interprets what true beauty and elegance are with her actions. Under her influence, we have learned to cherish the people and things around us more, and learned to face every moment of life with a grateful heart.

In the season of flowers, the sun is warm, the breeze is not dry, you and I are good, and the goddess is also beautiful
In the season of flowers, the sun is warm, the breeze is not dry, you and I are good, and the goddess is also beautiful
In the season of flowers, the sun is warm, the breeze is not dry, you and I are good, and the goddess is also beautiful
In the season of flowers, the sun is warm, the breeze is not dry, you and I are good, and the goddess is also beautiful

In the season of flowers, the sun is warm, the breeze is not dry, you and I are good, and the goddess is also beautiful. Such a moment is worth remembering and cherishing for the rest of our lives. Let's work together to leave our own good memories in this beautiful season, so that love and warmth will always be with us.

In the season of flowers, the sun is warm, the breeze is not dry, you and I are good, and the goddess is also beautiful
In the season of flowers, the sun is warm, the breeze is not dry, you and I are good, and the goddess is also beautiful
In the season of flowers, the sun is warm, the breeze is not dry, you and I are good, and the goddess is also beautiful
In the season of flowers, the sun is warm, the breeze is not dry, you and I are good, and the goddess is also beautiful
In the season of flowers, the sun is warm, the breeze is not dry, you and I are good, and the goddess is also beautiful