
In the unit, after contacting the big leaders, I realized the defect of most women in the workplace: too strong a sense of responsibility

author:Take the goldfish on a trip

A strong sense of responsibility is not a good thing in the workplace, and learning to manage reasonably can get twice the result with half the effort


A sense of responsibility is a positive quality, which can make us more down-to-earth towards work and life, and shoulder our due responsibilities. There is a clear difference between a moderate sense of responsibility and an excessive sense of responsibility, a moderate sense of responsibility can make us better integrated into the team and improve productivity, while an excessive sense of responsibility can make us cumbersome and inefficient. Especially in the workplace, excessive sense of responsibility can cause us to take on too much work pressure, affect work efficiency, and even hinder personal career development. So, how do you manage responsibility in the workplace? This article will discuss the performance of excessive sense of responsibility, the analysis of the reasons and the sense of responsibility for reasonable management, hoping to give you some inspiration and help.

1. Excessive sense of responsibility

1.1 Unclear self-positioning

People with an overly responsible sense tend to take a lot of things very seriously, always feel that they have a responsibility to do it, and will try to do it perfectly. At work, they may take on more work than they can handle, feeling that they can only keep things running smoothly by doing it themselves, and ignore the presence of other team members.

1.2 Easily tired to death

People with an overly responsible sense tend to put in a lot for their work, including time, energy, and even health, and they may work overtime a lot or sacrifice their rest time to get the job done. Over time, they may become very tired or even suffer from burnout.

1.3 Loss of a sense of boundaries

A moderate sense of responsibility allows us to better integrate into the team, and those who take the initiative to take on the work will be welcomed and affirmed by others. People with an overly responsible sense of responsibility may lose their sense of boundaries, making colleagues and leaders feel that their position is not clear enough, and they are always unable to refuse requests from others, making others feel that they can arrange at will.

Second, women and newcomers in the workplace are more likely to fall into excessive responsibility

Excessive responsibility is not the preserve of a certain type of person, and anyone can show excessive responsibility in certain situations, but the overall trend is that women and newcomers in the workplace are more likely to fall into the dilemma of excessive responsibility.

In the unit, after contacting the big leaders, I realized the defect of most women in the workplace: too strong a sense of responsibility

2.1 Women in the workplace

In today's society, women are playing an increasingly important role in the workplace, and they may need to balance work and family, and take on more social responsibilities. In order to gain more recognition and affirmation in the workplace, working women tend to show a stronger sense of responsibility, they will try to do everything well, strive for perfection, and even sacrifice their family time for work.

2.2 Newcomers

For newcomers who have just stepped into the workforce, they may not have built enough self-confidence and professional experience, so they will not have enough confidence in their work ability and work performance, and in order to integrate into the team as soon as possible, they will often show excessive responsibility, work hard to complete each job, and even take the initiative to take on more work tasks.

3. What is the impact of excessive responsibility on the workplace?

3.1 Restrictions on personal career development

A moderate sense of responsibility can allow us to better integrate into the team, show our work attitude and work ability, gain the recognition and affirmation of others, and have a positive role in promoting personal career development. People with an overly responsible sense of responsibility may fall into inefficient busyness, and they will spend a lot of time and energy on some trivial tasks and neglect some of the more challenging and developmental tasks, thus limiting their career development.

3.2 Affect work efficiency

People with an overly responsible sense often take on too much work pressure, and long-term high-intensity work may cause them to experience work fatigue and burnout, which will affect work efficiency, and even reduce the quality of work, which will have a certain impact on the work of the team.

3.3 It is easy to generate negative energy

For a long time, excessive sense of responsibility may make people have a certain amount of negative energy, feel that they have paid a lot, but they have not been reciprocated, and even feel that others do not understand and recognize themselves, which will affect their work mood and work motivation, and appear to be depressed at work.

In the unit, after contacting the big leaders, I realized the defect of most women in the workplace: too strong a sense of responsibility

Fourth, how to reasonably manage the sense of responsibility

Responsibility is a double-edged sword, moderate responsibility can make us better integrated into the team and improve work efficiency, but excessive responsibility can have negative consequences for ourselves and others. We need to learn to manage our sense of responsibility reasonably, find the boundaries that suit our work, and avoid excessive work pressure.

4.1 Prioritize things first

At work, we may face a variety of work tasks, and each work task is very important, which requires us to learn to prioritize things, grasp the priority of work, and ensure that those things that have the greatest impact on the work are completed, and some minor things can be appropriately postponed or entrusted to others to deal with.

4.2 Learn to refuse requests from others

A moderate sense of responsibility can make us better integrated into the team, but this does not mean that we have to accept all requests from others unconditionally, we need to learn to refuse some unreasonable requests, protect our work boundaries, let others understand the focus of our work, and avoid being arbitrarily arranged by others.

4.3 Ability to trust others

People with an overly responsible sense often feel that only by doing it themselves can they ensure the smooth progress of things, so it is difficult to hand over the work to others, properly trust others, and hand over part of the work to others to handle, which can not only reduce their own work pressure, but also improve the work enthusiasm and initiative of other members of the team.

4.4 Establish correct self-awareness and values

Excessive sense of responsibility may stem from the over-reliance on self-worth, feeling that only by constantly paying for others can we gain the recognition and affirmation of others, we need to establish correct self-awareness and values, and understand that our own value does not depend on the evaluation of others, but on our attitude towards work and life.

5. Sense of responsibility in teamwork

In teamwork, proper sense of responsibility can make us better integrate into the team and improve team efficiency and cohesion, but excessive sense of responsibility may make the team rely on individuals rather than the whole team, affecting the overall efficiency of the team.

5.1 Encourage teamwork and mutual support

In the team, we should encourage cooperation and mutual support among team members, so that everyone understands that the success of the team is inseparable from the efforts and contributions of each member, whether success or failure, it is the result of the joint efforts of the whole team.

5.2 Develop a sense of responsibility and autonomy among team members

At work, we should appropriately give team members a certain degree of autonomy and decision-making power, so that they have the opportunity to participate in all aspects of the work, so as to cultivate their sense of responsibility and autonomy, understand their responsibilities and obligations, and thus be more actively involved in the work.

5.3 Balance personal responsibility and teamwork

In teamwork, we need to balance personal responsibility and teamwork spirit, understand our own positioning and role in the team, not only to assume our own work responsibilities, but also to know how to listen to the opinions and suggestions of others, coordinate with each other, and jointly complete the team's work goals.


A sense of responsibility is a valuable quality, which can make us more down-to-earth in work and life, and shoulder our due responsibilities, but there is a clear difference between a moderate sense of responsibility and an excessive sense of responsibility, and excessive responsibility may make us fall into a cumbersome and inefficient predicament. We need to learn to manage the sense of responsibility reasonably, find the work boundary that suits us, avoid excessive work pressure, believe in the ability of others, and at the same time, we also need to pay attention to balancing personal responsibility and teamwork spirit in teamwork, and jointly promote the healthy development of the team. I hope that everyone can have a moderate sense of responsibility in the workplace and work and live a healthy and happy life.

A strong sense of responsibility is not a good thing in the workplace, and learning to manage reasonably can get twice the result with half the effort

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