
Embezzlement of 130 million? After being imprisoned for 3 years, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of project support from the state after being released from prison?

author:Dark Horse Talk
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Chu Jian, the "father of Chinese automation" who was once praised to heaven, was imprisoned for embezzling 130 million yuan and became a prisoner. After being released from prison, he was supported by the state and received 27.58 million yuan in project funds. It's faster than the TV series reverses, is it a genius or a criminal? What kind of legendary life has he experienced in his life?

Embezzlement of 130 million? After being imprisoned for 3 years, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of project support from the state after being released from prison?

Chu Jian's background experience

Chu Jian was born in a scholarly family, her parents are high intellectuals, and the family has high expectations for her, and he is also very competitive. He has behaved differently since kindergarten, other children are still doodling, and he can already recite Tang poems and Song lyrics.

When I was in elementary school, I was even more impressed by my teachers and classmates, and when I was in the first grade, I began to study the second grade course by myself, skipping several levels in a row. At the age of 15, he stepped into Zhejiang University as the county champion, and this top university became a springboard for his life. At that time, being admitted to university was like winning the lottery, let alone a top university like Zhejiang University.

Embezzlement of 130 million? After being imprisoned for 3 years, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of project support from the state after being released from prison?

When he went to college, Chu Jian set his sights on the field of automation. At that time, the mainland's research in this field was relatively weak, and he wondered, why does our country have to look at other people's faces in the field of automation?

Embezzlement of 130 million? After being imprisoned for 3 years, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of project support from the state after being released from prison?

A game-changer in automation

Chu Jian does not believe in evil and vows to work hard to fill this gap. The god of luck also favored him, and the opportunity to study abroad at public expense fell on his head, Chu Jian stepped on the plane and flew to Kyoto University in Japan for further study, and worshiped under Professor Takamatsu Goshiro.

During his study abroad, Chu Jian immersed himself in hard work every day, and the laboratory became his second home, and he even slept thinking about the problem of automation. Chu Jian was eager to learn, but his heart was getting heavier, and he understood how important these technologies were to China's future.

Embezzlement of 130 million? After being imprisoned for 3 years, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of project support from the state after being released from prison?

Every time he saw Japan's advanced equipment, he silently swore in his heart that he would bring these back to his motherland. The days of study flew by, and a few years passed in the blink of an eye, and Chu Jian returned to Zhejiang University with full harvest and firm faith.

After returning to China, Chu Jian did not relax in the slightest and immediately devoted himself to scientific research. His goal is clear, to apply everything he has learned during his study abroad to open up a new path in the field of automation in China.

Embezzlement of 130 million? After being imprisoned for 3 years, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of project support from the state after being released from prison?

In three years, he won nine National Science and Technology Progress Awards and became one of the youngest professors. Although he has made remarkable achievements in the academic world, he also understands that it is nothing to just toss around in the academic world, and it is necessary to turn those research results into practical applications in order to truly bring progress to the country.

Embezzlement of 130 million? After being imprisoned for 3 years, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of project support from the state after being released from prison?

The rise and fall of the Central Control Group

With the support of Zhejiang University and all parties, he founded ZKTeco, focusing on the research and development of automatic control systems.

As soon as the Central Control Group was established, Chu Jian was like a chicken blood, and he led the team to work hard day and night. Finally, they came up with an automatic control system with independent intellectual property rights.

Embezzlement of 130 million? After being imprisoned for 3 years, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of project support from the state after being released from prison?

This is a big killer, directly breaking the foreign technology monopoly, our China in this field suddenly bullish, independent intellectual property rights and competitiveness are rising. But at this juncture, an anonymous report letter fell from the sky, like a thunderbolt, shattering all these dreams.

In 2010, Zhejiang University leaders received a whistleblower letter accusing Chu Jian of embezzling huge sums of money, abusing his power and transferring assets abroad. The state attached great importance to this incident and quickly set up an investigation team to investigate Chu Jian. However, after two months of investigation, the investigation team was unable to find conclusive evidence.

