
From managers to service providers, regulators should focus on retail investors!

author:Ghost Road Finance

If investing in equities can be seen as a form of consumer behavior, then perhaps we should think differently about the regulatory framework of China's securities market. Why not change the serious official name of "China Securities Regulatory Commission" to "China Securities Consumer Regulatory Commission"? Such a change not only puts investors' consumption behavior in a more prominent position, but also emphasizes the importance of investor protection.

From managers to service providers, regulators should focus on retail investors!

Further, what would it be like if the names of the three major stock exchanges were adjusted to conform to the times? Naming the "Shanghai Stock Exchange", "Shenzhen Stock Exchange" and the newly established "Beijing Stock Exchange" as "Shanghai Securities Consumption Center", "Shenzhen Securities Consumption Center" and "Beijing Securities Consumption Center" may more intuitively reflect the essence of the stock market as a financial consumption.

The deeper meaning behind such a name change is to further highlight and respect the rights and interests of investors. The securities market is an important part of the modern economic system, and it touches the hearts of countless investors. The naming of the regulator as the "Securities Consumption Supervision Commission" and the transformation of the three major exchanges into "securities consumption centers" have undoubtedly narrowed the distance between investors and the market at the psychological level, highlighting the main position of investors as consumers.

We know that stock investment is not only a means of wealth appreciation, but also a manifestation of the improvement of people's quality of life in modern society. Every transaction in the stock market should be regarded as a consumer behavior. Therefore, providing them with a safer, fairer, and more transparent consumption environment is the primary task of the development of the securities market.

From managers to service providers, regulators should focus on retail investors!

The change in the name of the regulator as a first step in promoting market reform and development may lead to a series of far-reaching changes. The role of regulators will shift from being mere industry managers to service providers that are more focused on protecting consumer rights. This is not just a name change, but also a change in regulatory philosophy.

Immediately after that, the focus of the regulators will shift. Paying more attention to investor protection, especially the protection of the rights and interests of small and medium-sized investors, will become the top priority of regulatory work. Through strict investigation and punishment of market violations, as well as vigorous promotion of investor education, the Securities Consumer Supervision Commission will strive to create a fair and transparent market environment.

The renaming of the three major securities consumption centers will also bring about a comprehensive upgrade of market functions and services. The exchange is no longer just a place for stock trading, but also a consumer center that provides comprehensive financial services. Here, investors can access a range of professional services, from investment advisory, risk assessment to wealth management.

From managers to service providers, regulators should focus on retail investors!

The establishment of the Securities Consumption Center will also promote fintech innovation. On such a platform that integrates information, technology, capital and talents, new financial products and services will continue to emerge to meet the diversified consumption needs of investors.

Of course, these changes didn't happen overnight. They require the joint efforts of regulators, market participants, and even every investor. In the future, we look forward to the "China Securities Consumption Regulatory Commission" and the "Securities Consumption Center" to truly become places that investors trust and rely on, so that the consumer behavior of stock investment will become better and more reliable.

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