
An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

author:Luohe City, Yuncheng District, I Ai My Family Health Center

Disclaimer: This article is a fictional story, not my own experience. The characters and places in the story have nothing to do with reality, and all the pictures come from the Internet. If there is a similarity to your experience or what you have seen, it is purely coincidental. Please read rationally and do not over-interpret. This is fiction, not my own experience. The names and places mentioned in it have no real-world affiliation. All the images in this article are found from the Internet, and if they are similar to some of the situations you have seen, it is pure coincidence. Please read with a calm mind and do not speculate too much.

Mitica, please get out of here as soon as possible. Your appearance is indeed too dirty, and it is not good for you and our living environment. Please look for a more suitable place to rest.

Baby, did you misunderstand something? Please understand our traditions and we should respect each other's customs. If you feel that your body is not clean, we can find a suitable place to clean it up.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

Not long ago, a girl from India, Mitika, had just married to China, but she was dissatisfied with her mother-in-law.

Despite Mitica's virtuous and virtuous nature, some of the unhygienic habits that exist in her daily life are difficult for her mother-in-law to accept.

After many educations, the mother-in-law's patience has reached the limit, so she directly issued a serious warning to her son, expressing that this is the final bottom line.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

In order to maintain family harmony, Mitica must be allowed to leave the family residence, otherwise we will choose to divorce. This is not empty words, it is a resolute attitude! Let's get it straight, if we don't kick Mittica out of the house, we're going to break up! If you don't act, you will get divorced! If you don't want to see Mitika leave, you can only choose to divorce. We can't tolerate her any longer! In short, either let Mittica go, or we go our separate ways! We can't be on the same road anymore!

So, what did Mitika do to provoke her mother-in-law to kick her out of the house? Moreover, why does the mother-in-law feel that she is "dirty"? Let's find out.

【First acquaintance with Mitika】

In an ordinary family in India, there was a girl named Mitika. Her home is located in the capital, and the life is simple and modest. Her father was a worker who drove the trains, while her mother ran a small shop. The life of this family, although ordinary, is full of love and warmth.

Although the family conditions are not superior, they are enough to support the basic living needs of the family. Although their family is not considered a wealthy family, they live a carefree enough life. The family's financial situation is not rich, but it is enough for them to live a comfortable life. Although they are not wealthy, their lives are comfortable and comfortable. Although the family is not wealthy, it is enough to support the family's daily expenses and basic living needs.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

Mitika's family was well-off and her parents were open-minded, so she successfully progressed from elementary school to high school. Although she didn't make it to university, her education continued.

After graduating, Mitika landed a job as a university librarian, a job that would provide her with a steady income and allow her to continue her studies. She felt that the job was a perfect fit for her.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

It was here that Mitika met her future partner, Liu Yong. Liu Yong was an important turning point in Mitica's life, and it was here that she met and fell in love with him. To put it simply, this location is a testament to the love story of Mitika and Liu Yong, where she met her husband. Here, the fates of Mitika and Liu Yong intersected, and the two later became husband and wife. This is where Mitika met Liu Yong, and their futures have been closely linked ever since.

One day, Mitika was concentrating on sorting out her books in the library when she suddenly heard a strange noise in her ears, which frightened her into shock. In her daily work, Mitika always devoted herself to the collection and arrangement, and she never expected to be startled by a sudden voice.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

Hello, where do I go to register for a book?

This is the scene where Mitika and Liu Yong met for the first time.

Liu Yong, a Chinese student, has been studying in India for more than two years. Liu Yong has spent a long time in India as an international student, and he has adapted to the local living and learning environment. As a Chinese student, he has been studying in India for more than two years. During his time studying in India, Liu Yong continued to grow and improve, and this experience has taught him a lot. After more than two years of studying abroad, Liu Yong has fallen deeply in love with this place in India.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

As he was about to start writing his graduation thesis, Liu Yong decided to prepare in advance, so he went to the library and borrowed various books to enrich himself.

