
"Potassium supplementation in summer, there is no shortage of body"! Reminder: Eat 6 kinds of high-potassium foods often on hot days, and your legs and feet are strong

author:Xiao Zhou loves to eat
"Potassium supplementation in summer, there is no shortage of body"! Reminder: Eat 6 kinds of high-potassium foods often on hot days, and your legs and feet are strong

Time flies so fast, there are still a few days to go, a little summer, a little heat, three points a day. At that time, the weather is hot like a steamer, and you will be sweating after going out for three minutes.

People will feel very uncomfortable in a sultry environment, sweat a lot, chest tightness, the whole body is tired, in the old saying is a summer boil, just like me, when it comes to summer, I have no appetite, I don't want to eat, I like to lie alone.

"Potassium supplementation in summer, there is no shortage of body"! Reminder: Eat 6 kinds of high-potassium foods often on hot days, and your legs and feet are strong

Later, when I went to see a Chinese doctor, the doctor said that it was a summer fever, which was related to the loss of potassium caused by our sweating, and suggested that I eat more potassium-containing food.

Potassium is known as the "element of life" and is very important for our body, especially in the hot summer, it would be a pity to miss the following 6 potassium-containing foods.

1. Rice vegetables

"Potassium supplementation in summer, there is no shortage of body"! Reminder: Eat 6 kinds of high-potassium foods often on hot days, and your legs and feet are strong

As the old saying goes: "Amaranth in June, when eggs, amaranth in July, gold does not change", amaranth in June and July is the best period in terms of nutrition and taste, and it is also a high-potassium vegetable, so it is recommended to eat more.

Recommended way to eat: preserved egg amaranth

Two. wax gourd

"Potassium supplementation in summer, there is no shortage of body"! Reminder: Eat 6 kinds of high-potassium foods often on hot days, and your legs and feet are strong

Winter melon is a seasonal vegetable in summer, with sufficient moisture, tender and juicy, especially the potassium content is particularly high, eating winter melon in summer can not only prevent heatstroke and cool down, but also supplement nutrition to the body, it is recommended to eat more.

Recommended way to eat: braised winter melon

Three. kelp

"Potassium supplementation in summer, there is no shortage of body"! Reminder: Eat 6 kinds of high-potassium foods often on hot days, and your legs and feet are strong

Kelp is a treasure trove of calcium, iron, and potassium, and is very popular in both stewed soups and cold salads.

Recommended way to eat: cold salad with shredded kelp

Four. Lettuce

"Potassium supplementation in summer, there is no shortage of body"! Reminder: Eat 6 kinds of high-potassium foods often on hot days, and your legs and feet are strong

Lettuce is one of the seasonal vegetables in summer, the content of potassium is very high, and lettuce has a special fragrance, which can promote appetite, cool and relieve heat, and there are various ways to eat, you can stew soup, stir-fry, cold dressing.

Recommended way to eat: hydrangea lettuce

Five. Soybean

"Potassium supplementation in summer, there is no shortage of body"! Reminder: Eat 6 kinds of high-potassium foods often on hot days, and your legs and feet are strong

Edamame is not only rich in potassium, but also rich in protein, dietary fiber, vitamins, as well as calcium, iron, zinc, selenium and other nutrients.

Recommended way to eat: boiled edamame

Six. mushroom

"Potassium supplementation in summer, there is no shortage of body"! Reminder: Eat 6 kinds of high-potassium foods often on hot days, and your legs and feet are strong

Mushrooms are highly nutritious, rich in protein, vitamins, and potassium, making them a high-quality ingredient that is suitable for eating all year round.

Recommended way to eat: Mushroom and tofu soup

In summer, we sweat a lot, and while replenishing our body hydration, we should also eat more potassium foods, which can not only meet the needs of the body, but also enjoy delicious meals.

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