
Revealing the secret of spleen deficiency and obesity: From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, there are traces of your "fatness"!

author:Rabbit Princess Nutrition
Revealing the secret of spleen deficiency and obesity: From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, there are traces of your "fatness"!

In the fast-paced life of modern cities, obesity has become a lingering concern for many people. However, for some people, even if they strictly control their diet and exercise diligently, their weight is still as immobile as a rock, and even the embarrassing situation of "drinking water is fat". Traditional Chinese medicine theories believe that all this may stem from "spleen deficiency and obesity". Today, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, we will explore the eight characteristics of spleen deficiency and obesity, and how to recuperate in a targeted manner to help you regain a slim body.

Revealing the secret of spleen deficiency and obesity: From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, there are traces of your "fatness"!

1. Excessive sweating: dampness and heat in the body are difficult to dissolve

People with spleen deficiency and obesity are often accompanied by excessive sweating, especially after a little activity, sweating like rain. This is due to excessive dampness and heat in the body due to spleen deficiency, and the body tries to regulate body temperature by perspiration, but it is difficult to effectively discharge moisture, forming a vicious circle.

Revealing the secret of spleen deficiency and obesity: From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, there are traces of your "fatness"!

2. Waist and abdomen fat: moisture gathers, and it is difficult to reduce

Fat in the waist and abdomen is more likely to accumulate than in the limbs, and it is difficult to eliminate it with conventional weight loss methods. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that this is closely related to the excessive dampness caused by spleen deficiency, which accumulates in the waist and abdomen, forming a stubborn "swimming ring".

3. Heavy dampness: The tongue coating is thick and greasy, and the body is heavy

Observation of tongue coating is an important basis for TCM diagnosis of spleen deficiency. People with spleen deficiency and obesity often present with thick and greasy tongue coating, heavy body, as if wrapped in moisture, slow movement, and lack of vitality.

Revealing the secret of spleen deficiency and obesity: From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, there are traces of your "fatness"!

4. Love to eat: weak spleen and stomach, hyperphagia

People with spleen deficiency and obesity often have a strong appetite, especially sweet and greasy food, but the food they eat is difficult to be effectively digested and absorbed, which increases the burden on the spleen and stomach, forming a vicious circle.

Revealing the secret of spleen deficiency and obesity: From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, there are traces of your "fatness"!

5. Poor stool: indigestion and obstruction of excretion

Weakened digestion due to spleen deficiency makes poor bowel movements the norm. Constipation not only affects quality of life, but also exacerbates the accumulation of toxins in the body, further aggravating the problem of obesity.

6. Excessive facial oiliness: endocrine imbalance, deterioration of skin condition

People with spleen deficiency and obesity have excessive facial oil secretion, which is easy to cause acne, acne and other problems. This is closely related to endocrine disorders caused by spleen deficiency and needs to be regulated from the root.

Revealing the secret of spleen deficiency and obesity: From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, there are traces of your "fatness"!

7. Poor sleep: dampness disturbs the heart, insomnia and dreams

People with spleen deficiency and obesity often have sleep disturbances, which are manifested as difficulty falling asleep and waking up from dreams. Moisture disturbs the mind, leading to a decrease in sleep quality and affecting the mental state of the next day.

8. Fatigue: Lack of qi and blood, decreased physical strength

People with spleen deficiency and obesity generally feel physically exhausted and easily tired. This is because the spleen deficiency leads to insufficient qi and blood biochemistry, and the body does not get enough energy supply, thus showing symptoms of fatigue.

Revealing the secret of spleen deficiency and obesity: From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, there are traces of your "fatness"!

Remember, beauty and health are not far-fetched dreams. By understanding your own physique and taking targeted care measures, you can also get rid of the problem of spleen deficiency and obesity and embrace a more confident and energetic life.

Revealing the secret of spleen deficiency and obesity: From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, there are traces of your "fatness"!

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