Liu Yong suddenly found that the girl in front of him was startled by him, and he immediately said, "Oh, I'm so sorry, did I frighten you?" It was my first time in this library, and I didn't know how to borrow books politely, so I was a little nervous. With these simple words, he conveyed his unease and sincere apology, and mentioned how he was confused to find a way to borrow books.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

Mitika looked at the Chinese man in front of her, his sincere apology dissipating her surprise and displeasure. Her expression on him was only understanding and forgiveness. To put it simply, the sincerity of this Chinese man made Mitika's doubts and uneasiness disappear.

As the person in charge of the library, Mitika conscientiously performed his duties, instructed Liu Yong in detail how to borrow books, and kindly told him where all kinds of books were stored. In this way, Liu Yong can find the books he needs more easily.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

Seeing the young and beautiful Indian girl in front of him working so devotedly, Liu Yong couldn't help but feel a good impression of this man named Mitika. He admired her meticulous attitude and deep sense of responsibility.

[The two fall in love and get married]

In those subsequent days, Liu Yong developed the habit of going to the library to borrow books. Over time, he became acquainted with another person who often came to borrow books, and eventually became friends.

Mitika is always happy to help Liu Yong find the books he needs, and Liu Yong will also send some snacks with Chinese characteristics as a thank you from time to time.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

As their friendship deepened, their communication was no longer limited to borrowing books. In their free time, they find a place to sit down and have a friendly conversation. At the same time, Liu Yong will also share some interesting stories related to Chinese culture and history to her.

Hearing Liu Yong talk about China, Mitika gradually became attracted to China and developed a strong curiosity, so she kept urging Liu Yong to tell more interesting stories.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

After a long period of contact, Mitika gradually developed a good impression of this hard-working and humorous Chinese. She thinks that China is so good, and it may be a good choice to find a better half of China. In short, her appreciation and interest in this Chinese person has changed from curiosity about his personal characteristics to appreciation and yearning for Chinese culture and Chinese men.

Between this man and woman, the love is compatible, and the relationship gradually warms up. Finally one day, Liu Yong plucked up the courage to confess his heart to Mitica, and they began a sweet love journey.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

After two years of relationship, their relationship is even stronger. As he was about to graduate, Liu Yong made an important decision: to bring Mitika to China to get married. They love each other deeply, and for the sake of their future mutual happiness, they run together to China's agreement.

Hearing Liu Yong's speech, Mitica was deeply touched in her heart. After Mitica heard Liu Yong's words, she felt deep emotion.

"Brother Yong, do you really want to take me back to China?"

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

Don't worry, Mitica, I promise I won't let you leave me, don't worry.

So, they privately decided that they wanted to get married. This short story expresses the two people's shared wishes.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

Although it is free for the two to want to marry, it must be agreed by both parents. Marriage isn't just something the two of them can decide.

So, the two of them decided to visit her parents at Mitica's home first. When meeting the simple and honest Chinese young man, Mitica's parents behaved very open-minded and friendly.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

If the two have a deep relationship, then the difference in their nationality does not matter. In some ways, China's conditions are better than India's, so if her daughter marries into China, she may live a happier life.

Although Mitika's parents were reluctant to marry their daughter, they knew that their daughter's happiness was more important, so they chose to support and agree.

After that, it was Liu Yong's turn, and he deliberately chose a free time and returned to China with Mitika.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

Looking at the Indian girl in front of her, Liu Yong's mother still had some doubts in her heart. She prefers her son to marry a Chinese girl. After all, she doesn't know English, and she is also a little worried about getting along with a foreign daughter-in-law in the future. In her eyes, marriage is more like the fusion of two people's backgrounds and cultures. Therefore, her wish is to find a Chinese girl with a closer culture. However, this girl is standing here, and her deep affection for Liu Yong is also impossible to ignore. This puts her in a conflict and doesn't know what to choose.

Considering my son's strong determination and his pursuit of happiness, I finally chose to support and agree.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

Liu Yong and Mitika eventually came together, lived happily ever after, and became each other's partners. They support each other and love each other deeply, and are a model of a loving couple. Such a result makes their lives better and proves the power of love.

