
The localization rate is higher than 99%! The installation of an 18 MW medium-speed fully integrated offshore wind turbine was completed


The localization rate is higher than 99%! The installation of an 18 MW medium-speed fully integrated offshore wind turbine was completed

The energy transition from ocean to nearshore

With the continuous optimization of the global energy structure, clean energy has become the key to promoting the energy transition of all countries. In this tide of clean energy development, the mainland offshore wind power industry is accelerating its rise and becoming a new engine leading global green development.

Recently, an 18 MW medium-speed fully integrated offshore wind turbine independently developed by China was successfully installed in Yingkou, Liaoning Province, marking a major breakthrough in the offshore wind power equipment manufacturing industry in mainland China. This ultra-high-power unit not only has extremely high power generation efficiency, but also has a localization rate of more than 99% of key core components, fully demonstrating the mainland's independent innovation capability in the field of offshore wind power equipment manufacturing.

After years of unremitting efforts, the mainland has grown into the world's largest country in terms of installed offshore wind capacity, ranking first in the world for four consecutive years. Nowadays, while meeting the needs of the domestic offshore wind power market, mainland offshore wind power equipment products are also radiating to the global market and promoting the development of global clean energy.

From "manufacturing" to "creation", China's offshore wind power equipment industry is riding the wind and waves

Since the beginning of reform and opening up, the mainland has carried out a series of major arrangements and adjustments in the energy sector. Among them, vigorously developing wind power is undoubtedly the most dazzling star.

In recent years, with the rapid advancement of offshore wind power projects, the mainland has made a series of breakthroughs in the field of offshore wind power equipment manufacturing. The 18 MW medium-speed, fully integrated offshore wind turbine is an outstanding example of this.

The birth of this offshore wind turbine is due to Continental's continuous investment and innovation in the field of wind power equipment manufacturing for many years. From the early digestion and absorption of advanced technology in Europe and the United States, to today's independent research and development and design, the progress of the wind power equipment manufacturing industry in mainland China can be described as a rapid progress.

It is worth mentioning that the key components of this 18 MW unit, such as blades, gearboxes and generators, have a localization rate of more than 99%. This not only demonstrates the independent innovation strength of the mainland in the field of offshore wind power equipment manufacturing, but also marks the transformation of the mainland from "manufacturing" to "creation", and officially enters the backbone of the global supply chain of wind power equipment.

It is important to note that this progress did not happen overnight. The rise of the mainland in the field of wind power equipment manufacturing stems from the long-term systematic layout and continuous technological research.

Since the 90s of the last century, the mainland has begun to introduce and digest wind power-related technologies on a large scale, laying the foundation for independent innovation in the future. Since then, with the support of national policies and the efforts of the industry, the mainland has successively broken through a series of core technical bottlenecks such as wind turbine design and key parts manufacturing, and realized the leap of the wind power equipment manufacturing industry from following to leading.

Today, this poised industry is riding the wave and charging towards a higher goal.

From the domestic market to global supply, China's offshore wind power equipment "goes global"

According to the data, the proportion of installed offshore wind power capacity in the world has ranked first in the world for four consecutive years, fully demonstrating China's leading position in this field.

At the same time, with the continuous progress of offshore wind power equipment manufacturing technology in the mainland, these equipment are striding out of the country and becoming a new window for "Made in China" to spread to the world.

Taking this 18 MW medium-speed fully integrated offshore wind turbine as an example, it not only meets the urgent needs of the domestic offshore wind power market, but also makes a positive contribution to the global clean energy industry.

In fact, this trend of "going out" has become more and more obvious in recent years. Recently, a number of offshore wind power equipment companies in mainland China have appeared in the international market and have received wide attention and praise. This not only enhances the international influence of "Made in China", but also helps promote the sustainable development of global clean energy.

At present, countries around the world are taking a series of actions to address the challenge of climate change, and vigorously developing clean energy is undoubtedly the key content. In this process, China, as the world's largest installed power country, is playing an indispensable role.

