
Missing Paul, Thompson being signed away again, James wants to cry, and the NBA championship is getting farther and farther away

author:Qichuan Basketball Collection
Missing Paul, Thompson being signed away again, James wants to cry, and the NBA championship is getting farther and farther away

As we all know, for James, who was born in 1984, is now almost 40 years old. But both his personal status and commercial value are worth his continued play in the NBA. Next season, with his son being drafted by the Lakers, the NBA will have the feat of "father and son on the same stage" for the first time in history.

Missing Paul, Thompson being signed away again, James wants to cry, and the NBA championship is getting farther and farther away

I have to say that this is admired by everyone, as the champion of the golden generation in 2003, other greats such as Anthony, Wade, and Bosh all retired early or left the NBA league. And James, who averaged 25.7 points, 7.3 rebounds and 8.3 assists per game last season, is still a superstar although his dominance has declined in some games.

And this summer, James also made a huge sacrifice, he refused to exercise his final year worth $51.42 million player option, so that the team can sign good players. For him, if he wants to surpass Jordan and become the first person in history, the only way to lead the team to win the championship again.

Missing Paul, Thompson being signed away again, James wants to cry, and the NBA championship is getting farther and farther away

It's a pity that the Lakers' management is too inactive, and so far, they have missed one great player after another. For example, like the sharpshooter Thompson, although he is 34 years old, his strength is still at the level of a giant. But now, it was snatched away by this year's runner-up Mavericks. Moreover, the contract is only 50 million US dollars for 3 years, which can be said to be the price of cabbage.

Of course, like other superstars such as George, Harden, and Paul, the Lakers also missed out one by one. Especially like Paul, a point guard at an all-time level, who was signed by the Spurs with just an $11 million contract.

Missing Paul, Thompson being signed away again, James wants to cry, and the NBA championship is getting farther and farther away

Seeing such inaction on the Lakers management, the most uncomfortable thing is undoubtedly James. Although the Lakers selected his son and gave him face, for James, it is obvious that the Lakers still need to find him a more powerful helper. Facts have proven that in the fiercely competitive West, relying on him and Davis alone to compete for the championship is tantamount to a dream.

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