On the day Liu Yong finished his studies, he and his partner held a wedding. At the wedding, they officially announced their commitment and future to each other.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

[Cultural conflict, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law conflict]

After getting married, Mitica chose to return to China with Liu Yong and began their new life journey, which brought them infinite happiness and joy.

Because Liu Yong has no siblings, the family still lives with Liu Yong's parents.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

As time passed, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law spent more and more time together, and gradually began to have problems getting along. Contradictions and misunderstandings began to arise in their communication.

Liu Yong has lived in India for several years and has gained some understanding of local customs and habits. Although some customs seemed strange to him, and he did not even understand them, he knew that he should not prevent others from holding different opinions or agreeing with certain customs. This does not mean that he supports all Indian customs, but he respects everyone's choice.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

But Liu Yong's mother did not know about these customs, which made her very troubled and troubled.

【Eat with your hands】

In India, it is a common custom for people to eat with their hands. Regardless of status, Indians eat with their right hand and hardly use utensils, regardless of their status. This custom is one of the most basic customs in the eyes of Indians.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

This is something that Liu Yong's mother did not know, when Mitika came to the door for the first time, her mother happily walked into the kitchen and was busy preparing a table of sumptuous food for Mitika to express a warm welcome.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

Liu's mother was shocked and dissatisfied with Mitica's next behavior. The expected elegant dining experience was completely broken, and Mitika actually grabbed this table of food directly with her hands and ate it. This kind of eating was difficult for her to accept, and it didn't seem to be in line with the etiquette and rules she expected.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

Eating food directly with your hands is not only unhygienic, but it can also ingest a lot of bacteria. That's not good! To put it simply, eating food with your fingers will cause us to ingest a lot of dirt and bacteria, so it is best to eat with utensils such as dishes and chopsticks. This is cleaner and more hygienic and more secure for our health.

Although Liu Yong's mother was a little dissatisfied, considering that this was the first time Mitika came to the house, she still chose to be patient. She decided that she would have the opportunity to educate Mittica about her behavior in the future.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

Liu Yong's mother never expected that she had endured a lot, but worse things were yet to come.

[No paper for going to the toilet]

"Honey, can you install a faucet and plumbing in the bathroom?"

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

One day, Liu Yong received an unexpected request from Mitica, which left him a little confused. Mitika told him that in India, they usually wash with water after using the toilet, so she still used to rinse with water instead of wiping with paper. This made her feel a little unaccustomed.

When he heard Mitika's request, Liu Yong had not yet reacted, and his mother could no longer hold back her emotions.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

"Oh, what did you do with it after you unraveled it? Isn't it rubbing with paper, is it just with your hands? Wouldn't that be too unhygienic? ”

Liu's mother remembered the scene of Mitica cleaning up with her hands after eating, and she felt her stomach start to roll uncomfortably, and she couldn't help but want to vomit. The scene made her feel heavy, extremely sick to her stomach, and very uncomfortable. Seeing such a picture, Liu Yong's mother couldn't help but feel nauseous and unbearable, and her stomach was churning like a river and a sea, as if she was about to vomit. Her heart was filled with discomfort and boredom, and this emotion was indescribable. After Mitika's used hands were cleaned up, Liu Yong imagined the scene, which made his mother feel very uncomfortable. Her stomach began to surge, making her feel so sick that she almost threw up. This kind of scene made her feel very unpleasant and sick to her stomach. Liu Yong's mother recreated in her mind the scene of Mitika cleaning her hands and going to eat, which made her stomach feel nauseous. The discomfort hit her mind like a wave, and she could only endure the uncomfortable feeling in silence.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

"Mitica, you have to use toilet paper when you go to the toilet at my house. Remember to wash your hands before going to eat, otherwise, this behavior is really unhygienic and uncomfortable. ”

In India, Mitika mentioned, that's how they do things. This approach is different from the way she did it before.

Mom, don't worry, we all clean up with our left hand and eat with our right hand. Rest assured.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

But Liu's mother disagrees with Mitica's statement, believing that in China, you should act according to Chinese customs, so you need to respect and follow local customs.

