
Shunyu's real relationship: too much has been ignored by historical records, no wonder Dayu "crossed the door and did not dare to enter"

author:Brave Grapefruit 0


The story of Shun and Yu has been passed down through the ages, but little is known about the power struggle in it. During Shun's reign, there were "four sinners" in the world: Gonggong, Donkey, Sanmiao and Kun.

Shunyu's real relationship: too much has been ignored by historical records, no wonder Dayu "crossed the door and did not dare to enter"

Among them, Kun is Dayu's father. Shun exiled the other sinners, but only Kun was put to death. What is the secret behind this move?

The Shunyu Controversy: The Intrigue and Strategy Behind the Power Struggle


When Shun was regent, the world was not peaceful. Known as the "Four Great Sinners", the existence of Gonggong, Ludou, Sanmiao, and Kun posed a threat to Shun's rule. So Shun took tough measures.

Shunyu's real relationship: too much has been ignored by historical records, no wonder Dayu "crossed the door and did not dare to enter"

Gonggong was exiled to Youzhou, Ludou was banished to Chongshan, Sanmiao was migrated to Sanwei, and only Kun was executed in Yushan. This may seem like a simple decision, but there are deep political considerations behind it.

Kun is Dayu's father, and he was once given the important task of controlling the water, but he was in vain for nine years and was finally executed by Shun. Why did Shun treat Kun like this? Is it just because of the failure of water control? This question has been haunting future generations.

Power struggles

Why did Shun choose to execute Kun? This is a key question. It is useless to control the water, but there is hard work. Why is Shun so ruthless? In fact, behind this is Shun's deep fear of power.

The failure of Kun not only means the failure of water control, but also means Shun's distrust of the Kun tribe. Kun's presence threatens Shun's rule, and Shun chooses to eliminate this threat by the most brutal means.

Shunyu's real relationship: too much has been ignored by historical records, no wonder Dayu "crossed the door and did not dare to enter"

Imagine a conversation between Shun and Kun. Shun may say coldly: "Kun, you have no success in curing the water, the world suffers, and the sin is unforgivable." ”

Kun retorted angrily: "Shun, I do my best, but you are so ruthless!" Behind this dialogue is a struggle for power, and it is Shun's reckoning with the Kun clan.

The role of Boyi

Boyi, this name is particularly important in the Shunyu dispute. Boyi's original name was "Da Fei", and because of his outstanding merits, he was given the name "Boyi" by Shun.

Shun attaches great importance to Boyi, not only because of his talent, but also because of political needs. Bo Yi was appointed as a Yu official and was responsible for managing the mountains, rivers and forests, a position that meant that he had a lot of resources at his disposal.

Shun also married his daughter to Boyi, and the purpose of such a political marriage is obvious. Shun hopes to divide Dayu's forces by reusing Boyi.

Shunyu's real relationship: too much has been ignored by historical records, no wonder Dayu "crossed the door and did not dare to enter"

Boyi played a key role in the struggle between Shun and Dayu. His reuse is not only a check and balance for Dayu, but also an arrangement for the future power structure.

Political strategy

Shun recommended Dayu as his successor in his later years, which seems to be in line with public opinion, but it is actually the result of careful consideration. Shun knows that he will grow old one day, and Dayu's power cannot be ignored.

Instead of letting Dayu seize power after his death, it is better to take the initiative to give way in exchange for a smooth transfer of power.

When Shun recommended Dayu as his successor, he may have a thousand words in his heart. He said to Dayu: "There is merit in controlling the water, and the world is in the heart." I recommend you to heaven, and I hope you will live up to expectations. ”

Dayu knew the deep meaning and replied: "I will live up to your trust." This dialogue is not only a transfer of power, but also a contest of scheming.

Shunyu's real relationship: too much has been ignored by historical records, no wonder Dayu "crossed the door and did not dare to enter"

The relationship between Shun and Yu is not a superficial harmony. Every move of Shun has its far-reaching considerations. Every action of Dayu is also dealing with Shun's layout. The struggle between the two is far more complicated than recorded in the history books.

Dayu controls the water: the real reason why he doesn't dare to enter the house

The story of Dayu's water control is well-known, especially the plot of his "crossing the house and not daring to enter", which is even more touching. But what kind of truth is hidden behind this?

There are two explanations in the history books, one says that he was dedicated to managing the water and did not dare to delay time, and the other says that he had fears and political considerations in his heart. Which explanation is closer to the truth?

Historical records

According to ancient records, Dayu was ordered by Shun to control the water, and it took a full thirteen years. On the way to control the water, he passed by the door of his house three times, but he did not enter.