The localization rate is higher than 99%! The installation of an 18 MW medium-speed fully integrated offshore wind turbine was completed

In fact, as the largest manufacturer of wind power equipment, China has a complete industrial chain and strong technical strength, which makes it have the ability to export advanced wind power equipment to the world while meeting the huge domestic wind power market demand.

In the future, with the continuous improvement of the manufacturing level of offshore wind power equipment in the mainland, the pace of "going out" will become more and more solid and powerful. China's offshore wind power equipment products are becoming a new engine to promote the global energy transition and make positive contributions to the fight against climate change.

From traditional energy to clean energy, it is time to transform the energy structure

At present, the transformation of the global energy structure is accelerating. In this process, traditional fossil energy and clean new energy are being deeply integrated to jointly build the future energy pattern.

Taking the application of this 18 MW offshore wind turbine as an example, it is not difficult to see that this convergence is gradually being realized. The application of the unit in the thermal power plant cleverly realizes the combination of new energy sources such as wind energy and traditional energy, which not only improves the energy utilization efficiency, but also enhances the profitability of the enterprise.

This is a useful attempt to transform the energy structure. In the future, through the deep integration of traditional energy and clean energy, we are expected to further optimize energy efficiency and inject new momentum into economic and social development.

At the same time, this transformation will also promote a comprehensive upgrade of energy consumption patterns. In the past, people relied more on traditional fossil fuels, but with the large-scale application of clean energy, this over-reliance is fundamentally changing.

The successful installation of this 18 MW medium-speed fully integrated offshore wind turbine marks a new breakthrough in the field of offshore wind power equipment manufacturing in China. From technological innovation to industrial upgrading, to the transformation of the global energy structure, this will undoubtedly become a new engine to promote the development of clean energy in China and even the world.

Let us all hope that in this unstoppable trend of clean energy development, China's offshore wind power will write a more brilliant chapter and contribute to the realization of the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality.

From nearshore to deep sea, China's offshore wind power equipment continues to write a glorious chapter

The rapid development of the mainland's offshore wind power equipment manufacturing industry not only demonstrates China's technological strength in this field, but also injects strong impetus into the global clean energy industry.

At present, as offshore wind power projects are advancing to more far-reaching sea areas, higher requirements are put forward for the power and reliability of equipment. The successful application of this 18 MW medium-speed fully integrated offshore wind turbine is a strong response to this demand.

Compared with the traditional model, this high-power unit has significant advantages in terms of power generation efficiency and investment cost. For example, 44 kilowatt-hours of electricity can be generated per revolution, and the annual power generation can reach 74 million kilowatt-hours, which is enough to meet the electricity needs of 40,000 households. Moreover, due to the high power, each unit occupies a small sea area, which not only saves land, but also reduces the overall cost of project construction.

It can be said that the advent of this kind of high-power offshore wind turbine marks that the mainland offshore wind power equipment is gradually moving towards a more far-reaching sea area. In the future, with the advent of more similar models, the overall investment cost of offshore wind power projects will be further reduced, and the rapid development of this field will be promoted.

It is worth mentioning that the localization rate of this 18 MW unit is as high as 99%, which fully demonstrates the remarkable achievements of the mainland in independent innovation of offshore wind power equipment. From relying mainly on imports in the past to now having key components with independent intellectual property rights, the transformation and upgrading of China's offshore wind power equipment manufacturing industry has achieved a gorgeous transformation from "following" to "leading".

This not only marks the transformation of offshore wind power equipment manufacturing in mainland China from "manufacturing" to "creation", but also contributes China's wisdom and strength to the development of global clean energy. In the future, as more high-end equipment "goes global", China's offshore wind power will become an important power source to promote the global energy transition.

As demonstrated by the application of offshore wind turbines in thermal power plants, the deep integration of traditional energy and clean energy is driving the transformation of the energy structure to a new milestone. This integration not only improves energy efficiency, but also enhances the profitability of enterprises, injecting new momentum into economic and social development.

This undoubtedly opens the door to a clean energy future. Behind this gate, there will be a wider blue sky. Let us work together to write a more beautiful chapter of energy transition under this blue sky.

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