
The man gave his wife 9,000 a month, but he didn't save a dime for more than five years, and he drove his wife out of the house in a fit of anger

author:Free artboard LrGa8

A man in Hunan has been working outside for more than five years, with a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan, and in addition to his only remaining 1,000 yuan of living expenses, the remaining 9,000 yuan is sent home to his wife. However, five years later, when he returned home and planned to discuss a small business with his wife, he found that his wife had not saved a dime. He was so shocked by the news that he threw his wife out of the house in a fit of rage.

The man and his wife met on a blind date, and the two did not have much emotional foundation. After marriage, the wife stays at home to take care of the children, while the man works outside the home. Every month, the man sends home most of his salary, hoping that his wife will take care of the family expenses and save for the future. However, the reality is not what he wanted.

The man gave his wife 9,000 a month, but he didn't save a dime for more than five years, and he drove his wife out of the house in a fit of anger

The 9,000 yuan that the man sends home every month can save three or four thousand yuan a month even if half of his living expenses are deducted. In five years, there should be at least 100,000 yuan in savings. However, when the man hopefully asked his wife about her savings, he received a disappointing answer - the family had not saved a dime, and it was all spent on daily expenses.

The wife said that the money was spent on the children, and she was usually very frugal, and she didn't even participate in her girlfriends' outings. However, the man could not understand how so much money was spent. He believes that the wife has serious problems in financial management and does not think about the future of the family, which has led to the aggravation of conflicts between the two.

The man gave his wife 9,000 a month, but he didn't save a dime for more than five years, and he drove his wife out of the house in a fit of anger

The man has been working outside the home for a long time, and he has always wanted to end the life of separation as soon as possible. He hopes that through his own efforts, he and his wife can run this small family well. However, his wife's behavior made him feel disappointed and helpless. Neighbors saw this scene, recorded it with their mobile phones and uploaded it to the Internet, which instantly sparked heated discussions among netizens.

Netizens expressed their opinions, and most of them thought that the man was not wrong. For an ordinary family, the monthly living expenses of 9,000 yuan are too high. A man only spends 1,000 yuan a month when he is away from home, and his wife should also learn to arrange expenses reasonably when he is at home with the children. It is generally accepted that even in the case of high expenses, you should save two to three thousand yuan a month for emergencies.

The man gave his wife 9,000 a month, but he didn't save a dime for more than five years, and he drove his wife out of the house in a fit of anger

In fact, this problem of financial management exists in many families. Husbands and wives should understand each other and work together to plan for the future of the family. If one party earns money hard, and the other party does not know how to save and accumulate, it is difficult for such a family to have a sense of security and stability. Especially when accidents happen, families with no savings can easily get into trouble and have to bow their heads and borrow money to get by.

The man's experience also provoked reflection on the relationship between husband and wife and family responsibilities. Marriage is not only a union of feelings, but also a sharing of responsibilities and mutual support. The man works hard outside the home and gives most of his income to his wife, demonstrating his love and responsibility for his family. However, the wife's lack of financial management skills and failure to accumulate wealth for the family is not only a disappointment to the husband's hard work, but also a threat to the future security of the entire family.

The man gave his wife 9,000 a month, but he didn't save a dime for more than five years, and he drove his wife out of the house in a fit of anger

Reasonable financial planning and management is an issue that every family needs to pay attention to. No matter how much you earn, you should learn to live within your means, save appropriately, and prepare for the future. Only when husband and wife work together and understand each other can they reduce conflicts in life and increase the happiness and security of the family.

The man's story is a reminder to value financial management and planning in our lives. Whether it's the family's expenses or savings, you need to have a reasonable plan. Couples should discuss and set family financial goals together and work together to achieve them.

The man gave his wife 9,000 a month, but he didn't save a dime for more than five years, and he drove his wife out of the house in a fit of anger

The comments of neighbors and netizens also reflect the society's concern about family financial management. It is generally believed that the stability and happiness of the family requires not only financial support, but also the understanding and joint efforts of both husband and wife. Through this story, we can see that financial management not only affects the financial status of the family, but also has a profound impact on the relationship between the couple and the happiness of the family.

In the end, this story teaches us that the happiness of a family requires the joint efforts and understanding of both parties. The man works hard outside the home, and the wife takes care of the children at home, all for the sake of a better life for the family. However, without proper financial planning and management, these efforts can become futile. I hope that through this story, more families can pay attention to financial management and accumulate more security and security for their future.