
Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei's family traveled to Japan for three generations, and Zhang Lan enjoyed a happy time

author:Shark Entertainment Little Er

The warmth and happiness of the family is the most valuable wealth in life. When the family gathers together and enjoys the joy of family, the sense of happiness and tranquility will surely overflow.

On July 1, three generations of Wang Xiaofei, Zhang Lan and Ma Xiaomei's family gathered in Japan to enjoy a comfortable life.

Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei's family traveled to Japan for three generations, and Zhang Lan enjoyed a happy time

Wang Xiaofei and his wife arrived in Okinawa with their two children and Zhang Lan, ready to start a rare family journey. This unprecedented family gathering naturally made the whole family extremely excited, especially Granny Zhang Lan, who was looking forward to it.

Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei's family traveled to Japan for three generations, and Zhang Lan enjoyed a happy time
Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei's family traveled to Japan for three generations, and Zhang Lan enjoyed a happy time

Previously, Zhang Lan had mentioned countless times in the live broadcast room how she was looking forward to meeting her two grandchildren. Although she has a successful career, she lacks the comfort of family affection.

Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei's family traveled to Japan for three generations, and Zhang Lan enjoyed a happy time

And now, she not only sees her own grandchildren, but also granddaughters and daughters-in-law by her side, which makes her feel very comforted. For a while, Zhang Lan was like a small grass that got rain, and the whole person was full of unprecedented vigor and vitality.

Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei's family traveled to Japan for three generations, and Zhang Lan enjoyed a happy time

In a Japanese hotel, the family is like a well-sculpted and warm picture. There is a strong family atmosphere, and every detail reveals a strong sense of happiness.

Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei's family traveled to Japan for three generations, and Zhang Lan enjoyed a happy time

Ma Xiaomei is always concerned about her mother-in-law's diet and daily life, and as a new daughter-in-law, she is admirable and considerate. And Wang Xiaofei went against the norm, took the initiative to push the suitcase, and settled down for the whole family in the hotel.

Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei's family traveled to Japan for three generations, and Zhang Lan enjoyed a happy time

The two children were jumping and jumping around, and occasionally they would be cute to their grandmother, which made Zhang Lan laugh.

The whole family gathered in the presidential suite of the hotel to enjoy a rare parent-child time. Ma Xiaomei carefully decorated the room in order to leave good memories for the children.

Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei's family traveled to Japan for three generations, and Zhang Lan enjoyed a happy time

Not only that, but she also cooked a delicious Wagyu beef meal for everyone. What is surprising is that such a luxurious accommodation environment and delicious food did not affect Ma Xiaomei's thoughtfulness at all.

Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei's family traveled to Japan for three generations, and Zhang Lan enjoyed a happy time

She always serves her mother-in-law and two children wholeheartedly, and shows her true colors as a good wife and mother with her actions.

Facing such a harmonious family, Zhang Lan was deeply touched. She sincerely expressed her admiration for her daughter-in-law, and repeatedly thanked Ma Xiaomei for taking care of her so wholeheartedly.

Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei's family traveled to Japan for three generations, and Zhang Lan enjoyed a happy time

Witnessing Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei working together to get through that low time, Zhang Lan is very pleased to see that family of four happy now. It is precisely because of such a virtuous daughter-in-law that she can enjoy the joy of family in her old age.

Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei's family traveled to Japan for three generations, and Zhang Lan enjoyed a happy time

Looking back on the past, Zhang Lan's family life was also full of twists and turns. Now that she saw that her son had finally completely reformed and found such a good daughter-in-law, her relationship was stable and happy, she was naturally sincerely relieved and happy.

What's more, Ma Xiaomei and Zhang Lan's two grandchildren, Yue'er and Jiu'er, have already gotten along and take good care of them. This time, Yue'er affectionately called Ma Xiaomei "Sister Meimei", and the family's relationship was intimate.

Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei's family traveled to Japan for three generations, and Zhang Lan enjoyed a happy time

Every family will encounter more or less ups and downs, but as long as we cherish the present and tolerate and understand each other, we will definitely be able to get through the difficulties and finally usher in a good time when the sun is shining.

Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei's family traveled to Japan for three generations, and Zhang Lan enjoyed a happy time

At the moment, Wang Xiaofei's family is the best footnote. Under the careful care of Ma Xiaomei, Zhang Lan, an old man who is over the age of six, is also full of vitality, and her grandchildren are even more happy. It is because of having this complete and warm family that they can be so happy.

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