
"The Delivery Man Rides 800 Kilometers to Find a Girl" Kind-hearted Help: I'd rather be deceived than help him

author:Shuo Shuo eats melons


In the vast sea of people, there is such a "speeding guardian", he is not only a delivery boy who shuttles endlessly in the city, but also an omnipotent superhero in his daughter's heart. When the storm of fate suddenly came, this ordinary man named Li Yong, with extraordinary courage and fatherly love, wrote a legend of searching for a woman across thousands of mountains and rivers. Are you curious, how a seemingly ordinary food delivery man can pull the heartstrings of netizens across the country in the unremitting pursuit of six days and six nights? What kind of power can make him shine with hope in the abyss of despair? Let's unveil the mystery of this story together and explore the great fatherly love that transcends the ordinary.

[Chapter 1: On the eve of the storm, the cracks of ordinary life]

Li Yong, a name that is often seen in the streets and alleys of Wenzhou, rides the slightly old but shiny electric car every day, shuttling between high-rise buildings and old streets and alleys, bringing warmth and convenience to every corner of the city. His life was simple and regular, until that afternoon that changed everything. On that day, the sun was just right and the breeze was not dry, Li Yong, as usual, placed his three-year-old daughter Xiaoyue on the small seat in front of the electric car, ready to go home to enjoy the parent-child time after delivering the last order. However, just a few minutes after he turned around and entered the restaurant, a sudden nightmare quietly came - Xiao Yue was gone.

At that moment, time seemed to freeze, and Li Yong's world collapsed instantly. He searched around like crazy, leaving his anxious figure and call on every corner and street. But all he could do was cold air and sympathetic glances from passers-by. In the face of this sudden blow, Li Yong did not choose to give up, he had only one thought in his heart: no matter what, I must find my daughter!

(Editor's comment) Li Yong's story is the last nightmare that every parent wants to face. But it is this sudden test that allows us to see the most resilient and pure side of human nature. He used his actions to interpret the true meaning of "father's love is like a mountain", even if the world collapses, he must hold up a piece of heaven for his children.

"The Delivery Man Rides 800 Kilometers to Find a Girl" Kind-hearted Help: I'd rather be deceived than help him

[Chapter 2: A Thousand Miles of Pursuit, the Miracle Road Forged by Father's Love]

Without hesitation or waiting, Li Yong resolutely embarked on the road of finding a woman. He rode the electric car that carried countless memories, starting from Wenzhou, all the way north, straight to Hefei. Along the way, he experienced countless hardships and obstacles: when the electric car ran out of power, he pushed it away; When you are hungry, you nibble on a few pieces of dry food that you carry with you; When night falls, find a bridge hole or a park bench to make do with the night. But no matter how difficult it was, Li Yong never stopped. There is only one belief in his heart: as long as I am alive, I must find Xiaoyue!

Along the way, Li Yong's story spread like wildfire. People were touched by his persistence and courage and reached out to help. In front of a car repair shop in Hefei, a kind boss not only repaired his electric car for free, but also generously gave him a sum of money as a travel fee. The boss's words made Li Yong burst into tears: "Brother, I am also a father, I can understand your feelings." It's not a lot of money, but I hope it can help you. ”

In this seemingly indifferent world, there are always some heart-warming moments. Li Yong's experience shows us the kindness and mutual help in human nature. And those kind-hearted people who have never met have used their actions to add a touch of color to this world.

"The Delivery Man Rides 800 Kilometers to Find a Girl" Kind-hearted Help: I'd rather be deceived than help him

[Chapter 3: The Power of the Internet, the Transmission of Love Without Boundaries]

With the wide dissemination of Li Yong's deeds of finding a woman, the power of the Internet has been infinitely amplified. Weibo, WeChat, Douyin and other major social platforms have forwarded his story, and countless netizens have been moved by this deep father's love and have left messages of encouragement and support. Some people provided clues, some people donated money and materials, and some people spontaneously organized a volunteer team to find Xiaoyue. This love that transcends regions, ages, and occupations has converged into an unstoppable force.

In this process, Li Yong also received love and help from all directions. Some netizens made a missing person poster for him, and some analyzed the surveillance video through technical means to find clues. There is also an enthusiastic painter who was deeply touched by Li Yong's story and specially created a portrait of him and Xiaoyue, hoping to help them reunite as soon as possible.

The power of the web is endless, and it allows us to see the best in human nature. In this era of information explosion, every tiny voice has the potential to become a clarion call to change fate. And Li Yong's story is such a typical example. It convinces us that nothing is impossible as long as there is love in our hearts.

"The Delivery Man Rides 800 Kilometers to Find a Girl" Kind-hearted Help: I'd rather be deceived than help him

[Chapter 4: The Light of Hope, the Faith That Never Goes Out]

Despite numerous disappointments and blows, Li Yong never gave up hope. He firmly believes that as long as he doesn't give up, he will be able to find Xiaoyue one day. This firm belief not only supported him through the long road of finding a woman, but also infected the hearts of countless people. People began to believe in miracles and that love could overcome all obstacles.

As time passed, Li Yong's story gradually faded out of public view. But that deep fatherly love and unremitting spirit of pursuit have always remained in people's hearts. Whenever there is a dead of night, there are always people who think of the figure who walked forward in the wind and rain and the family that has not yet been reunited. They prayed silently: May Li Yong find Xiaoyue as soon as possible, and may every separated family be reunited.

Although Li Yong's story has come to an end, the reflections it leaves us are far from over. In this uncertain world, we may not be able to predict what the future holds. But we can choose how to face difficulties and challenges. Just like Li Yong, he pursues the light and hope in his heart with firm faith and unremitting efforts. Because only in this way can we stand tall in the wind and rain and bloom the brilliance of life in the midst of difficulties.

"The Delivery Man Rides 800 Kilometers to Find a Girl" Kind-hearted Help: I'd rather be deceived than help him

[Conclusion: The power of love makes the world a better place]

Although Li Yong's journey to find a woman is full of hardships and tears, it also allows us to see the best side of human nature - love. This love is not only reflected in the selfless dedication of parents to their children, but also in the mutual help and love between strangers. It is like a warm spring breeze, blowing away the haze and coldness of the world; It is like a bright beacon that illuminates the way forward for people.

Let's remember Li Yong's story! Let it be an eternal beacon and source of power in our hearts. No matter how great the difficulties and challenges we encounter in the future, please believe that as long as we have love, faith and courage to pursue and struggle, we will be able to create our own miracles and brilliance!

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