
I can't imagine that my relatives can do such stupid things! Netizen: I bumped into someone and wanted me to apologize for her son

author:It turned out to be Xiaofeng

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I can't imagine that my relatives can do such stupid things! Netizen: I bumped into someone and wanted me to apologize for her son

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Today's topic: I can't imagine that my relatives can do these stupid things! #爆料 ##文章首发挑战赛#

Kinship is indeed a complex network of people.

Some relatives behave rather contradictory, and when you succeed, they will quickly approach and use affectionate titles to please you; But once you encounter difficulties, they hide far away, for fear of being dragged down.

What's even more puzzling is that even if you lend a helping hand when they are struggling, once they get through it, they start looking for all sorts of excuses to distance themselves from you, as if to balance some kind of emotion in their hearts, and maybe even end up resenting you.

The relationship is really hard to understand.


Let's take a look at what netizens have to say:

It's really embarrassing that the culture is not enough, which is why we have to gnaw on books so much.

I can't imagine that my relatives can do such stupid things! Netizen: I bumped into someone and wanted me to apologize for her son

In the past, when my father retired, my children could continue to work, but now, the times are different, and there are great changes.

I can't imagine that my relatives can do such stupid things! Netizen: I bumped into someone and wanted me to apologize for her son

It's normal for old people to be confused, and it's like a puzzle piece missing a few pieces. After a few years, you may only remember the people who were in the past, and the later ones will be blurred, this is life.

I can't imagine that my relatives can do such stupid things! Netizen: I bumped into someone and wanted me to apologize for her son

If you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, I guess I have something to do with you, don't be too simple.

I can't imagine that my relatives can do such stupid things! Netizen: I bumped into someone and wanted me to apologize for her son

Indeed, there are a lot of fakes, but there are also genuine goods, and this world is like this, and it is difficult to distinguish between the real and the fake.

I can't imagine that my relatives can do such stupid things! Netizen: I bumped into someone and wanted me to apologize for her son

This operation is really good, stay away from this house in the future, so as not to be dragged into the water.

I can't imagine that my relatives can do such stupid things! Netizen: I bumped into someone and wanted me to apologize for her son

In the past, this kind of thing was very common, my neighbor's son was adopted by his concubine, and the two of them couldn't have children, and the family had a scripture that was difficult to read.

I can't imagine that my relatives can do such stupid things! Netizen: I bumped into someone and wanted me to apologize for her son

You're a policeman, he rushed to your house with a kitchen knife, this is an attack on the police, don't hurry up and arrest it! It's a crime.

I can't imagine that my relatives can do such stupid things! Netizen: I bumped into someone and wanted me to apologize for her son

You directly said that you are right, don't worry too much about money among relatives, then I won't give it, just move in, write whoever you like to write in your name, and see how they take it.

I can't imagine that my relatives can do such stupid things! Netizen: I bumped into someone and wanted me to apologize for her son

Your dad watched his sister or sister being beaten and didn't dare to move? That's too cowardly, isn't it?

I can't imagine that my relatives can do such stupid things! Netizen: I bumped into someone and wanted me to apologize for her son

I don't know how there can be such a kind of relative, whose skin is thicker than the city wall.

I can't imagine that my relatives can do such stupid things! Netizen: I bumped into someone and wanted me to apologize for her son

It's what parents are used to, and children are so lawless.

I can't imagine that my relatives can do such stupid things! Netizen: I bumped into someone and wanted me to apologize for her son

This is the norm, because other people's money is useful, and other people's money is useless.

I can't imagine that my relatives can do such stupid things! Netizen: I bumped into someone and wanted me to apologize for her son

My relatives took out a loan to buy a house and asked me to be a guarantor...... Oh my God, what do they think? Is this going to push me into the fire pit?

I can't imagine that my relatives can do such stupid things! Netizen: I bumped into someone and wanted me to apologize for her son

A relative of my mother-in-law's family lost millions in stock trading, and even asked my mother-in-law to give him 50,000 yuan. I can really say it, my mother-in-law is still his elder.

I can't imagine that my relatives can do such stupid things! Netizen: I bumped into someone and wanted me to apologize for her son

Can't you just come up with a condition that will make her jaw-dropping?

I can't imagine that my relatives can do such stupid things! Netizen: I bumped into someone and wanted me to apologize for her son

Tell him that the rent is 100,000 a month and see how he reacts.

I can't imagine that my relatives can do such stupid things! Netizen: I bumped into someone and wanted me to apologize for her son

My aunt actually asked my mother to take out the real estate certificate and go to the bank to take out a loan to repay her son's debt, and told my mother not to tell my father, which is no one.

I can't imagine that my relatives can do such stupid things! Netizen: I bumped into someone and wanted me to apologize for her son

Why is this person so weird?

I can't imagine that my relatives can do such stupid things! Netizen: I bumped into someone and wanted me to apologize for her son
I can't imagine that my relatives can do such stupid things! Netizen: I bumped into someone and wanted me to apologize for her son