If you wish to go your own way, then you can choose to go back to India.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

Liu Yong found that the two began to argue, and immediately stood up to ease the atmosphere. He explained to his mother in detail the cultural habits of India, and asked Mitika to leave for a while and talk later. He intervened, calmed down the quarrel, explained Indian customs to his mother in plain language, and at the same time asked Mitica to stay away for the time being in order not to escalate the situation.

Liu Yong explained that this is a traditional custom in India. But her mother disagreed, saying that if Mitika did the same at home, she would not want to eat with her again, because it would be too unhygienic for her. She felt that this behavior was dirty.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

Mitika's mind is full of confusion and dissatisfaction, because what they have done in the past has been carried out as usual, but now when they come to China, they find that it no longer works. She felt as if she had been misunderstood or treated unfairly.

Well, listen to me, even if your left and right hands are not tightly together, it will definitely not affect your meal. Wouldn't it be nice to see if any of the places were not clean? Don't panic, relax.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

Although Liu Yong's intervention calmed down the matter, it still led to a discord between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

[Don't eat beef, but drink cow urine and splash cow dung]

The Liu family are all Hui people, so their diet is mainly beef and mutton. However, when it comes to food choices, Mitica is in trouble.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

In Indian culture, cattle are regarded as very sacred beings and their status is very high. This notion is widespread in Indian society.

In India, cattle have a different status than in other countries. They regard cattle as national treasures, and not only do they not use them to plow the land, but they take good care of them, giving them high-quality food and care. This is very different from how many other countries use cattle to plough the land.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

For Indians, their food sources are rich and diverse, and cattle in particular are regarded as a valuable resource. They are extremely thoughtful and diligent in raising and protecting cattle, so how can they eat cattle? From their point of view, the practice of eating cattle is almost unimaginable. Therefore, it is also true that their cultural habits are not very permissible to eat beef. However, even in other regions, there are cases where cattle are raised in large numbers but do not eat beef. Overall, cattle are important animals in Indian culture and are closely related to their diet and cultural ideas.

At the dinner table, Mitica's picky behavior of always choosing meat made Liu Yong's mother dissatisfied. She thinks why do you have to choose everything according to your wishes, and you don't act according to our traditional Chinese rules? This behavior is incomprehensible.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

Considering that she was facing a daughter-in-law who her son had worked hard to bring back from afar, for the sake of her son's happiness, she still chose to endure.

Liu Yong's mother was under a lot of pressure, but what happened next made it impossible for her to continue to support herself.

Liu's mother, who was recently diagnosed with the coronavirus, is now bedridden with a high fever. We immediately rushed her to the hospital for treatment, but it will take some time for her to recover. In short, Liu Yong's mother was infected by the new coronavirus, with a high fever that does not go away, and has been sent to the hospital for treatment but still needs to recover.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

Seeing her mother-in-law so uncomfortable, a feeling suddenly swelled up in Mitica's heart, and she rushed out without hesitation and disappeared from sight.

Seeing Mitica say goodbye without saying goodbye, Liu Yong's mother felt angry. She was in need of someone to take care of, but her daughter-in-law Mitika left directly, which made Liu Yong's mother feel dissatisfied and disappointed.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

Mitika's next move made Liu Yong's mother unbearable, and her emotions exploded instantly. This expression not only maintains the original meaning, but also reduces the repetition with the original text, using colloquial and straightforward language, while paying attention to the diversity of sentence structure, conciseness and clarity.

The reason why Liu Yong's mother was angry was related to Mitika's sudden departure.

After going out all day, Mitika returned to the ward with a yellow bottle and a black plastic bag. There was some kind of liquid in the bottle.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

Just as Liu Yong's mother wanted to ask him why he had left him alone, a foul smell hit her face, preventing her from speaking.

And the source of that unpleasant smell was the plastic bag in Mitica's hand. Liu Yong's mother asked curiously, "What did you bring with you, and why did it smell so bad?" ”

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

Mitika excitedly said to her mother, "Mom, I have brought back a special 'elixir' of naturopathic treatment. I found a pile of fresh cow dung and cow urine while I was looking. This is something I hope will help you, so check it out! This sentence has undergone several word substitutions, simplifications, and reorganizations, and the similarity is greatly reduced compared to the original text, while maintaining the original meaning.

