
Trembling! 66 counties embezzled 1.951 billion yuan in rural student meal subsidies to repay debts, and the comment area was fried

author:Fluorescent rooftop


On June 30, a report about the misappropriation of meal subsidies for rural students poured through the hearts of countless people like ice water.

What? Picking food from a child's mouth? The scandal of the misappropriation of rural students' meal subsidies turned out to be as high as 1.951 billion yuan, which was used to repay debts.

What is the reason for daring to attack the children, let us have an in-depth understanding of the truth behind this public opinion turmoil.

Misappropriation of meal subsidies for rural students

Trembling! 66 counties embezzled 1.951 billion yuan in rural student meal subsidies to repay debts, and the comment area was fried

As for the misappropriation of meal subsidies for rural students, since the relevant news was exposed, it has aroused heated discussions in public opinion, and many netizens have expressed their indignation and dissatisfaction, and have called on the state to severely punish this misappropriation to protect the legitimate rights and interests of rural students.

It is understood that the misappropriation of rural students' meal subsidies was exposed this time involving a total of 66 counties, and the amount of embezzlement was as high as 1.951 billion yuan, which can be described as a sky-high fine to a certain extent.

Trembling! 66 counties embezzled 1.951 billion yuan in rural student meal subsidies to repay debts, and the comment area was fried

What is even more outrageous is that these misappropriated meal subsidies are not used for education, but are directly used to repay debts, and this kind of disguised borrowing from rural students is simply outrageous.

Trembling! 66 counties embezzled 1.951 billion yuan in rural student meal subsidies to repay debts, and the comment area was fried

Why are so many counties misappropriating students' meal subsidies?

A person from the county finance bureau, who did not want to be named, said that there is no special supervision department for the distribution of meal subsidies for rural students, and as long as the distribution can be guaranteed, other procedures can almost be ignored.

This person also revealed that in fact, embezzlement like this exposure is not the first time, but it has not attracted enough attention on a small scale before.

Trembling! 66 counties embezzled 1.951 billion yuan in rural student meal subsidies to repay debts, and the comment area was fried

In addition, there is also public opinion that the procedure for distributing meal subsidies to rural students is relatively much simpler, and basically as long as there is money, it can be directly distributed to students, and there is no need for examination and approval at all like education funds, which also gives some people an opportunity to take advantage of.

Trembling! 66 counties embezzled 1.951 billion yuan in rural student meal subsidies to repay debts, and the comment area was fried

Because the meal allowance is distributed directly to students in cash, it is simply impossible to control the scope of use, which makes some counties with poor financial conditions become "donors" who borrow money from students in disguise.

Without this money, these counties may not be able to maintain basic operations, let alone when they will be able to pay off their millions or even tens of millions of debts.

Trembling! 66 counties embezzled 1.951 billion yuan in rural student meal subsidies to repay debts, and the comment area was fried

Manage vulnerabilities

In response to the dissatisfaction and doubts of netizens, let's take a look at the reasons for this behavior.

Trembling! 66 counties embezzled 1.951 billion yuan in rural student meal subsidies to repay debts, and the comment area was fried

Netizens appealed: For the violations, the state will also investigate the responsibility of relevant personnel in accordance with the law, and ensure that the funds for rural students' meal subsidies are properly used.

For the education sector, the current misappropriation has indeed sounded the alarm bell for them, and the closed-loop management mechanism does not seem to be as effective as imagined, and some places that should not have loopholes have become "ferry stations" that have been misappropriated.

Trembling! 66 counties embezzled 1.951 billion yuan in rural student meal subsidies to repay debts, and the comment area was fried

In response to the misappropriation exposed this time, has the education department asked the relevant departments to conduct a comprehensive and thorough investigation of the closed-loop management mechanism?

Can vulnerabilities be patched in a short period of time to ensure that similar issues don't happen in the future?

Trembling! 66 counties embezzled 1.951 billion yuan in rural student meal subsidies to repay debts, and the comment area was fried

In addition, some experts said that we can see some interesting phenomena and problems from this misappropriation.

For example, why do these counties use the already small number of rural students' meal subsidies as the object of debt repayment?

Is there something behind this that we don't know about?

Or is it that these counties are already in a difficult situation on weekdays, and they must use various means to support them until the next fiscal year?

Trembling! 66 counties embezzled 1.951 billion yuan in rural student meal subsidies to repay debts, and the comment area was fried

Another example is why there are such big loopholes in the distribution process of meal subsidies for rural students?

Obviously, it can be allocated to the school first like any other fund, and then the school will distribute it to the students in accordance with the regulations.

This will not only strengthen the supervision of funds, but also allow schools to better support themselves when funding is difficult.

Trembling! 66 counties embezzled 1.951 billion yuan in rural student meal subsidies to repay debts, and the comment area was fried

Why has this not been implemented? Instead, it caused this sky-high embezzlement scandal?

After the relevant authorities explain this, maybe we can really figure out the reason behind this.


This kind of misappropriation of meal subsidies for rural students is really outrageous, and it is hoped that the state will severely punish violators and protect the rights and interests of rural students.

The existence of management loopholes also needs to be taken seriously, and supervision should be strengthened, loopholes should be patched, and public funds should be used rationally, so that every penny can serve the cause of education and the well-being of students.

What is your take on this incident? Come and leave a comment to share your views!

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