
#头条首发大赛#现在电话都实名制了, but why are there still so many harassment and scam calls? The mobile phone numbers displayed are all from all over the world, so don't these mobile phone numbers use real names?

author:Heroes and small heroes



#头条首发大赛#现在电话都实名制了, but why are there still so many harassment and scam calls? The mobile phone numbers displayed are all from all over the world, so don't these mobile phone numbers use real names?
#头条首发大赛#现在电话都实名制了, but why are there still so many harassment and scam calls? The mobile phone numbers displayed are all from all over the world, so don't these mobile phone numbers use real names?
#头条首发大赛#现在电话都实名制了, but why are there still so many harassment and scam calls? The mobile phone numbers displayed are all from all over the world, so don't these mobile phone numbers use real names?

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