
Self-projection: Reveal the truth of the world in your eyes, and to change yourself is to change the world

author:Kuang Qi Zhen Library
Self-projection: Reveal the truth of the world in your eyes, and to change yourself is to change the world

In this complex world, each of us is like a director, capturing every moment of life with the lens of the depths of our hearts. But have you ever wondered if what we see is the true nature of things, or is it a projection of our hearts?

Imagine a simple cup, for a thirsty person, it is a tool to quench thirst; For artists, it can be a source of inspiration; And for a baby, it may just be a novelty toy. The same thing shows a completely different face in different eyes. This is the power of perspective.

Self-projection: Reveal the truth of the world in your eyes, and to change yourself is to change the world

Our movements, our expressions, and even our inner feelings may have different interpretations in the eyes of others. When one person clasps his hands, you may think he is on alert, while another person may think he is shivering because of the cold. These interpretations do not come from the thing itself, but from the inner world of the observer.

It makes us think, what are we? How does our inner world affect how we see everything around us? Good people can't see evil in their eyes, fragile people can't perceive tenacity, and people who are full of darkness in their hearts can never experience the warmth and hope of the sun. Our hearts, like a mirror, reflect our attitudes and perceptions of the world.

Self-projection: Reveal the truth of the world in your eyes, and to change yourself is to change the world

But this reflection is not just one-way. How we perceive others is also silently telling us who we are. The true self is not the self in the eyes of the self, nor the self in the eyes of others, but the self reflected through the perspective of others. It's a deeper sense of self that requires us to look beyond ourselves and look at ourselves from a broader perspective.

So, how do we change the world? The answer is simple, start by changing yourself. When our hearts are full of sunshine, the world we see will also be bright; When our hearts are filled with love, the world we see will also be warm. Our mind is the source of the projection, which determines what we see the world like.

Self-projection: Reveal the truth of the world in your eyes, and to change yourself is to change the world

So, let's start a revolution within. Learn to look at problems from different perspectives, learn to understand and accept different perspectives, and learn to experience the world with a more open and inclusive heart. Only then can we truly change our world and make it a better place.

Remember, the world you see is who you are. To change oneself is to change the world. Together, let us use the power of our hearts to create a more brilliant future.

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