Embezzlement of 130 million? After being imprisoned for 3 years, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of project support from the state after being released from prison?

In 2012, Chu Jian's daughter began to be attacked, and the harassing messages and calls on her mobile phone came one after another, and the other party also threatened Chu Jian to be careful when she went out. This series of events makes people wonder if someone behind it is deliberately targeting Chu Jian.

Embezzlement of 130 million? After being imprisoned for 3 years, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of project support from the state after being released from prison?
Embezzlement of 130 million? After being imprisoned for 3 years, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of project support from the state after being released from prison?

Despite the turmoil, Chu Jian did not stop and continued to apply for academician qualifications. However, in 2013, the whistleblower letter came again, this time in a big way, and hundreds of colleges and universities across the country received the letter.

As a result, Chu Jian was arrested by the procuratorate. In the face of these false accusations, Chu Jian and his family desperately appealed, more than 800 students jointly vouched for his innocence, and four international engineering academicians also signed a joint letter. However, the appeal was repeatedly rejected, and Chu Jian finally chose to plead guilty in order to be released from prison as soon as possible to protect the interests of the Central Control Group.

Embezzlement of 130 million? After being imprisoned for 3 years, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of project support from the state after being released from prison?

In prison, Chu Jian was not idle, soaking in the stacks of books every day, paying attention to the frontier of science and technology, and preparing for the future. After being released from prison in 2017, he immediately devoted himself to the reconstruction of SUPCON Group, and in less than a year, he led the team to launch a new industrial operating system, supOS, which was unveiled at the 2nd World Intelligent Manufacturing Conference.

Embezzlement of 130 million? After being imprisoned for 3 years, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of project support from the state after being released from prison?

In 2018, the project of Chu Jian's team was favored by the state, and 27.58 million yuan of project funds were directly approved.

Embezzlement of 130 million? After being imprisoned for 3 years, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of project support from the state after being released from prison?

Chu Jian's life is full of legends. Chu Jian's story is like a roller coaster with ups and downs, which makes people feel a lot of emotion. He went from being a genius scientist to being imprisoned and then back to the top, which is simply a realistic version of Phoenix Nirvana. The trajectory of his life tells us that even if we are in prison, as long as there is fire in our hearts, we can always see light in the darkness.

Embezzlement of 130 million? After being imprisoned for 3 years, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of project support from the state after being released from prison?

The power of science and technology lies not only in innovation, but also in the indomitable spirit. Chu Jian's experience is undoubtedly a strong impact on modern society, reminding everyone on the road that success is not all smooth sailing, and his story is not only a history of personal struggle, but also a testimony of China's scientific and technological progress.

Embezzlement of 130 million? After being imprisoned for 3 years, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of project support from the state after being released from prison?

His journey of struggle makes us re-examine the meaning of perseverance and belief, and also makes us reflect on how we should face setbacks and challenges when pursuing our careers and dreams. Every step of progress in the field of science and technology is the silent contribution of countless Chu Jian.

Embezzlement of 130 million? After being imprisoned for 3 years, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of project support from the state after being released from prison?

As a member of society, should we also reflect on how to maintain integrity and integrity while pursuing career success? Chu Jian's legend continues, and his spirit will continue to influence and inspire more people, bringing more breakthroughs and progress to China's automation industry and even the entire field of science and technology. Will you also be like Chu Jian, never forget your original intention and move forward bravely?


Embezzlement of 130 million? After being imprisoned for 3 years, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of project support from the state after being released from prison?

Chu Jian, founder of SUPCON Technology Group: The highest level of intelligent manufacturing is like unmanned driving-Today's headlines (

Embezzlement of 130 million? After being imprisoned for 3 years, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of project support from the state after being released from prison?

ZPCON listed! The actual controller Chu Jian: A scientist's entrepreneurial history-Today's headlines (

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