
"瓟瓠" is not pronounced páo hú, nor bó hù, how to pronounce it, and what does it mean?

author:A shallow pavilion of literature

Alcohol culture has a long history in the mainland. Since the pre-Qin period, there have been wine containers such as Zun, Yao, Yi, 卣, Wei, 缶, Xu, and pot, as well as drinking vessels such as Jue, Yao, Yao, Jiao, Jiao, and Cup. "瓟瓠" does not read páo hú, nor does it read bó hù, what does it mean, and how to understand it, here we have a good understanding.

"瓟瓠" is not pronounced páo hú, nor bó hù, how to pronounce it, and what does it mean?

First, the evolution of the glyph of "瓟瓠".

(1) Melon

Both the word "gourd" have the word "melon". Gua is the original character for "苽" and "蓏 (luǒ)", and the glyph resembles two vines connected in the upper part of the golden text, with a large oval melon in the middle. In the small seal font, the vines are staggered up and down, and the "melon" shape in the middle has become similar to the "6" shape. Later, it evolved and simplified again, and it became the italic version of the word "melon".

"瓟瓠" is not pronounced páo hú, nor bó hù, how to pronounce it, and what does it mean?

(2) Package

"Bao" is the original word for "cell". The oracle bone glyph resembles a diamond-shaped belly with a person curled up, indicating that after a pregnancy reaction, the belly is pregnant with a fetus. Jin Wenshi is more vivid, with a circle on the outside and a sitting baby on the inside. When the small seal is divided, the font is differentiated, and the outside is linearized. Another moon side was created, which means "cell". "Package" has lost its original meaning, and it also expresses the meaning of wrapping and inclusiveness. When the official book was simplified, the regular script was more neat, and it became the word "bag".

"瓟瓠" is not pronounced páo hú, nor bó hù, how to pronounce it, and what does it mean?

(3) 夸

The word "boast" has been said many times, originally "exaggerated", and the words are related to speaking, and the right side is composed of "big" and "loss". In the early typeface, "loss" and "yu" were the same. The oracle bone glyph of "kua" resembles "gan" on the left and a standing figure on the right. When Jin Wenshi, people were on top of the bottom, and the upper part of the small seal evolved into a similar "soil" character, and the lower part evolved into the word "loss". After the Qin system of Jianzhu and Lishu, the regular script directly became "boast", which means exaggerated.

"瓟瓠" is not pronounced páo hú, nor bó hù, how to pronounce it, and what does it mean?

2. How to explain "gourd"?

"Gourd" refers to a gourd-like melon, and the hard shell can be used as a wine vessel, also called gourd, from "Dream of Red Mansions". In fact, "gourd" and "gourd" are two types of plants. "Gourd" has three meanings: one is a gourd-like melon; the second is some kind of grass; The third is the same as "匏". As we talked about earlier, there are also three meanings: the first means "gourd", which is common in rural areas and is a long round melon; the second refers to the clay pot; The third means that it is wide and large. In short, gourd refers to a gourd gourd product that can be used as a drinking fountain and wine vessel.

"瓟瓠" is not pronounced páo hú, nor bó hù, how to pronounce it, and what does it mean?

3. The use of "gourd" in ancient literature

Wai Yi Ju

[Song Dynasty]

It has been four years since the double tung was planted, and the small hedges are worn in autumn.

I'm not afraid of Chen Deng's sigh when I go to bed, I want to return to Xu Yantian.

Gourd, refers to a gourd plant. Chen Deng and Xu Yan are both figures in the Three Kingdoms period. Chen Dengsigh and Xu Bitian are talking about an allusion to "asking for land and asking for help", praising Chen Deng and belittling Xu Yan's lack of ambition. The poem is gist: "I have been planting two sycamore trees myself for four years. Autumn arrives, and the gourd vines are vigorous, climbing all over the small fence. Sitting on the bed, I am not afraid of sighs similar to Chen Deng. Because I imagine that Xu Yan is like him, he only pursues his own pastoral.

"瓟瓠" is not pronounced páo hú, nor bó hù, how to pronounce it, and what does it mean?

The author of this poem, Chao Buzhi, is not to blame, and the number is returned, Han nationality, a native of Juye, Jeju (now belonging to Juye County, Shandong), and a famous writer in the Northern Song Dynasty. This is an idyllic poem, the first two sentences with "four years of sycamore" and "gourd full of hedges", describing the beautiful pastoral scenery of the countryside. The last two sentences use the allusions of Chen Deng and Xu Yan during the Three Kingdoms period to express his ambition: the leisurely pastoral life is what the poet likes in his heart, and he only wants to be a person like Xu Yan, and he is not afraid that Chen Deng-like characters will ridicule him for not having great ambitions.

Fourth, how to read "gourd"?

Correct pronunciation: bó hú

Homophone: 博壶

Radical: Melon

Structure: Left and right structure

V. Conclusion

The Chinese character culture has a far-reaching charm. "Gourd" is a melon plant, which can be edible, and can also be used as a water vessel and a wine vessel. At the same time, the gourd also represents a quiet and plain pastoral life, a leisurely and comfortable attitude towards life. After all, people's lives are short, and everyone has their own way of living. Some people move forward with a heavy load, and they have a "grandiose" in the years, and some people are leisurely, and listen to the wind and rain, and spend a slow time.