
took the money for her daughter's mobile phone to her younger brother, and her daughter was dissatisfied, she: Who told you to cut your hair in the first month?

author:Between the vast water and clouds

Life around the author

At 6:00 in the morning, Zhang Yan received a call from her mother before she got up from her bed, and her mother said anxiously on the phone: "Your brother had surgery today, and your father passed yesterday, so you should hurry over!" ”

Zhang Yan rubbed her eyes and agreed again and again.

The mother paused on the phone and said, "You have to pay 30,000 yuan in advance for the operation, and your father brought 20,000 yesterday, look at ......"

Zhang Yan didn't wait for her mother to finish speaking, and continued:

"I know, I'll get some money and prepare first, and if I don't have enough to get there, I'll pay the hospitalization fee first."

Saying this, Zhang Yan was still a little jealous of her younger brother, she was sick and hospitalized, and her parents bore most of the hospitalization fees and instructed her to help pay the fees. Except for the part reimbursed by medical insurance, the younger brother basically doesn't have to spend any money.

took the money for her daughter's mobile phone to her younger brother, and her daughter was dissatisfied, she: Who told you to cut your hair in the first month?

Zhang Yan rushed to the hospital, her brother had already done all the examinations, waiting for the operation time, Zhang Yan pulled her brother and daughter-in-law aside and said:

"The cost of the operation...... I brought the money here! ”

The brother-in-law waved her hand and said, "No, the money has already been handed over!"

Zhang Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, her economic conditions were not well-off, and she was afraid that her mother would be in a hurry in the morning and agreed to take the money, but now her brother-in-law didn't want it, she suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

She didn't know the specific condition of her younger brother, it seemed to be a lung problem, the doctor only did a simple treatment on the first two occasions, and this time the condition was serious, and she decided to be hospitalized to remove the lesion.

The younger brother smokes all year round, and the whole person is skinny and bone-thin, and it is not surprising that there is something wrong with his lungs.

Zhang Yan was a little sad about this younger brother's misfortune and angry, and his family repeatedly advised him to quit smoking, but he couldn't quit. At this critical moment, he still smoked it.

Zhang Yan thought to herself: Forget it, let him go, how can he not live a lifetime?

In the middle of the operation, the doctor called the family members to go in and took out the cut out lesions to show them, Zhang Yan saw two sarcomas the size of chicken hearts, and the doctor said that only the left side of the lesion was removed, and the right side was relatively deep and difficult to operate.

My brother's illness is more serious than she imagined, and everyone is used to reporting good news and not bad news.

took the money for her daughter's mobile phone to her younger brother, and her daughter was dissatisfied, she: Who told you to cut your hair in the first month?

After the operation, when she returned to the ward, her condition was basically stable, and her brother and daughter-in-law urged her to go home quickly.

Zhang Yan took out her mobile phone and transferred 5,000 yuan to her younger brother, saying:

"You may not be able to go to work during this time, so give you pocket money for this money! Remember not to smoke again! ”

When she returned home from the hospital, it was already dusk, and when Zhang Yan saw her daughter who graduated from high school, she suddenly felt a fire in her heart: her high school required students to cut their hair short, and her daughter often cut her hair before the New Year.

She stopped her daughter and said, "I told you not to cut your hair in the New Year, but if you don't listen, now your uncle has half a life left!" I don't think you should go to college anymore, go to work to earn money for your grandparents, right? ”

The daughter bowed her head and was silent.

Because of the hair cut, her daughter also quarreled with her a few times, saying: "At the beginning of the first month, my classmate cut his hair at the school gate." "A look of reasonableness.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yan was even more angry, and she deliberately pranked and said:

"I gave the money I was going to buy you a mobile phone to your uncle! It's a compensation for your hair cut in the New Year, and you can use your old mobile phone at home in the future! ”

took the money for her daughter's mobile phone to her younger brother, and her daughter was dissatisfied, she: Who told you to cut your hair in the first month?

My daughter usually has a very good mouth, but this time it may be a loss, and she didn't say a word.

After the younger brother was discharged from the hospital, Zhang Yan brought her daughter to the door, and when the family chatted, they mentioned the matter of cutting their hair in the first month, and the uncle looked at the niece with her head drooping and said:

"Uncle's problem is smoking, don't blame you for cutting your hair, don't listen to what your mother says! In two days, my uncle will buy you a mobile phone. ”

The daughter raised her head and said, "I won't cut my hair after graduation, and you won't smoke?" Okay? Otherwise, we'll both be scolded! ”

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