According to historical records, during the period of Dayu's flood control, he slept in the open air, and personally led the people to dredge the river and build embankments. His professionalism has touched the people of the world.

Imagine that scene: on a stormy night, Dayu led a group of hard-working people to pass by his door.

Shunyu's real relationship: too much has been ignored by historical records, no wonder Dayu "crossed the door and did not dare to enter"

The lights in the house are faintly visible, but you can only look at them from afar. He had mixed feelings, but he resolutely continued to move forward. He said to himself: "Although the home is here, the water control is important, and there is no delay." ”

The first explanation: dedication to water management

Dayu's first explanation was his dedication to his work. Water control is a major matter, and it is related to the life and death of the people. Dayu is well aware of the arduousness of this task, so he does not dare to slack off.

He believes that only by devoting oneself to water control can we complete the task as soon as possible and save the people from fire and water.

This kind of professionalism is reminiscent of many famous people in ancient times. Confucius once said, "Those who know are not as good as those who are good, and those who are good are not as good as those who are happy." ”

It is in this spirit that Dayu devotes himself to the cause of water control. His attitude is not only a love for work, but also a sense of responsibility and mission.

The second explanation: fear and political considerations

But another explanation suggests that Dayu has fears and political considerations in mind. Kun is Dayu's father, who was executed by Shun for failing to control the water. This is a huge psychological pressure and shadow for Dayu.

Dayu knew in his heart that if he failed to control the water, he might also follow in his father's footsteps. This fear made him dare not relax for a moment.

Shunyu's real relationship: too much has been ignored by historical records, no wonder Dayu "crossed the door and did not dare to enter"

Dayu's psychological state can be seen from his words and deeds. Once, Dayu said to his assistant: "The matter of water control is related to the people of the world, I can't slack off, otherwise, my father's fate is a lesson for me." ”

When the assistants heard this, they were all moved, and they expressed their willingness to follow Dayu and work together to complete the great cause of water control.

The real reason: Dayu's inner world

Combined with the above two explanations, it can be seen that Dayu crossed the door and did not dare to enter, not only for the professionalism of the work, but also for the fear of his father's fate and political considerations.

Dayu's inner world is complex, he has to face not only natural threats, but also political pressure and psychological fear.

Dayu's story is a story about responsibility, mission and fear. His professionalism deserves our admiration. And his inner fears and political considerations also let us see a real and humane Dayu.

Shunyu relationship: political marriage and power differentiation

The relationship between Shun and Yu is not as simple and harmonious as it seems. There are many political considerations and strategies involved. Boyi played a key role in this.

Shunyu's real relationship: too much has been ignored by historical records, no wonder Dayu "crossed the door and did not dare to enter"

Shun married his daughter to Boyi, and there are deep-seated reasons behind this. Boyi was awarded the post of Yu Guan, which is not only a trust in him, but also a clever move for Shun to divide the forces of Dayu.

The political marriage of Boyi

Shun's marriage of his daughter to Boyi is not a simple family affair, but an important political marriage. Boyi played a role as a bridge between Shun and Yu. Through this marriage, Shun stabilized his relationship with Boyi, and at the same time inserted a nail in Dayu's sphere of influence.

Once, Shun said to Boyi: "Boyi, you have both talent and virtue, I will marry my daughter to you, I hope you can assist Dayu and govern the world well." Bo Yi knew the meaning of this, and he replied, "Don't worry, my lord, I will live up to my trust." This conversation seems simple, but in fact it is a mystery.

The relationship between Boyi and Shun is not only the relationship between the son-in-law, but also the relationship between the monarch and the minister. Shun hopes that through this marriage, he will consolidate his rule and prevent the Dayu family from becoming dominant. Shun's move can be described as killing two birds with one stone, which not only won over Boyi, but also restrained Dayu.

The heavy responsibility of the Yu official

Bo Yi was given the post of Yu Guan, a very important position. Yu Guan is responsible for managing mountains, rivers and forests and has a lot of resources. Shun handed over this position to Boyi, which is not only a trust in him, but also a check and balance to Dayu.

Shunyu's real relationship: too much has been ignored by historical records, no wonder Dayu "crossed the door and did not dare to enter"

Bo Yi performed very well during his tenure as a Yu official. He not only managed natural resources well, but also gave Dayu a lot of help in water control.

Once, Dayu encountered a big mountain in the process of controlling the water and could not bypass it. Boyi took the people and horses and quickly arrived to help Dayu open the mountain and split the rocks and solve the problem.

Dayu said to Boyi gratefully: "Brother, thanks to you, otherwise this time it would be really difficult." Boyi replied with a smile: "Brother Dayu, we will work together to cure this flood." This dialogue reflects the tacit understanding and cooperation between the two.

