
Heavy! Cialis wants to spend 2.5 billion yuan to acquire "Wenjie", Huawei responded

Heavy! Cialis wants to spend 2.5 billion yuan to acquire "Wenjie", Huawei responded

National Business Daily

2024-07-02 22:47The official account of National Business Daily

Edited: Huang Sheng

On July 2, Cialis (601127. SH) announced that the company's holding subsidiary, Sailis Automobile Co., Ltd., intends to acquire 919 registered or applied series of text and graphic trademarks held by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. and its affiliates, as well as 44 related design patents, with a total purchase price of 2.5 billion yuan.

Heavy! Cialis wants to spend 2.5 billion yuan to acquire "Wenjie", Huawei responded

Image source: Photo by reporter Kong Zesi

According to Securities Times, Huawei said that Huawei will transfer a series of trademarks such as Wenjie to Cialis, and Huawei will continue to support Cialis to create and sell a good world. Huawei will continue to work with car companies to create excellent smart car products and provide the ultimate smart travel experience.

According to the first financial news, Cialis and Huawei recently signed a cooperation agreement to further deepen joint business. The two companies will leverage their joint business advantages to build AITO into a world-class leading brand of new luxury automobiles.

Heavy! Cialis wants to spend 2.5 billion yuan to acquire "Wenjie", Huawei responded

Image source: Original

On July 1, Cialis released its June production and sales report. According to the data, the sales volume of new energy vehicles in June reached 44,126 units, a year-on-year increase of 372.04%; From January to June this year, the cumulative sales of new energy vehicles were 200,949 units, a year-on-year increase of 348.55%.

According to the central radio network, the monthly delivery of the AITO Wenjie series exceeded 40,000 units in June, reaching a record high of 42,780 units. It is worth mentioning that AITO Wenjie M9 reached a new high, with 17,241 units delivered in June, with a total of more than 100,000 units, ranking first in sales of more than 500,000 models, reconstructing the high-end market pattern of Chinese brands.

The delivery of the new M7Ultra exceeded 20,000 units in the first month of its launch! Set a new record for the delivery speed of new power models.

Heavy! Cialis wants to spend 2.5 billion yuan to acquire "Wenjie", Huawei responded

Founded in 1986, Sailis Automobile is a technology-based manufacturing enterprise with new energy vehicles as its core business. It has 20,000 employees, an A-share listed company, and one of the top 500 Chinese enterprises. The business involves the R&D, manufacturing, sales and service of new energy vehicles and core electric vehicles, traditional vehicles and core component assemblies.

The main products include AITO Wenjie series of high-end smart new energy vehicles, blue electric new energy vehicles, Ruichi electric commercial vehicles, scenery SUVs, etc.

On April 29, Cialis released its first quarter report for 2024 and its annual report for 2023. According to the data, in the first quarter of 2024, the revenue of Cialis was 26.561 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 421.76%; The net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was 220 million yuan, and the gross profit margin increased to 21.5% in the first quarter.

In 2023, the annual revenue will be 35.842 billion yuan, of which the revenue of new energy vehicles will reach 28.948 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 16.10%. In 2023, the R&D investment of Sailis will be 4.438 billion yuan, accounting for 12.38% of operating income. 

Daily Economic News Comprehensive Public News, Securities Times, E Company, First Financial Network, Central Radio Network

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  • Heavy! Cialis wants to spend 2.5 billion yuan to acquire "Wenjie", Huawei responded
  • Heavy! Cialis wants to spend 2.5 billion yuan to acquire "Wenjie", Huawei responded
  • Heavy! Cialis wants to spend 2.5 billion yuan to acquire "Wenjie", Huawei responded

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