
"The showdown at the peak of appearance? Liu Yifei and Tang Yan's group photo was exposed, netizens: What kind of fairy scene is this

author:Xiaoxin said entertainment


The gods are in the same frame, Liu Yifei and Tang Yan's appearance feast

On this springy afternoon, social media suddenly exploded, and a photo of Liu Yifei and Tang Yan was like a spring breeze, instantly blowing into the hearts of thousands of netizens. The two goddesses stood side by side, smiling gently, as if time had frozen in this moment, leaving only endless beauty and harmony. Netizens said: "This is a group photo, it's a visual feast!" ”

"The showdown at the peak of appearance? Liu Yifei and Tang Yan's group photo was exposed, netizens: What kind of fairy scene is this

Netizen Fun Comment Award:

"@小确幸日常": I seem to have heard a symphony in the beauty world, Liu Yifei's little dragon girl meets Tang Yan's Zixuan, she is simply the most beautiful CP in Xianxia drama (although they have never played a couple)!

Deep Bagua Mining:

In fact, this time the same frame is not accidental. It is reported that the two were invited to participate in a fashion event, and the scene was star-studded, but the appearance of Liu Yifei and Tang Yan undoubtedly became the most dazzling focus.

"The showdown at the peak of appearance? Liu Yifei and Tang Yan's group photo was exposed, netizens: What kind of fairy scene is this

The two not only looked good, but also talked happily at the event, from fashion topics to acting experience, which attracted the attention of people around them. This unexpected "beautiful encounter" made many fans call "see you for a long time", and they left messages in the comment area for more group photos.

Fans of the drama carnival, character memories skewered

"The showdown at the peak of appearance? Liu Yifei and Tang Yan's group photo was exposed, netizens: What kind of fairy scene is this

When it comes to Liu Yifei and Tang Yan, how can you not mention the characters they have created that are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people? From Zhao Linger in "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" to Bai Qian in "Three Lives, Three Worlds and Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms", Liu Yifei has conquered the hearts of countless audiences with her fairy spirit; And Tang Yan, from Zixuan in "Sword and Fairy III" to Zhao Mosheng in "Why Sheng Xiaomo", every role is unforgettable. Netizens have turned on the memory mode and staged a big skewer of character memories in the comment area.

Netizens have a big brain:

"The showdown at the peak of appearance? Liu Yifei and Tang Yan's group photo was exposed, netizens: What kind of fairy scene is this

"@追剧小能手": If Zhao Linger and Zixuan are in the same rivers and lakes, how beautiful is the picture? One is gentle as water, the other is mysterious, the two join forces, I'm afraid the entire Six Realms will tremble!

Cross-border association storm:

"The showdown at the peak of appearance? Liu Yifei and Tang Yan's group photo was exposed, netizens: What kind of fairy scene is this

Some netizens opened their brains, imagining what kind of scene it would be if Liu Yifei and Tang Yan collaborated on a new drama. Is it the re-collision of ancient costume fairies, or the romantic encounter of modern cities? Every idea is exciting, and the comment section is full of anticipation and longing for the cooperation of the two goddesses.

"The showdown at the peak of appearance? Liu Yifei and Tang Yan's group photo was exposed, netizens: What kind of fairy scene is this

Fan PK, whose goddess is more sultry?

With the popularity of the group photo, fans were naturally not to be outdone and stood up to call their idols. Liu Yifei's fans posted her beautiful pictures over the years, from innocent girls to mature goddesses, each one is so beautiful that it makes people's hearts move; And Tang Yan's fans are not to be outdone, proving the unique charm of their goddess with exquisite stills and fashion blockbusters. For a while, the comment area became a place for "friendly exchanges" between fans of the two factions, and it was very lively.

"The showdown at the peak of appearance? Liu Yifei and Tang Yan's group photo was exposed, netizens: What kind of fairy scene is this

Netizens responded wittily:

"@和平使者": Don't fight, both of them are goddesses with both appearance and strength, let's enjoy this visual feast with peace of mind! If you really can't do it, just have a 'double kitchen ecstasy', and powder two at the same time, isn't it beautiful? ”

Cross-border collaboration, the ultimate fantasy for fans

"The showdown at the peak of appearance? Liu Yifei and Tang Yan's group photo was exposed, netizens: What kind of fairy scene is this

In the face of netizens' enthusiastic calls for Liu Yifei and Tang Yan's cooperation, many media and producers have also begun to move. After all, the combination of the two goddesses will undoubtedly be a bombshell that will detonate the entire entertainment industry. Although there is no definite news yet, fans can't wait to plan various cooperation plans in the comment area, from the idea of the script to the assignment of roles, every detail is full of creativity and anticipation.

"The showdown at the peak of appearance? Liu Yifei and Tang Yan's group photo was exposed, netizens: What kind of fairy scene is this

Netizens are creative:

"@编剧小透明": I conceived a modern urban drama with two heroines, Liu Yifei plays a talented designer, and Tang Yan is her business partner and best friend, and the two support each other and grow together in the workplace and life. Such a setting not only conforms to the temperament of the two goddesses, but also shows their different charms!

"The showdown at the peak of appearance? Liu Yifei and Tang Yan's group photo was exposed, netizens: What kind of fairy scene is this

Controversial ending: Who is the real "photo killer"?

As the discussion deepened, a controversial topic quietly surfaced - in this feast of appearance, who is the real "photo killer"? Liu Yifei's fairy spirit and innocence, Tang Yan's sweetness and temperament, each have a huge fan base and supporters. Faced with this problem, netizens also have different opinions, some firmly support Liu Yifei, thinking that her temperament is unbeatable; Some supported Tang Yan, thinking that her smile was enough to melt everything.

"The showdown at the peak of appearance? Liu Yifei and Tang Yan's group photo was exposed, netizens: What kind of fairy scene is this

Netizens are constantly hotly discussed:

"@吃瓜群众": This question is so difficult, it's like a 'fairy fight', I can't give up any of them! But then again, I'm very satisfied to have a photo of both goddesses at the same time! ”

"The showdown at the peak of appearance? Liu Yifei and Tang Yan's group photo was exposed, netizens: What kind of fairy scene is this

In this controversy about the "group photo killer", it is not difficult for us to find that whether it is Liu Yifei or Tang Yan, they are rare beauties and powerful actors in the entertainment industry. And this unexpected same frame not only feasted the eyes of fans, but also inspired everyone's infinite yearning and pursuit of beautiful things. Perhaps, in this entertainment industry full of variables, it is these beautiful moments that make us feel the warmth and hope of life.

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