
Dog days are the golden period for weight loss! No diet, no exercise, last year's dog days lost 20 pounds summary

author:The one who eats the bread

Dog Day Weight Loss: In more than 20 days, I have lost 121 pounds to 101 pounds, and my waist circumference is also smaller!

Dog days are really the golden time for weight loss, don't miss it! This year's dog days schedule is as follows: the first dog days are from July 15th to July 24th, the middle dog days are from July 25th to August 13th, and the last dog days are from August 14th to August 23rd. During this time, I tried a few little tricks and the results were really good!

1. Pay attention to "food and nutrition"

Did you know? Five-finger peach, red adzuki bean, coix seed, tangerine peel are all good things to strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness and improve metabolism. If you feel troublesome, you can also look for tea bags that have been matched on the market, I was drinking Rose Moon Fruit Five-Finger Peach Tea, which felt very good. If you have heavy moisture, not only will it be difficult to lose weight, but your stomach will also bulge, so it is really important to get rid of dampness!

Dog days are the golden period for weight loss! No diet, no exercise, last year's dog days lost 20 pounds summary

2. Try "tanning your back"

8-9 a.m. and 4-5 p.m., these two times are the best time to bask in the sun. At first I bask for 10 minutes, then slowly increase to 30 minutes. When I was in the sun, I felt that the cold and moisture were all discharged, and the whole person was much more comfortable. However, remember not to blow the air conditioner immediately after the sun!

Dog days are the golden period for weight loss! No diet, no exercise, last year's dog days lost 20 pounds summary

3. Insist on soaking your feet

Insist on soaking your feet every day (except during the aunt period). For sisters with fat lower limbs, this method is really effective! Soak for 15-20 minutes each time until you sweat slightly. Remember to dry off after soaking, and try not to soak your feet while blowing on the air conditioner!

Dog days are the golden period for weight loss! No diet, no exercise, last year's dog days lost 20 pounds summary

4. Go to bed early and wake up early

I adjusted my schedule and insisted on going to bed early and waking up early. In the summer, go to bed before 11 a.m., wake up at 7 a.m., and sleep for another 40 minutes at noon. Sleeping more can really nourish your metabolism, and you feel like you can lose weight even when you lie down!

Dog days are the golden period for weight loss! No diet, no exercise, last year's dog days lost 20 pounds summary

It was by sticking to these few simple things that I was able to lose weight and not regain weight! However, everyone's situation is unique, so you can refer to my experience according to your own situation. Also, it's important to maintain a positive mindset! May we all shine this summer!

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