
Start closing the net! The United States will launch a food war in 2025 to maintain the global hegemony of the United States!

author:The path is running

While we're enjoying our food and talking about our next destination, there's a war going on on the global food map? Not science fiction or doomsday prophecies, but a real reality – food security, a seemingly distant but closely related topic for each of us, is quietly becoming the focus of global attention.

Start closing the net! The United States will launch a food war in 2025 to maintain the global hegemony of the United States!

What kind of panic would it be if one day you walked into a supermarket and found that the shelves were empty, and even the most basic rice, flour, grain and oil had become a luxury? And all this is not groundless. With the deepening of globalization, countries are speeding on the road to industrialization, but inadvertently lowering the bottom line of food security.

Start closing the net! The United States will launch a food war in 2025 to maintain the global hegemony of the United States!

Liangtian becomes a factory, who is behind it?

In the vast fields that were once gently embraced by the morning light and caressed by the afterglow of the setting sun, every inch of land carries the sweat and hope of generations of farmers. As the wheels of the times rolled forward, a silent revolution quietly changed the face of the land. High-rise buildings have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, replacing the gentle scene of rice and wheat waves with the cold hardness of steel and glass. This is not only a transformation of geographical space, but also a profound impact on the traditional agricultural civilization.

Start closing the net! The United States will launch a food war in 2025 to maintain the global hegemony of the United States!

The series of cold data of the International Food and Agriculture Organization is like a wake-up call, sounding the alarm bell of global food security. Fertile land suitable for cultivation is being devoured at an alarming rate every year, turning into icy factories, busy transportation hubs, or luxurious residential areas. This shift has not only reduced the "cradle" of food production, but also made the global food supply chain fragile. Whenever the monsoon no longer arrives as scheduled, or when pests and diseases are rampant, the shadow of food shortages looms closely, threatening the stability and development of every country.

Start closing the net! The United States will launch a food war in 2025 to maintain the global hegemony of the United States!

Natural disasters are frequent, and a food crisis is imminent

In the folds of the blue planet, the delicate balance between the prosperity of human civilization and nature is being tested like never before. If the loss of fertile land is the seeds of regret that have been inadvertently sown in the process of modernization, then the ravages of natural disasters are the roar and alarm bell of Mother Nature.

Start closing the net! The United States will launch a food war in 2025 to maintain the global hegemony of the United States!

In recent years, the earth seems to have been pressed the fast-forward button, and extreme weather events are like wild horses, wreaking havoc in every corner of the world. Drought is like the hand of a greedy desert, devouring fertile land, turning the field of hope into a wasteland of despair; The flood turned into a raging beast, destroying homes and diluting dreams of a good harvest. Hurricanes carry devastating power, carving scars into the coastline; Like the wrath of the gods, the hail slammed mercilessly into fragile crops, leaving a mess in their wake.

Start closing the net! The United States will launch a food war in 2025 to maintain the global hegemony of the United States!

The heavy report of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is a mirror that reflects the profound impact of human activities on the climate and the unpredictable gloom of the future. Scientists' worrying predictions have pushed this anxiety to a climax – from 2024 onwards, the world's major food-producing regions may face an unprecedented natural disaster test.

Start closing the net! The United States will launch a food war in 2025 to maintain the global hegemony of the United States!

This is not only a challenge to land productivity, but also a severe test of the stability of the global food supply chain. Imagining the golden wheat fields and vast rice fields, in the face of sudden natural disasters, or vanished, or drastically reduced, the global food market is full of waves, prices soar, panic spread around the world, every family may feel the subtle changes on the dinner table, reminding people that in the face of nature's backlash, human beings must work together to find a new way to live in harmony with nature.

Start closing the net! The United States will launch a food war in 2025 to maintain the global hegemony of the United States!

American food hegemony, the invisible hand on the global table

When it comes to the grain market, we have to mention the United States, the giant of the global grain trade. For a long time, the United States, with its strong agricultural strength and perfect logistics system, has firmly controlled the lifeblood of global grain trade. According to statistics, the United States already controls about 85 percent of the world's grain trade, from rice and wheat to meat, seeds, and even breeding pigs.

Start closing the net! The United States will launch a food war in 2025 to maintain the global hegemony of the United States!

More worryingly, the United States does not seem to be satisfied with the status quo. Some experts have pointed out that the United States may use its absolute superiority in the food field to launch a "food war" in 2025 to maintain its global hegemony. As soon as this prediction came out, it immediately caused an uproar around the world. Concerns are beginning to arise about what kind of chaos will happen to global food markets if the United States does act? How will countries that rely on imported food respond?

Start closing the net! The United States will launch a food war in 2025 to maintain the global hegemony of the United States!

Climate change intensifies, fragile chains of food production

Climate change is undoubtedly a factor that cannot be ignored in this food storm. With the intensification of global warming, the frequency of extreme weather events has become the norm. This not only affects the yield and quality of food, but also exacerbates the instability of food production. When a sudden flood washes away rice paddies that are about to be harvested, or when a drought leaves wheat fields without crops, farmers' hard work is undone and the world's food supply suffers badly.

Start closing the net! The United States will launch a food war in 2025 to maintain the global hegemony of the United States!

To make matters worse, due to the long cyclical nature of food production and the high influence of natural conditions, it is not easy to quickly resume production in the event of a disaster. This means that in today's increasingly severe climate change, we must cherish every piece of land and every grain of food more, and jointly safeguard the bottom line of global food security.

Start closing the net! The United States will launch a food war in 2025 to maintain the global hegemony of the United States!

Young people awaken and build a new Great Wall of food security

In the face of such a grim situation, we, as the younger generation, must not stay out of the situation. Food security is not only about the stability and development of the country, but also about the survival and well-being of each and every one of us. We must wake up and actively participate in the fight against food security.

Start closing the net! The United States will launch a food war in 2025 to maintain the global hegemony of the United States!

We can start with the small things around us, such as advocating for a food-saving lifestyle, supporting the development of sustainable agriculture, and paying attention to and participating in the formulation of food policy. We can also raise awareness of food security and resilience in society through learning and disseminating relevant knowledge.

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