
Qin An: Three major events marked the shattering of the myth of the United States, and there is still a battle that must be fought over in the war of departure

author:Funny pencil oTZoG

On today's international stage, it is not difficult to find that the myth of the United States, which was once regarded as untouchable, seems to be quietly shattering. Don't worry, this is not my empty assumption, let me tell you in detail.

Qin An: Three major events marked the shattering of the myth of the United States, and there is still a battle that must be fought over in the war of departure

In recent years, three major events have been particularly striking, and they fall like three dominoes, one after the other, heralding the end of the American myth. The first thing is undoubtedly the continued weakness of the US economy. Don't look at the financial predators on Wall Street who are glamorous on the surface, but in fact, the US debt is high and the unemployment rate remains high, these are problems that cannot be ignored. Speaking of which, this economy is the lifeblood of the country, and if there is a problem with the lifeline, how can the myth not be broken?

The second major event is the gradual weakening of the influence of the United States in international affairs. Back then, the United States was calling for wind and rain, and it was true of its word. But what about now? With the rise of a multipolar world, the United States no longer seems so absolute. On many international issues, the United States has had to negotiate with other major powers, and sometimes even compromise. Isn't this transformation a powerful proof of the myth being shattered?

Let's talk about the third major event, and that is the turbulence of the domestic political environment in the United States. From the election chaos in recent years to the frequent occurrence of various social problems, it shows that American society is experiencing unprecedented tears. How can a country that cannot even solve its own internal problems maintain its external mythological image?

Qin An: Three major events marked the shattering of the myth of the United States, and there is still a battle that must be fought over in the war of departure

Well, having said all that, you may ask, what happens next after the American myth is shattered? Don't worry, there is still a "battle that must be fought for" waiting for us here. This battle is not a simple military contest, but an all-out competition involving the economy, science and technology, culture, and other fields.

You think, although the myth of the United States has been shattered, it is still one of the world's great powers, and its heritage and strength should not be underestimated. Therefore, in this battle that must be contested, all forces will use all their resources to compete for dominance in the future. This is not only a contest between nations, but also a dialogue between civilizations.

What the outcome of this battle will be, no one dares to say. But what is certain is that it will profoundly affect the future of each and every one of us. Because whatever the outcome, it will reshape the global political economy and change the way we live and think.

Qin An: Three major events marked the shattering of the myth of the United States, and there is still a battle that must be fought over in the war of departure

Speaking of which, you may feel a little pessimistic or even a little lost. But we don't have to. History is always full of variables, and every change breeds new opportunities and challenges. The shattering of the American myth may be an opportunity for us to re-examine the world and look for new possibilities.

In this battle that must be contested, we should remain calm and rational, see the situation clearly, and seize the opportunity. Only in this way can we stand on our feet in the midst of change and even lead the way.

In closing, I would like to say that no matter how the future changes, we should not lose faith and hope. Because history is always moving forward, and the wisdom and courage of mankind will be our strongest weapon to meet all challenges. So, let's face the future bravely together and meet the battle that must be fought for together!

Qin An: Three major events marked the shattering of the myth of the United States, and there is still a battle that must be fought over in the war of departure

Of course, this is just my family statement, and you may have different opinions and opinions. I'm really looking forward to hearing from you, and we can talk about it together in the comments section. After all, there is still a long way to go, and we need to move forward together. So, what do you think? Is the American myth really shattering? And how do we deal with that battle that must be fought for? Feel free to leave a message to share your thoughts!

Qin An: Three major events marked the shattering of the myth of the United States, and there is still a battle that must be fought over in the war of departure

In this era of information explosion, we need a rational voice and deep thinking more than ever. Thank you for reading, and thank you for participating. Let's work together to bring more positive energy and wisdom to the world!

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