
I remember putting it horizontally before going to bed, and when I got up, my sleeping position became like this, what did I experience at night

author:Light Emotion

What happened to my sleeping position at night? **

Last night, I lay in bed and remember clearly arranging myself in a large figure, stretching my limbs out for a comfortable dream. However, when I woke up in the morning, I was stunned by what I saw – I was lying on my side, legs curled together, like a prawn. Baby, what happened to me last night?

I remember putting it horizontally before going to bed, and when I got up, my sleeping position became like this, what did I experience at night

My name is Xiao Yang, I am 28 years old, I am an ordinary office worker, working as a product manager in an Internet company. Although the work is busy, the life is quite regular. I have a warm little home, and I live a plain and happy life with my wife. Both of us are "night owls", and we like to lie in bed at night and chat, watch movies, and fall asleep together.

Last night, as usual, we chatted for a while, watched a comedy movie, and then lay down and got ready for bed. I remember deliberately adjusting my sleeping position to have a more relaxing sleep experience. However, when I woke up, everything changed.

I rubbed my eyes, looked at myself in front of me, and couldn't help but mutter. How so? I remember that I put it horizontally, how did it become like this now? Did I turn over in my sleep? But why don't I have any impressions?

I turned my head to look at my wife, who was still asleep, breathing evenly and looking peaceful. I didn't want to disturb her, so I got out of bed lightly and prepared to wash. However, I kept wondering the question in my mind - what happened to my sleeping position?

I remember putting it horizontally before going to bed, and when I got up, my sleeping position became like this, what did I experience at night

As I washed up, I tried to recall all the details of last night. I remember what we talked about, what movie we watched, and even a funny scene in the movie. However, I don't have a clue about the change in sleeping position. I began to wonder if I had something strange or something unusual in my sleep.

After washing, I sat on the edge of my bed and thought about it quietly. I suddenly remembered a saying that a friend once mentioned to me - people will unconsciously adjust their sleeping position in their sleep to find a more comfortable sleeping position. Is this what I experienced last night?

I thought about it and felt that there was some truth to this statement. After all, we can't control our bodies in our sleep, and sometimes we do make some strange movements. Perhaps, I just unconsciously rolled over in my sleep last night and found a more comfortable sleeping position.

Thinking of this, I felt a little more relaxed. However, I decided to look up the relevant information online to see if there was any scientific explanation. After some searching and reading, I found that there are indeed many people who have encountered similar situations. Some experts explain that people do unconsciously adjust their sleeping positions in their sleep to suit different sleep stages and body needs. At the same time, some experts also remind that if there are frequent abnormal sleeping postures, it may be that there is something wrong with the body and it is necessary to seek medical attention in time.

I remember putting it horizontally before going to bed, and when I got up, my sleeping position became like this, what did I experience at night

After reading these materials, I feel more at ease. I realized that my situation was not serious, and that it was probably just an occasional hiccup. So, I decided to stop dwelling on this issue and start enjoying the beauty and joy of a new day.

When I got back to my room, my wife had woken up. When she saw the smile on my face, she couldn't help but ask curiously, "What's wrong?" So happy early in the morning? I smiled and shook my head and said, "It's nothing, it's just that I suddenly figured out a problem." When my wife heard this, she laughed and said, "That's good, that's good." Come and have breakfast, let's enjoy this wonderful day together! ”

And so we started a new day. I'm still a little confused by last night's change in sleeping position, but I don't dwell on it anymore. Because I know that there will always be some unexplained things happening in life, but as long as we keep a normal heart to face them, we will not be bothered by them. At the same time, I also cherish the time with my wife even more and enjoy every ordinary and happy moment.