
A mountain is taller than a mountain, a bird is more than a bird, Burns: I hope China is centered on the United States

author:Purple Dollar

Burns's brother, as soon as he opened his mouth, it was big news, and he insisted that we revolve around his stove, and we had to use their core values as baby bumps. This made me wonder if before he published this high-level theory, I am afraid that he had not had time to bite the bread, and his head lacked some oil and water, so he made such an outrageous tune.

A mountain is taller than a mountain, a bird is more than a bird, Burns: I hope China is centered on the United States

You say how thick-skinned does this Burns have to be to say this kind of "your house has to revolve around my pot" so calmly. Isn't this just like the old king next door, who came to your house when he had nothing to do, patted his chest and said, "Hey, in the future, your family rules will have to follow mine." "Isn't it as ridiculous? This brother is afraid that he has the paranoia that "the earth revolves around me".

A mountain is taller than a mountain, a bird is more than a bird, Burns: I hope China is centered on the United States

Our 5,000-year-old civilization accumulation in China, what wind and waves have not been seen, why do you need others to point out how to live? We have our culture, our path, and our own values. Burns's words are like being supported by a full meal, not by the stomach, but by the brain.

They seem to be still living in the sweet dream of the "American century", and they have not woken up! Times have changed, the world has changed, if you cling to the old calendar, sooner or later you will have to fall behind. Between countries, what is important is equality and mutual benefit, how can anyone who is strong have the final say?

Burns's attitude is like that of an old colonist, and he thinks that he is the sun, and everyone else has to revolve around. He was not only arrogant, but simply carried away. No, he also greatly underestimated our determination and backbone, and we are not the Dongying of the year, so a few words can make us bow our heads.

A mountain is taller than a mountain, a bird is more than a bird, Burns: I hope China is centered on the United States

Our China has a long history and profound cultural heritage, and the backbone of the people is very hard. The more pressure there is, the more we twist into a rope. Burns's threat not only did not frighten people, but it seemed to add fire to our patriotism.

In the final analysis, what the United States has done in the international community over the past few years cannot be covered up by one or two good words. The Middle East, Europe, Asia, Africa, where are they not intervening? The hat of "-stirring stick", it is really appropriate for them to wear. One moment as a "defender of democracy" and a moment as a "freedom fighter", in fact, they are doing something that goes against their own slogans.

If they really want to get along internationally, they must first learn to let go of their bodies, do things in a down-to-earth manner, and don't always think about going all the way with a mouth. As we old saying, "Just talk and don't practice fake tricks, hard work can prosper the country."

In short, Burns's words sound like a dream that hasn't woken up yet. It's time to wake up, the United States, the world is no longer your backyard. If you want to continue to mix in a multipolar world, you have to come up with some new tricks, and don't keep using the old script.

A mountain is taller than a mountain, a bird is more than a bird, Burns: I hope China is centered on the United States

The picture comes from the Internet--- invaded and deleted

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