
Moments before the divorce, after I tore up the marriage certificate, he squatted on the ground and cried all the time, and I laughed

author:Stories of the Burning Sun
Moments before the divorce, after I tore up the marriage certificate, he squatted on the ground and cried all the time, and I laughed

It has been said that the highest level of love is to let go.

But I feel that the highest state of love is the grave.

My name is Yiwu, I opened a clothing store, and I can get more than 100,000 yuan in my hands every year, I have an interesting husband, he is very timid and sensitive, and he always thinks about it every day, and I think it's very interesting to be with him.

But that day, as soon as I got home, I saw him holding a divorce agreement, I was stunned, we have been married for three years, plus the time of love, almost eight years.

"Li Yang, what do you mean by this?"

"I'm cheating and I'm in love with someone else."

I was really mad, I smashed everything I could in the house, scolded him for an hour, and then told him to get out and get a divorce tomorrow.

After he left, I felt very wronged, tears fell uncontrollably, and I couldn't live without him.

I just looked at the divorce agreement carefully, he left the house and children to me, and he was the party at fault, so he went out of the house, which is really fine.

I prepared my papers, put them on the table, and lay in bed without falling asleep all night.

The next day, I put on light makeup, covered my dark circles, and went to the Civil Affairs Bureau with my things.

I watched him pull a girl over: "Yo, so eager to divorce and marry someone else?" ”

He hurriedly let go of his hand: "I didn't expect you to come so early, I thought I would have to wait until ten o'clock." ”

"Divorce is such a big event, how can I be late and divorce me just for her? Your vision is getting worse and worse. ”

I'm not happy, so no one should be happy, I even said to the girl next to him: "What kind of eyes are you, looking at such a timid and afraid man who doesn't dare to take responsibility?" ”

She laughed and said, "He's amazing." ”

I was stunned for a long time and didn't react, and finally I thought of something but was completely silent.

The staff asked us to calm down for a while, I thought about it and was about to agree, but my husband said, "No, I'm cheating, it's impossible to continue to be together." ”

But my temper has also come up at this time, doesn't he want a divorce, I won't let him get his wish now, so I tore up the marriage certificate in front of the staff.

That was the first time he scolded me for being unreasonable, and I smiled and said, "Don't be happy today, don't you want to get a divorce, I won't leave, I'm angry with you." ”

He took the woman and left, and the staff advised me, "Why bother? Is it worth it for such a man? ”

I didn't reply, I squatted on the ground and picked up all the pieces, and when I got up, tears flowed unconsciously, and I muttered, "It's strange today, why is it raining in my eyes?" ”

Since that day, he has not gone home, and my phone call to him has always been turned off, and I called his friend again: "Xiaofei, do you know where Li Yang is?" ”

"Ah, sister-in-law, you don't know?"


He excused himself by saying that he was a little busy there, so he hung up first, and I suddenly felt that my husband seemed to have something to hide from me.

I know where Xiaofei lives, I went to block the door that day, and he didn't come back until eight o'clock in the evening, and he was obviously stunned when he saw me: "Sister-in-law, why are you at my door?" ”

"Where the hell is Li Yang?"

"Don't you know? Brother Yang won the lottery and won one million. ”

His words made me stunned, and I suddenly laughed angrily, it turned out that I was thinking about divorcing myself for this million, Li Yang, you are really good.

"Where is he now?"

"I don't know, Brother Yang didn't know where he went after winning the lottery, sister-in-law, he really didn't tell you about his winning?"

I didn't reply, but called him over and over again, and finally got through at twelve o'clock in the evening, but it was a woman.

"Where is Li Yang?"

"It seems none of your business."

I was really laughed at by her, a junior dared to be so arrogant, but I didn't scold, just made my voice as calm as possible: "Where is he?" ”

Listening to the sound of the phone hanging up, I really want to give up, isn't it just divorce? Isn't it just a million, I can earn it myself in ten years?

Early the next morning, his phone called: "Divorce." ”

"Okay, let's meet."

We made an appointment to meet in a remote park, and when we came, I saw that he didn't seem to be in good spirits, so I sneered: "It's a good time, can't you stand still?" ”

He just said, "When can I leave?" You give me a letter. ”

"Next Monday, I will make up all the documents, if you are afraid that I will worry about the one million you won, in fact, you don't have to."

He didn't speak, just walked away without looking back.

In the evening, the daughter came back, and she was very happy: "Mom, Dad took me to the amusement park today, I am so happy today, but what did Dad say to let me take good care of Mom, where is Dad going?" He also said a lot of strange things, I didn't understand. ”

"Dad is going back to his hometown, so I'm taking you out to play, what strange things did Dad say to you?"

"He asked me what I wanted, and he wanted to help me make it happen."

A week passed quickly, and we came to the Civil Affairs Bureau again, only this time he came alone.

"Yo, where's your little girlfriend? Didn't show up today? Your body is like this, why haven't I seen you work so hard before, heh. ”

He didn't say a word, he walked towards the front, and he was walking so slowly if he wanted to get a divorce, so I simply pulled him forward.

But as soon as I arrived in the hall of the Civil Affairs Bureau, I heard a thud and he fell to the ground.

"Li Yang, hurry up, so many people are watching."

But I shouted a lot, but he still didn't get up, I turned him over, and found that his eyes were closed, and his forehead was oozing with sweat, and at that moment I was really scared to death.

When I arrived at the hospital, the doctor told me that he had a liver problem, and that it would take a lot of money to treat it, and if it wasn't treated, it was estimated that he wouldn't be able to live for a few months.

My heart chuckled, and I saw the woman who was with him that day, a nurse, and she didn't notice me.

"I want to ask how much it costs to treat the disease, probably."

"Two million is the least.

I was silent for a long time, sitting outside for a long time, and the little nurse didn't know when she sat down.

"Li Yang asked me to help, pretending to be a girlfriend to let you divorce him, he didn't want to treat, he felt that treatment might not be cured, it would only break your home, so he chose to divorce, last time he was in a coma in the middle of the night, so I charged his mobile phone, and then answered the phone."

The little nurse was gone, but I couldn't recover for a long time, he woke up in the middle of the night, and I bought something to eat and sat down in front of the bed.

"What? Think you're great, divorced? Have you ever thought about how sad she would be if she didn't have a father? ”

"It's useless to cure, it's better to divorce, and you will marry a good man when the time comes."

"Phew, didn't you win the lottery, one million, and 800,000 after taxes, I sold that store, and it was enough for you to heal."

"I used the money and repaid the loan for our house in advance, a full 800,000."

"Then I will sell all the houses and shops, this disease is not a serious disease, and it can be cured."

I persuaded him for several days, and then called my father-in-law and sister-in-law, and then persuaded this stubborn donkey, but that day he cried and said sorry to me.

At that time, I was thinking, I cured, anyway, I tried my best, even if I couldn't cure it in the end, I didn't regret it, but Lady Luck was really on my side, and his illness was cured.

And my business is just starting from scratch, making money is very important, but the people around me are even more important.