
Anyway, the biggest candidates

author:Shuo Shuo eats melons

Foreword: That night, the secrets and starlight in the kitchen

In a corner of the ancient city of Baoding, the night gently embraces every soul returning home. But behind this tranquility lies a story that is about to shake people's hearts. Imagine a teenager who is full of self-confidence and dreams of sketching the future of the world with a paintbrush, but in the college entrance examination, he encounters an unprecedented Waterloo. 397 points, this number is like the most inconspicuous star in the night sky, far from the bright dream of 600 points in his heart. And he, the moment he learned the score, did not choose to escape, nor burst into tears, but silently walked into the kitchen and began a silent "self-redemption". What kind of story is hidden behind this? Can his brushes continue to paint the colors of life?

Anyway, the biggest candidates

1. The dream is broken in the examination room, and the brush is not cold

Li Ming, a young man from Baoding, has had an extraordinary sensitivity and love for color since he was a child. His dream is to become an artist who can touch people's hearts with his brush and record the times. On the canvas, whether it is the magnificence of mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, or the delicacy of market life, they can be vividly reflected in his brush. Each of his works is like a confession of his affection for the world. However, the failure of the college entrance examination seemed to pull him back to reality from the clouds overnight.

In the face of this sudden blow, Li Ming did not choose to sink. The moment he walked into the kitchen and picked up the dishcloth, he was perhaps looking for a different way to "create". The sound of the water washing over the dishes is intertwined with the waves in his heart, as if telling an untold story. Ms. Wang, the gentle mother, read too much emotion from her son's back. She knew that this was not only a failure in the exam, but also a heavy blow to Li Ming's dream. But she knows better that as a mother, she must be the most solid backing for her son.

Second, mother's love is like light, illuminating the way forward

"Son, it's okay, mom believes in you." Ms. Wang's words, like a ray of warm sun in spring, gently shone into Li Ming's heart. She has no blame, no disappointment, only full of understanding and encouragement. She knew that what her son needed was not accusations, but the courage to get back on his feet. Accompanied by Ms. Wang, Li Ming began to try to get out of the shadow of failure. He no longer runs away, but bravely faces reality and looks for a new direction.

Anyway, the biggest candidates

During this time, Li Ming picked up a paintbrush less and less, but his love for art never waned. He began to wonder if there was any other way to realize his dream than passing the college entrance examination. He browsed the admissions information of various art academies, participated in online and offline art exchange activities, and tried to find his own stage. In the process, he met many like-minded friends and gained valuable experience and inspiration.

3. Rebirth in adversity, painting a new world with a brush

After some hard work and exploration, Li Ming finally found his own path. He no longer sticks to the traditional path of further education, but chooses a freer and more diverse artistic path. He began to create a series of works with the theme of "rebirth in adversity", using his brush to record his mental journey from failing the college entrance examination to rediscovering his dream. These works not only show his deep understanding and unique insights into art, but also convey a positive attitude towards life.

With the exhibition and publication of his works, Li Ming gradually made a name for himself in the art world. His story has also inspired countless young people who have also encountered setbacks on the road to pursuing their dreams. They began to believe that as long as there is a dream in their hearts, there is a road under their feet. No matter how great the difficulties and challenges are, as long as you face them bravely and make unremitting efforts, you will definitely be able to usher in your own glorious moment.

Anyway, the biggest candidates

Fourth, the starlight lives up to the passers-by

Today, Li Ming has become a high-profile young artist. His works have not only been exhibited in major art museums in China, but also traveled overseas to participate in international art exchange activities. Whenever someone asks him about the secret of his success, he always smiles and says, "It was the failure of the college entrance examination that taught me to persevere and redeem myself." It made me understand that life is like a painting, which needs to go through different colors and brushstrokes to present the most perfect effect. ”

Looking back on that difficult time in the past, Li Ming knew that it was his mother's love that illuminated his way forward like light; It is the companionship and support of his friends that makes him no longer lonely; It was his love and dedication to art that allowed him to finally get out of the predicament and usher in a new dawn. He believes that no matter how many unknowns and challenges he encounters in the future, he will be as brave as he was back then, pick up the brush and continue to paint the color of his life.

Conclusion: Starlight blooming in the face of adversity

Li Ming's story is like the brightest star in the night sky, it tells us: in the journey of life, each of us will encounter setbacks and failures, but as long as we maintain our love for life and persistence in our dreams, we will be able to find our own light. As Li Ming said: "Starlight lives up to the passers-by, and time lives up to the heart." "May we all be like Li Ming, bloom our brilliance in the face of adversity, and become the most dazzling self.