
Korean media ridiculed Chinese football: the national football team has only 1 move to return to the World Cup, and it is expected to be realized in 2034!

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Korean media ridiculed Chinese football: the national football team has only 1 move to return to the World Cup, and it is expected to be realized in 2034!
Korean media ridiculed Chinese football: the national football team has only 1 move to return to the World Cup, and it is expected to be realized in 2034!

Can the World Cup dream of the national football team come true in 2034?

When it comes to Chinese football, everyone knows it in their hearts, and our desire for the World Cup is like looking forward to the stars and the moon. Recently, the media in South Korea has stirred up a hot topic again, saying that if our national football team wants to play the World Cup again, the most reliable chance may have to wait until 2034, and it is because we will run the game ourselves.

Korean media ridiculed Chinese football: the national football team has only 1 move to return to the World Cup, and it is expected to be realized in 2034!

Chinese football in the eyes of Korean media

South Korea's words are direct, but they are also telling the truth. Over the years, Chinese football has spent a lot of money, from youth training to inviting foreign coaches, to naturalized players, the tricks have been exhausted, but the results are still not good. In Asia, Japan, South Korea, and Australia are teams that we have to look up to.

Korean media ridiculed Chinese football: the national football team has only 1 move to return to the World Cup, and it is expected to be realized in 2034!

2034, the World Cup on your doorstep?

According to FIFA rules, the 2034 World Cup is Asia's turn. This is like a pie-in-the-sky good thing for Chinese football - the host country can usually go straight to the finals. However, there are many good things, and Saudi Arabia also wants to do it, so we have to fight. And, even if it does, the fans around the world will be staring at it, especially to see how we play.

Korean media ridiculed Chinese football: the national football team has only 1 move to return to the World Cup, and it is expected to be realized in 2034!

The self-redemption of Chinese football

The Chinese Football Association is not a vegetarian, and has been holding back its efforts to reform since 2019, trying to improve the level of the national team. Starting from the baby, the league changes the rules, finds a good coach, and all aspects are moving. This momentum shows that Chinese football is moving in a good direction.

Korean media ridiculed Chinese football: the national football team has only 1 move to return to the World Cup, and it is expected to be realized in 2034!

Conclusion: Dreams come true

The year 2034 will be both an opportunity and a test for our Chinese football. Regardless of whether we can play the World Cup at home or not, we must seize the time to practice internal skills and improve our strength. In this way, even if the World Cup really comes one day, we can straighten our backs and fight with others.

Korean media ridiculed Chinese football: the national football team has only 1 move to return to the World Cup, and it is expected to be realized in 2034!

Chinese football still has a long way to go, and the 2034 World Cup is just a goal, and the key depends on how hard we work. As long as we get stronger day by day, no matter what time it is, we can make a name for ourselves.

Korean media ridiculed Chinese football: the national football team has only 1 move to return to the World Cup, and it is expected to be realized in 2034!

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