
Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out", she didn't dare to say anything, the phoenix that landed was not as good as a chicken

author:CSR Kanyu


In this star-studded entertainment industry, there is such a goddess, her name is like a spring breeze blowing in her ears - Angelababy, who has been the focus of countless magnesium lights, and every red carpet appearance can set off waves in the fashion industry.

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out", she didn't dare to say anything, the phoenix that landed was not as good as a chicken

But have you ever thought that such a shining star would one day "capsize" in the live broadcast rivers and lakes and dance with Simba, the big man in the Internet celebrity world, but was almost caught off guard by the "waves"? Let's listen to me in detail, the twists and turns and turmoil behind this, as well as the small details that make people can't help but eat melons.

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out", she didn't dare to say anything, the phoenix that landed was not as good as a chicken

Angelababy's glorious journey to stardom

When it comes to Angelababy, it was a clear stream in the entertainment industry back then, a model of coexistence of appearance and traffic.

From the female man who dares to fight hard in "Run, Brother", to the beautiful Oiran in "Di Renjie's Divine Dragon King", every frame is heartwarming.

Her smile is like a warm spring sun, melting the hearts of countless fans.

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out", she didn't dare to say anything, the phoenix that landed was not as good as a chicken

Speaking of which, at that time, Baby was the favorite of major brands, from luxury brands to daily necessities, as long as she nodded her head, the advertising effect spread like a virus.

On social media, every news of her can set off a thousand waves, and the number of fans easily exceeds 100 million, which makes people have to sigh: "This is the power of the top stream!" ”

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out", she didn't dare to say anything, the phoenix that landed was not as good as a chicken

The wind and clouds suddenly change, and the stars are dim?

However, the weather vane of the entertainment industry changes when it is said, and overnight, Baby seems to have fallen from the clouds to the dust.

After a certain turmoil, she faced unprecedented challenges, the door of internal entertainment seemed to be closed to her overnight, endorsements were gone, there were fewer new dramas, and even the excitement on Weibo gradually quieted down.

Although he can regain his smile on the stage of Hong Kong after the lockdown is lifted, the glory of the past seems to be only found in memories.

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out", she didn't dare to say anything, the phoenix that landed was not as good as a chicken

In contrast, the kind of transformation from the spotlight to the slight loneliness makes people sigh: "The entertainment industry, it's really more exciting than riding a roller coaster!" ”

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out", she didn't dare to say anything, the phoenix that landed was not as good as a chicken

Cross-border live broadcast, an embarrassing scene

In order to find a new breakthrough, Baby took a bold step - walked into the live broadcast room of Internet celebrity Simba.

This is a seemingly win-win cooperation, Baby wants to use the east wind of live broadcast to expand his career territory, and Simba hopes to attract more eyeballs through star effect.

During the live broadcast, Baby maintained his signature sweet smile throughout the whole process, actively interacting, and the sentence "Mr. Xin" shouted loudly, as if everything was developing in a better direction.

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out", she didn't dare to say anything, the phoenix that landed was not as good as a chicken

But just when the audience thought they were going to be happy, Simba's sentence of "roll" was like a thunderbolt from the sky, instantly freezing the atmosphere.

Baby's embarrassed but polite smile is like saying, "The baby is bitter, but the baby doesn't say it." ”

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out", she didn't dare to say anything, the phoenix that landed was not as good as a chicken

Fourth, public opinion fryers, netizens express their opinions

This scene quickly exploded on the Internet.

Some people feel sorry for Baby and feel that she is too wronged; Some people accuse Simba of being rude, and the Internet celebrity circle should also talk about the Basic Law; Some people ridiculed Baby for fighting hard for exposure, and lowered his price to enter the live broadcast room.

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out", she didn't dare to say anything, the phoenix that landed was not as good as a chicken

On social media, related topics are like wildfires, the number of reads soars into the sky, and various voices are intertwined, making this live broadcast event a hot topic of discussion among the people.

This "good show" has undoubtedly added new material to the entertainment industry.

