
It's all scammers, from institutional investors to major shareholders, all of them are harvesting retail investors!

author:Ghost Road Finance

In this capital market, which is full of temptations and pitfalls, retail investors are undoubtedly the most vulnerable. From institutions to floating capital, to major shareholders, they are like hunters, always coveting the hard-earned money in the hands of retail investors. And those seemingly beautiful policies are just tools they use to lure retail investors, allowing them to easily harvest batches of prey in the hunting ground of the stock market.

It's all scammers, from institutional investors to major shareholders, all of them are harvesting retail investors!

Institutions, an important participant in the capital market, are supposed to shoulder the responsibility of stabilizing the market, but there are many institutions that use the resources in their hands to deliberately create good news and induce retail investors to enter the market. They colluded with the IPO issuer to pull up the stock price by taking advantage of the favorable situation, and then the major shareholders smashed the market through securities borrowing and lending, and shorted the market. In this process, retail investors have become the biggest victims, blindly following the herd, only to find themselves in the trap of institutions.

Speculators in the capital market, they are like cheetahs in the stock market, good at catching prey. They take advantage of retail investors' superstition about the Japanese K-technical line to deliberately raise the stock price and induce retail investors to follow suit. When retail investors rushed in, they quietly withdrew, smashing the stock price down. Retail investors have once again become victims in this game.

Major shareholders, the actual controllers of the company's decision-making, should be responsible for the development of the company, but there are many major shareholders, with the help of their power, deliberately create negative news, smash the short, so as to seek personal interests. In this process, retail investors have become the "fat" in their eyes, and they have been cut one stubble after another.

It's all scammers, from institutional investors to major shareholders, all of them are harvesting retail investors!

Why is the mainland's stock market always up and down, making retail investors exhausted? The reason lies in what these scammers do. They take advantage of favorable policies to induce retail investors to enter the market, and then increase IPO issuance, putting the stock market under more pressure. They ignore the healthy development of the stock market and only look out for their own interests, which puts retail investors under tremendous pressure.

Let's take a look at the beautiful country. Despite their interest rate hikes, the stock market has risen firmly. Why? Because their capital markets are more mature, institutional and individual investors are more rational. In our country, retail investors occupy the majority of the stock market share, they lack professional knowledge and rational judgment, and are easily manipulated by institutions and funds.

In this capital market full of pitfalls, retail investors need to be vigilant. Don't be under the illusion that those institutions and travel capitalists will work for you, they are just treating you as a financial consumer, ready to harvest your hard-earned money. If you want to survive in the stock market, you can only avoid becoming a "meal on the plate" of others by improving your quality and learning to invest rationally.

It's all scammers, from institutional investors to major shareholders, all of them are harvesting retail investors!

The scammers in the mainland stock market, from institutions to floating capital, to major shareholders, have woven one trap after another, waiting for retail investors to walk in step by step. If you want to get out of this predicament, you can only gain a foothold in the capital market by improving your investment level. And this is exactly what each of us retail investors needs to work hard to do.