Political polarization

Shun succeeded in dividing Dayu's forces by reusing Boyi. This move shows Shun's clever political skills. He knew that it was difficult to stabilize the world for a long time on his own, so he needed to rely on the power of Boyi.

Shun said to the strategists around him: "Boyi is loyal, reliable, and talented, and I reuse him in order to divide Dayu's power and prevent one from becoming dominant." The strategist nodded yes, agreeing.

Shunyu's real relationship: too much has been ignored by historical records, no wonder Dayu "crossed the door and did not dare to enter"

The existence of Boyi has given Dayu a reliable assistant in the process of controlling the water, and at the same time, it has also given Shun a means to balance Dayu politically. Shun's strategy not only stabilized his rule, but also ensured the country's long-term peace and stability.

Shun Yu alternates: the truth of the hundred-year-old emperor and the backstab of Boyi

The mystery of Shun's southern tour

Shun decided to tour the south when he was 100 years old, which is a mystery. Shun lived to be 100 years old, which is already a myth in people's hearts. But just when everyone thought that he would enjoy his old age in peace, Shun decided to tour south. Many people are speculating, what is he doing here?

Some say that Shun wants to find a place in the south to live in seclusion and spend his old age in peace. Some people also say that Shun is to inspect the governance of the south and prepare for Dayu's accession to the throne.

Others believe that Shun is evading the palace struggle. What is the truth?

Once, Shun said to the strategists around him: "The old man's southern tour this time is not only to see the people in the south, but also to give Dayu a chance to exercise hard and take over the world." "This sounds like Shun has good intentions.

Shun toured all the way to the south, slept in the open air, and learned about the situation in the south firsthand.

Shunyu's real relationship: too much has been ignored by historical records, no wonder Dayu "crossed the door and did not dare to enter"

He saw the hardships of the people in the south, so he ordered tax reductions and the construction of water conservancy projects. The people were grateful and praised Shun's benevolence. Shun's southern tour not only stabilized the south, but also paved the way for Dayu's smooth succession.

The role of Boyi

In the process of Shun Yu alternate, Boyi's position is very special. He is not only Shun's son-in-law, but also Dayu's assistant. Boyi plays a very key role in this. During Shun's southern tour, Boyi stayed in the Central Plains to assist Dayu in governing the country.

Once, Dayu said to Boyi: "Emperor Shun is on his southern tour, and we must work together to govern the country well." Boyi nodded and agreed: "Brother Dayu, Emperor Shun trusts us, and we must live up to our trust." ”

Boyi was by Dayu's side, not only to assist in water control, but also to give Dayu great political support.

Boyi's performance made Dayu look at him with admiration. Dayu said to the people around him: "Boyi is loyal and reliable, and he is my good helper." Boyi said modestly: "Brother Dayu has won the award, I just do my best to help you." "Boyi's low-key and modesty have earned him a high reputation in the DPRK.

Alternation of powers

The alternation of power between Shun and Yu is a complex process. Whether Boyi was involved in political dealings or backstabbing Shun became a topic of controversy.

It is rumored that Boyi secretly reached some kind of agreement with Dayu during Shun's southern tour. There are also people who believe that Boyi has always been loyal to Shun and has never betrayed.

Shunyu's real relationship: too much has been ignored by historical records, no wonder Dayu "crossed the door and did not dare to enter"

In the later stage of Shun's southern tour, his physical condition deteriorated. Once, he said to his cronies: "Dayu is a virtuous person, I hope he can succeed me and govern the country well." "Cronies have expressed their support. At this time, Boyi actively assisted Dayu in the Central Plains and prepared for Dayu's accession.

Shun eventually died of illness during his southern tour. Dayu successfully ascended the throne and became the new son of heaven. Boyi continued to assist Dayu and help him govern the country.

Some people say that Boyi played a behind-the-scenes role in this process. There are also those who believe that Boyi simply fulfilled his duties faithfully.

The alternation of power between Shun and Yu is full of complex political games. Boyi's role in this remains a mystery to this day. Is he a loyal assistant or a backstabber? This question is worth pondering.


The alternation of power between Shun and Yu is a history full of controversy. Shun's southern tour, Boyi's role, and the mysteries in the alternation of power are all curious.

The story of Dayu's water control is far more than a simple historical event, but a legend full of humanity and wisdom.

Behind the alternation of Shun Yu, how many unknown truths are hidden?

Shunyu's real relationship: too much has been ignored by historical records, no wonder Dayu "crossed the door and did not dare to enter"

What is Boyi's real role in it? These questions deserve our continued discussion and consideration. You are welcome to like, comment and retweet and share your views and insights.