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out", she didn't dare to say anything, the phoenix that landed was not as good as a chicken

5. What is the boundary between celebrities and Internet celebrities?

This time the turmoil is really like throwing a pebble in the entertainment industry, and the ripples are swinging in circles, which makes people wonder: celebrities and Internet celebrities, is the '38 line' between them more blurry than Douyin's beauty filter? In today's world of WeChat and Weibo, can you tell who is who?

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out", she didn't dare to say anything, the phoenix that landed was not as good as a chicken

Maybe yesterday he was still shouting in the live broadcast room, "Family, buy it!" The Internet celebrity wore a haute couture dress on the red carpet of the film festival today; And those star-studded big stars, when they turn their heads, may chat with you in the live broadcast room, recommend their own good goods, and say with a smile, "Dear friends, this is really worth it!" ”

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out", she didn't dare to say anything, the phoenix that landed was not as good as a chicken

In the final analysis, whether it is the bright star or the rise of Internet celebrities, the director behind it is those two words - "interests".

No, celebrities go live to the sea, probably because they have taken a fancy to the dividends of the fan economy; Internet celebrities jumped on the big screen, perhaps for the gorgeous turn from the small screen to the big screen.

Does this back-and-forth crossover inject fresh vitality into the entertainment industry and make the whole circle vibrant, or does it indicate that a big brawl is about to be staged, making people sweat?

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out", she didn't dare to say anything, the phoenix that landed was not as good as a chicken

Anyway, the pool of water in the entertainment industry is getting deeper and more unfathomable.

Just like the old well in our people's homes, it looks calm on the surface, but there is an undercurrent underneath, and I don't know how many unknown secrets and stories are hidden.

We, the people who eat melons, can only gnaw on watermelons while staring at them to see how this good show will be sung.

After all, in this era of national entertainment, who can say clearly, in the next second, will he also become the "star" or "Internet celebrity" in the eyes of others?

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out", she didn't dare to say anything, the phoenix that landed was not as good as a chicken

What is the future of Baby?

For our Baby, the small "bumps" in this live broadcast are like small stones accidentally kicked on a country road. No, this is just an opportunity for her to look back on the past like flipping a book, and then plan for the future.

Do you continue to be a master of fishing laughter and interaction in the ocean of live broadcasts, or pack your bags, return to the film and television rivers and lakes where the spotlight flashes non-stop, and use one work after another to say to everyone: "Hey, watch me!" ”?

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out", she didn't dare to say anything, the phoenix that landed was not as good as a chicken

We are all looking forward to it, Baby can be like the little grass baby who was blown down by the wind and got up on its own, with a spirit of not admitting defeat.

No matter what day she appears on the big screen, the applause of the audience can tear down the roof of the movie theater; is still in a variety show, and it becomes a pistachio for the audience in the blink of an eye, which makes people laugh so much that their stomachs hurt.

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out", she didn't dare to say anything, the phoenix that landed was not as good as a chicken

As long as the flame of love for performance in my heart is not extinguished, and I move forward step by step in a down-to-earth manner, the light of Baby, sooner or later, can be like the brightest star in the summer night, swishing to light up our night sky.

Think about it, life is like a live broadcast, it can't always be smooth sailing, occasionally a little situation, but it can help us learn how to be more natural in front of the camera and stronger in life.

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out", she didn't dare to say anything, the phoenix that landed was not as good as a chicken

So, let's rub our hands together and wait for Baby's new chapter with great anticipation, whether she chooses to continue her "joker" career in the live broadcast room, or decides to sweat again in the film and television industry, as long as she is still the baby who loves acting and does not forget her original intention, our applause and cheers will always be ready for her!

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out", she didn't dare to say anything, the phoenix that landed was not as good as a chicken


The story of the entertainment industry is like a big drama that never ends, and a different plot is being staged every day.

This "encounter" between Angelababy and Simba is just one of the small waves.

In this era of rapid change, both celebrities and influencers need to constantly adapt to new challenges and find ways to realize their self-worth.

And for those of us who eat melons, we might as well have more understanding and tolerance, after all, whose life is not moving forward in ups and downs? As for Baby, we might as well give her a little time and space and wait for her to bloom again, because everyone who works hard deserves to be treated gently.