
The subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students cannot become Tang monk meat, nor can it become an ATM, and it is a loss of conscience

author:The first clear sky
The subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students cannot become Tang monk meat, nor can it become an ATM, and it is a loss of conscience
The subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students cannot become Tang monk meat, nor can it become an ATM, and it is a loss of conscience

Xinhua News Agency issued an article today, after the State Council audited the implementation of the special fund for rural students' meal subsidies in 159 counties, and found a lot of problems of misappropriation of this fund, which is really shocking, it is incredible, and these people are too lawless!


I didn't know it, but I was shocked to see that 66 counties had embezzled nearly 2 billion yuan of rural students' meal subsidies for their own expenses.

Originally, the expenditure of meal subsidies for rural students was a benefit of the state for rural students, but not only did this benefit not fall on the children, but was appropriated by some people into their own ATMs!

The State Council audited 159 counties, and 66 counties were recruited. That's too much. That's nearly 41 percent. They set up clever schemes to embezzle students' meal subsidies for their own expenditures, consumption, and even welfare.

This is also too immoral, this is eaten from the mouths of children. The Rural Meal Subsidy is designed for rural children to improve their nutritional intake.

As a result, these threads were so neat that it became their extra little vault. If you need money, you can take it out of this small coffer. If you need to pay benefits, you can also pay from here.

This kind of behavior treats the meal subsidy of rural children as Tang Seng meat, and anyone can share a piece, which is no less than the demons and monsters encountered by Tang Seng on Journey to the West!

Some even use the meal subsidy for rural children as an ATM, and mention it when they need it, they don't realize that their behavior is to grab food and welfare from the child's mouth! This kind of behavior is shameful.

This kind of behavior of adults and children, and even state civil servants and children, grabbing food is really indescribable!

The subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students cannot become Tang monk meat, nor can it become an ATM, and it is a loss of conscience
The subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students cannot become Tang monk meat, nor can it become an ATM, and it is a loss of conscience
The subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students cannot become Tang monk meat, nor can it become an ATM, and it is a loss of conscience
The subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students cannot become Tang monk meat, nor can it become an ATM, and it is a loss of conscience
The subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students cannot become Tang monk meat, nor can it become an ATM, and it is a loss of conscience

What do netizens think of this behavior?

Let's sit in a row first and take a look at the after-school service fee proposed by this netizen. How much is a semester exactly. It seems that there are really too many or less, is there also a regional difference?

The subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students cannot become Tang monk meat, nor can it become an ATM, and it is a loss of conscience

This sentence is indeed rough, as netizens said, give birth to a child and raise a bunch of grandchildren!

The subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students cannot become Tang monk meat, nor can it become an ATM, and it is a loss of conscience

There's also an after-school late fee, which I don't know.

The subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students cannot become Tang monk meat, nor can it become an ATM, and it is a loss of conscience

There must be after-school service fees, which seems to be stipulated by the state, but the specific amount is implemented by the localities themselves.

The subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students cannot become Tang monk meat, nor can it become an ATM, and it is a loss of conscience
The subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students cannot become Tang monk meat, nor can it become an ATM, and it is a loss of conscience

Nutritious meals are targeted at the compulsory education stage of rural children.

The subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students cannot become Tang monk meat, nor can it become an ATM, and it is a loss of conscience

Hahaha, eating and drinking at public expense, spending tourism at public expense, no wonder netizens said that they really gave birth to a son and raised a bunch of grandchildren.

The subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students cannot become Tang monk meat, nor can it become an ATM, and it is a loss of conscience
The subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students cannot become Tang monk meat, nor can it become an ATM, and it is a loss of conscience

It turns out that there are policies and countermeasures, and this is how the school explains to students.

The subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students cannot become Tang monk meat, nor can it become an ATM, and it is a loss of conscience

A total of 159 counties were checked, and 66 counties had problems with the audit!

The subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students cannot become Tang monk meat, nor can it become an ATM, and it is a loss of conscience

Hahaha, this meal subsidy does exist, but you may not have heard of it.

The subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students cannot become Tang monk meat, nor can it become an ATM, and it is a loss of conscience

These people are really mad, and for their own selfish desires, they even snatch food from children's mouths.

The subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students cannot become Tang monk meat, nor can it become an ATM, and it is a loss of conscience

Officials in these 66 counties should indeed be announced, let them sweat and show up!

The subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students cannot become Tang monk meat, nor can it become an ATM, and it is a loss of conscience

Some people are indeed greedy and have no bottom line, and dare to be greedy for any money! It's insatiable.

The subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students cannot become Tang monk meat, nor can it become an ATM, and it is a loss of conscience
The subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students cannot become Tang monk meat, nor can it become an ATM, and it is a loss of conscience

Write at the end.

This good policy of the state has become a small treasury in the hands of governments at all levels. Not only do the children not receive subsidies for meals, but the money has become a source of welfare for some officials.

These officials not only snatched food from the children's mouths, but also treated him as a Tang monk meat ATM, so they withdrew some money from there. It's simply unconscionable and lawless. I don't know if they thought about giving the children an explanation!

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