
Chinese little girl exposes Tesla BUG and shouts to Musk: "Please fix it as soon as possible"

author:Read today

On June 30th, a little Chinese girl amazed the world! She traveled thousands of miles to call out Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla, and told him about a bothersome car screen problem. The courage of this little girl not only touched Mr. Musk, but also attracted the attention and resonance of the majority of netizens.


Hello everyone! Today we are going to talk about the story of a little girl who took the initiative to call Mr. Musk in order to solve a bug in Tesla! Let's hear her story.

On this Wednesday full of surprises, a 7-year-old Chinese girl brought a touch of unusual news to Tesla. It is reported that the cute little angel discovered a bothersome car screen problem and decided to personally call Tesla founder Mr. Musk to solve the bug.

Chinese little girl exposes Tesla BUG and shouts to Musk: "Please fix it as soon as possible"

The problem is described like this: Sometimes, when a new image is drawn on the screen of a Tesla car, what was previously drawn unexpectedly disappears. For this little girl who was exploring the world, it was clearly an experience that frustrated her. However, she did not choose to be silent, but picked up her mobile phone and recorded a video to shout to Mr. Musk: "Hello Mr. Musk, I found a small bug in Tesla, when you draw new content, the previous one will disappear." Please fix it as soon as possible! Thank you! ”

Chinese little girl exposes Tesla BUG and shouts to Musk: "Please fix it as soon as possible"

The video quickly went viral on social media and garnered a lot of attention. Netizens praised the little girl's courage and intelligence, believing that she is a cute and creative little angel.

And our hero, Mr. Musk, also did not hesitate to respond to the little girl after learning the news: "Sure! I've let our tech team know and we'll fix the bug as soon as possible. Thank you for telling us! ”

Chinese little girl exposes Tesla BUG and shouts to Musk: "Please fix it as soon as possible"

Mr. Musk's response made people more positive about Tesla's service and responsiveness. His rhetoric portrays an entrepreneur who genuinely cares about the user experience and is willing to solve problems. This also reaffirms Tesla's position as the world's leading electric vehicle manufacturer.

For those who care about Tesla, this incident is not only a small bug fix, but also a manifestation of trust and communication. Mr. Musk's response sends a strong message to the world: Tesla will continue to be user-centric and try its best to improve its products and provide a better user experience.

Chinese little girl exposes Tesla BUG and shouts to Musk: "Please fix it as soon as possible"

We would also like to thank this little girl, whose bravery and wisdom demonstrate the enthusiasm and pursuit of technology and innovation among the younger generation. Her actions have inspired countless people and given everyone hope for the future.

This Tesla screen bug incident caused by a little Chinese girl once again highlights the importance of Tesla as an innovative technology company. Mr. Musk's positive response also proves that he attaches great importance to user opinions. Hopefully, our little girls will be role models for more children and be brave enough to express their views and opinions.

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