
The exclusive TikTokShop live broadcast in the United States was $660,000, and the return on ad spend broke the record

author:Fenfa Citrus 6s9

The exclusive TikTokShop live broadcast in the United States was $660,000, and the return on ad spend broke the record

The "golden finger" of popular Internet celebrities

In the ever-changing social e-commerce track, there is an emerging form of trading that is becoming the cusp: celebrity Internet celebrities live broadcast goods. Recently, TikTok's single live broadcast in the United States set a sales record of $665,000, which has aroused widespread attention in the industry. What's the secret? What is the charm of Internet celebrities bringing goods, which can make merchants operate frantically and invest at any cost?

Value reshaping under the Law of 28

When it comes to Internet celebrities bringing goods, I have to mention Li Jiaqi and Jeffree. The latter is affectionately known as the "American version of Li Jiaqi" by industry insiders.

Unlike Li Jiaqi's pure white and rich image, Jeffree is an Internet celebrity with the label of "controversy". He is not only the founder of a business-minded makeup brand, but also has an annual revenue of nearly 1 billion yuan. When he set a sales record of $665,000 in a seven-hour live stream on TikTok, the industry was naturally furious.

The reason for this is, first of all, that the value of Internet celebrities has been sublimated and reshaped. In the digital age, content creators are no longer just media channels carrying advertisements, they are gradually becoming "commodities" in their own right. And an Internet celebrity like Jeffree with a strong personal IP and influence has also been highly recognized by the market for its attributes of bringing goods.

Speaking from the data, the number of sales orders in this live broadcast reached 92,000, and the number of buyers was 19,500. This conversion rate is already quite impressive. Moreover, Jeffree's personal brand Jeffree Star Cosmetics itself is also well-known in the beauty industry, which has contributed to his explosion in the live broadcast.

It can be said that this $665,000 live broadcast sale reflects the value reshaping brought by the new Internet celebrity economy to some extent. Under the rule of 28, the more powerful the influencer is, the stronger his business monetization ability.

Complex logic for traffic monetization

But simply attributing it to the value of the Internet celebrity itself seems to be difficult to fully explain the $665,000 live broadcast explosion. After all, data analysis showed that the live stream's return on ad delivery (ROAS) was not the best in the industry.

Some analysts speculate that the ROAS of this live broadcast may be around 1:5, that is, investing $1 can get $5 in benefits. And if it's 1:23, then the return is not too high.

The reason for this is that in addition to Jeff's own brand influence, the team behind it also plays an important role.

It turned out that this record-breaking live broadcast was operated by SuperOrdinary, a TikTok top 20 MCN agency in the United States. This means that a professional operation team is needed behind the Internet celebrity to bring goods.

From the market analysis and content planning in the early stage, to the opening of the live broadcast, diversion and drainage, and even the data analysis and optimization after the live broadcast, a professional operation team needs to participate in the whole process. It is not enough to rely solely on the appeal of individual Internet celebrities, but also to integrate multiple resources to achieve efficient monetization of traffic.

It can be said that the logic of this kind of traffic monetization is fundamentally different from that of simple advertising. It requires a more refined operational strategy and a more complex alignment of interests.

It didn't happen overnight

It is worth mentioning that the success of this $665,000 live broadcast was not achieved overnight by Jeffree and the SuperOrdinary team.

It is understood that Jeffree, as the founder of a makeup brand, has long been well-known in the beauty industry and has accumulated a certain brand influence. As a professional MCN organization, SuperOrdinary has rich experience in live broadcast operations.

The exclusive TikTokShop live broadcast in the United States was $660,000, and the return on ad spend broke the record

In other words, behind this live broadcast is a pool of operational resources that have accumulated for many years. From market analysis and content planning in the early stage, to diversion and drainage and data optimization in the later stage, continuous running-in and practice are required.

In contrast, some new Internet celebrities bring goods, although they also have a huge fan base, but they often lack the support of a professional operation team. This also makes it difficult for them to make breakthroughs in live broadcast monetization.

Therefore, we can't simply equate the appeal of influencers with the success of live streaming. The involvement of the professional operation team behind it is undoubtedly the key.

And behind all this, there is another important factor that cannot be ignored, and that is the acquisition of traffic.

There is no doubt that TikTok's traffic dividend is being fought for by various merchants. Especially in overseas markets, TikTok's user growth momentum is gratifying, and many businesses have set their sights on this emerging traffic camp.

This $665,000 live broadcast not only marks a super high sales scale, but also reflects the huge value of TikTok traffic. We can see that in the coming days, more businesses will surely join the emerging traffic track of TikTok.

The challenge of sustainable development

However, simply pegging on the traffic dividend is not a long-term solution. With the increasing saturation of the market, whether online celebrities can continue to maintain high growth will also face new challenges.

The first is the quality and service of the product itself. Taking the beauty category as an example, although this category generally performs well in live streaming, consumers' demands are not limited to the product itself. Good after-sales service, user experience, brand building, etc., are the keys to determining whether a business can continue to win the favor of consumers.

The second is the improvement of live broadcast operation capabilities. As mentioned above, the involvement of a professional operation team is one of the key factors for the success of influencer sales. With the intensification of market competition, the appeal of Internet celebrities alone is no longer enough to cope with the fierce market competition. Merchants must further improve their live broadcast operation capabilities and optimize operational efficiency from multiple dimensions such as content planning, traffic guidance, and data analysis.

In addition, compliance and legality are also the focus of the development of online celebrities. Many Internet celebrities have some practices to avoid legal risks in the live broadcast room, such as false publicity, avoiding advertising logos, etc. Not only can this be a regulatory risk, but it can also affect consumer trust. Therefore, it is important for businesses to raise their awareness of compliance and establish a good brand image.

Finally, how to tap emerging traffic entrances is also a problem that needs to be focused on in the future development of Internet celebrities. Although TikTok is in the limelight at the moment, other platforms such as YouTube and Instagram also have a wide range of user groups and great development potential.

Continuing from the previous article, let's explore the sustainable development of influencers.

Maintaining high quality and excellent service is key. Although beauty products generally perform well in live streaming, consumers' demands are far more than that. Good after-sales service, high-quality user experience, and continuous brand building are all important factors that determine whether a business can win the long-term favor of consumers.

Improving professional operational capabilities is also key. With the intensification of market competition, it is difficult to cope with the fierce market competition by relying only on the appeal of Internet celebrities. Merchants need to further improve their live broadcast operation level and optimize operational efficiency from multiple dimensions such as content planning, traffic guidance, and data analysis, so as to continue to get consumers to sleep.

Compliance and legality cannot be ignored either. Many Internet celebrities have some practices to avoid legal risks in the live broadcast room, which may not only face regulatory risks, but also affect consumer trust. Therefore, merchants must improve their compliance awareness and establish a good brand image in order to stand out in the fierce market competition.

Finally, how to tap the emerging traffic entrance is also the future development of Internet celebrities to focus on. Although TikTok is in the limelight at the moment, other platforms such as YouTube and Instagram also have a wide range of user groups and great development potential. Merchants need to pay attention to the development of multi-channel traffic in order to find new growth points in the rapidly changing market environment.

In short, the development prospects of online celebrity sales are broad, but in order to achieve sustained and high-quality growth, merchants need to start from various aspects such as product services, operational capabilities, compliance and legality, and multi-channel traffic development, and continuously improve their comprehensive competitiveness. Only in this way can online celebrities stand out in the fierce market competition and achieve sustainable development.

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