
Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" was stabbed to death in the street! Police disclosed details: The suspect committed the assault while drunk

author:Shark Entertainment Little Er

On the evening of June 30, Songyuan Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" was stabbed to death by a bald man on the street, and his life at the age of 54 came to an end. Who would have thought that an ordinary uncle who was active in the square would suddenly suffer such a catastrophe? What's even more cruel is that the murderer turned out to be a strange drunkard!

At 7 o'clock that night, the Place de la Bedoune was bustling with activity. "Brother Baobao" Master Zhao took his plastic bag as usual and twisted his fat body on the playground to "shake the bag".

Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" was stabbed to death in the street! Police disclosed details: The suspect committed the assault while drunk

Unexpectedly, there was a bald-headed man next to him, glaring at Master Zhao, as if he was staring at some prey.

Master Zhao's heroic righteousness? Don't be crazy, he's just an honest guy who dances square all day. In the face of the drunkard's blatant contemplation, he was ignorant, so he continued to dance casually by the slanted eyes of the man.

But at the moment when Master Zhao turned around, the bald man suddenly pulled out the kitchen knife hidden behind him and stabbed Master Zhao in the back! But the murderer was still angry, and he slashed his head and beckoned down.

Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" was stabbed to death in the street! Police disclosed details: The suspect committed the assault while drunk

The camera recorded that Master Zhao was lying in a pool of blood and struggling, but the murderer straddled him and stabbed him several times in the head, chest and abdomen! Make somebody's blood boil!

This case affected the whole city and sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some people questioned why there were so many people around, but no one stepped forward to stop them?

There are also people who believe that Master Zhao could have escaped in time, but he was blocked by the murderer and had no way out.

Indeed, the expressions of the onlookers in the live video look too calm, as if this is just an early morning square sobering scene.

And Master Zhao seems to be swallowed by a nightmare, where is there time to resist and escape? The murderer completely took the initiative.

Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" was stabbed to death in the street! Police disclosed details: The suspect committed the assault while drunk

Think about it! Fortunately, the local public security organs reacted quickly and quickly controlled the 53-year-old suspect named Zai Moumou. After preliminary interrogation, Zai Moumou confessed his motive for committing the crime.

Zai Moumou was an alcoholic, and he was drunk that night, and ran to the square to breathe in a dizzy.

Seeing Master Zhao dancing, he was jealous for a while, met his eyes, and felt resentful, and actually attacked a stranger he didn't know!

Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" was stabbed to death in the street! Police disclosed details: The suspect committed the assault while drunk

According to the analysis of public security officers, Zai Moumou may be too eager to be noticed, but he is just an unknown drunk, so he has great jealousy and anger towards the "red man".

In a drunken state, reason is completely emptied, and eventually it leads to a catastrophe.

Various versions of the "inside story" soon spread on the Internet, such as Zai Moumou and Brother Jia Bao fell in love with a rich woman "Yang Erlang" at the same time, so they became jealous; Some people also said that Brother Jia Bao did something immoral in private, which angered Zai Moumou......

Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" was stabbed to death in the street! Police disclosed details: The suspect committed the assault while drunk

But no matter what the real motive is, the naked torture of an innocent person on the street is a heinous act, and now the public prosecution is further investigating the case, and I believe that the truth will soon be revealed to the world.

A life ends worthlessly just because of the whims of a drunkard.

Some people even regret that so many bystanders around them are not saved when they see death, no wonder public opinion was once deeply dissatisfied with the indifference of the locals.

Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" was stabbed to death in the street! Police disclosed details: The suspect committed the assault while drunk

In fact, in the face of unreasonable gangsters with sharp weapons, it is really difficult for ordinary civilians to stop them.

This case is more of a reminder that we should stay away from bad habits such as alcoholism, keep a rational mind at all times, respect life, and maintain peace.