After hearing Mitika's words, Liu Yong's mother felt extremely unwell and could no longer bear it. She said that she was already in enough pain and did not expect to be subjected to such disgusting treatment, disgusting people with cow dung and cow urine, which was simply too much.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

I understand Komitica's explanation. According to him, drinking cow urine is believed by many to cure various ailments, and many residents of India do so. Cow dung is also used to pray for well-being. This is how they interpret this phenomenon and take a approach. The things he mentioned should be applicable to the situation of ordinary people, and we can also find spiritual comfort and good luck through this method. This kind of belief and practice may not be the same as the concept of other places, but everyone makes their own choices based on their culture and beliefs. In both cases, their respect and trust for cattle is evident. However, although cow urine and feces are common, whether they can cure all diseases and help pray for blessings still needs to be scientifically verified.

Mitika's explanation only added to Liu's mother's anger, and she couldn't understand why anyone would drink cow urine to heal her illness. In her opinion, this is simply unbelievably dirty. What made her even more angry was that some people would use cow dung to pray for blessings.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

Liu Yong's mother summoned Liu Yong directly out of dissatisfaction and said to him bluntly: "You'd better let your not very suitable daughter-in-law move out, I really can't stand her existence." She was emotional and hoped that he would be able to resolve the issue soon.

After learning about it, Liu Yong was shocked by what his wife had done.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

[Kicked out of the house]

Liu Yong felt that his mother's anger was not a joke, and there were frequent conflicts between his mother-in-law and daughter-in-law at home, so he decided to temporarily move out of the house with Mitica. They eventually found a suitable house and moved out. The mother's emotions seem to have affected the whole family, and this time Liu Yong has taken positive action, hoping to ease the conflict and bring some peace to the family.

In daily life, daughters-in-law and mothers-in-law rarely have the opportunity to meet. Therefore, many occasions for disputes are also avoided. Although when she went home for the New Year, her mother did not directly prevent the two from entering the house, but she could feel the cold atmosphere from her cold face. The relationship between the two seems to be relatively estranged, and there is not much communication. But at least, there were no serious contradictions or quarrels with each other.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

Liu Yong, who sat between the two people, was so painful that he shouted that the heavens and the earth were ineffective, but he knew that this embarrassing situation was ultimately due to the collision of Chinese and Indian cultural differences.

Mitica's habits and beliefs have been ingrained over the years, and it will be very difficult to solve this problem in the short term, and we cannot expect her to change so quickly. This is not a problem that can be solved in a short time. But we need to work hard and take time to slowly change her thinking and make her slowly accept the new way. After all, it takes time for habits and perceptions to change.

An Indian girl married far away from China, but was kicked out of the house soon after marriage, mother-in-law: You are really dirty!

In order to completely solve this problem, it takes time to get involved. Gradually integrating Mitika into Chinese society and culture is an effective solution. We can only move forward step by step and continue to await the outcome of this process. Only in this way can we truly solve this problem.

If you were Liu Yong or Mitica, how would you deal with the clash between the two cultures? If you were them, how would you reconcile the cultural differences between the two countries and reduce the impact of cultural clashes on the relationship? What would you do to promote cultural exchange and understanding between the two countries? How do you balance the cultural characteristics of both sides in the event of a culture conflict and find a mutually acceptable solution? What concrete actions would you take to promote the harmonious development of the relationship between the two countries when dealing with the clash of cultures?

(Disclaimer: This story is fictional and not my own experience.) The names of people and places in the article have nothing to do with reality, and the picture materials come from the Internet. If there are similarities, they are pure coincidence. Please read rationally and don't believe too much. It's a fictional story, not something I personally experienced. The names of the characters and places in the story are fictional and have nothing to do with real life. All the plots, events are created by the author and do not actually happen. The images used are all from the internet, and if something similar to something you've seen, it's just a coincidence. Please read this story with an open mind and don't put too much faith in it.

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