
"The Hundred Flowers Award 'water' becomes a sea, and the golden rooster is powerless to return to the sky? Netizen: This film festival is too 'southern'

author:Hobbies and entertainment

First of all, it needs to be clear that the Hundred Flowers Award, as an important award in the Chinese film industry, has a certain value and significance. It represents the audience's recognition and love for the film, and it is also an affirmation of the filmmaker's hard work. Therefore, it is inappropriate to suggest that the Hundred Flowers Award should be banned.


Now, let's break down and expand the events in the title:

Event 1: The Hundred Flowers Award is proposed to be banned

"The Hundred Flowers Award 'water' becomes a sea, and the golden rooster is powerless to return to the sky? Netizen: This film festival is too 'southern'

Extended Description:

Recently, there have been many calls for the cancellation of the Hundred Flowers Award. Some netizens said on social media, "This award is worthless, I suggest canceling it directly!" However, there are also many who oppose it. A veteran fan left a message: "Although the Hundred Flowers Award is sometimes questioned, it is a part of the history of Chinese cinema after all, carrying many people's memories and feelings. On the other hand, some netizens joked: "If the Hundred Flowers Award is canceled, wouldn't the annual award ceremony be a lot less fun?" ”

"The Hundred Flowers Award 'water' becomes a sea, and the golden rooster is powerless to return to the sky? Netizen: This film festival is too 'southern'

Event 2: The Hundred Flowers Award has a lot of water

Extended Description:

"The Hundred Flowers Award 'water' becomes a sea, and the golden rooster is powerless to return to the sky? Netizen: This film festival is too 'southern'

There have been constant doubts about the "water content" of the Hundred Flowers Award. Some netizens jokingly said: "Every award is like a large-scale fan meeting, and really powerful actors can't win awards." However, there are also opinions that there is a subjective selection of any award, and the Hundred Flowers Award, as an award voted by the audience, can better reflect the preferences of the public. One netizen humorously commented: "Maybe this is the power of 'democracy'!" ”

"The Hundred Flowers Award 'water' becomes a sea, and the golden rooster is powerless to return to the sky? Netizen: This film festival is too 'southern'

Event 3: Andy Lau is incompatible with the Hundred Flowers Award

Extended Description:

"The Hundred Flowers Award 'water' becomes a sea, and the golden rooster is powerless to return to the sky? Netizen: This film festival is too 'southern'

Andy Lau, as a superstar in the Chinese film industry, has been nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award many times, but he always misses the trophy. This made some fans feel dissatisfied, believing that Andy Lau's strength is fully worthy of the award. In this regard, some netizens ridiculed: "It seems that the Hundred Flowers Award is really 'extraordinary' to pick people!" But there are also voices that Andy Lau himself may not care too much about these honors, and he values the recognition of the works and the audience more.

Event 4: The Ney movie is over

"The Hundred Flowers Award 'water' becomes a sea, and the golden rooster is powerless to return to the sky? Netizen: This film festival is too 'southern'

Extended Description:

The statement "the movie is over" is obviously an exaggerated expression. In fact, China's film industry has been growing and developing, not only with the output increasing year by year, but also with the steady improvement in quality. Netizens have seen the progress of domestic films, and everyone is looking forward to more excellent domestic films to the world stage.

To sum up, the Hundred Flowers Award, as an important award in the Chinese film industry, although there may be problems of one kind or another, it is a part of the history of Chinese cinema and carries the memories and feelings of many people. At the same time, China's film industry is also constantly improving and developing, and we have reason to believe that the future will be better.

"The Hundred Flowers Award 'water' becomes a sea, and the golden rooster is powerless to return to the sky? Netizen: This film festival is too 'southern'

Controversial Summary:

Should the Hundred Flowers Award continue to exist? Reform or cancellation? These questions may be inconclusive. But in any case, we cannot deny the important position of the Hundred Flowers Award in the history of Chinese cinema. At the same time, we should also see the progress and development of China's film industry, and encourage more excellent works and actors to emerge. Of course, the above is just a personal opinion! You can talk freely in the comment section and discuss this topic together.

"The Hundred Flowers Award 'water' becomes a sea, and the golden rooster is powerless to return to the sky? Netizen: This film festival is too 'southern'

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