
Iran really struck! Iron Dome system bug found, Netanyahu: Don't hit me!

author:Jiajia chatted

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Iran really struck! Iron Dome system bug found, Netanyahu: Don't hit me!

Editor: Jia Jia chats

Iran really struck! Iron Dome system bug found, Netanyahu: Don't hit me!

The Middle East is enveloped in the smoke of gunpowder, and an undercurrent of military confrontation is brewing.

Iran really struck! Iron Dome system bug found, Netanyahu: Don't hit me!

On one side is the coalition between Iran and Lebanon, and on the other side is the battle-hardened Israeli army.

Iran really struck! Iron Dome system bug found, Netanyahu: Don't hit me!

The two sides have been at loggerheads for a long time, with occasional skirmishes, but the prospect of a major war seems to be just around the corner.

Iran really struck! Iron Dome system bug found, Netanyahu: Don't hit me!

Iran's silence for a while has led to the perception that it may have lost its old strength. Unexpectedly, the recent sudden change in the situation is just an undercurrent. Iran has quietly injected money into Lebanon and has aggressively expanded its armaments. The most striking of these are the rumored 8,000 Katyusha missiles. That alone would be a devastating force for Lebanon.

Iran really struck! Iron Dome system bug found, Netanyahu: Don't hit me!

But Iran's support goes far beyond that. We have been informed that a few months ago, Lebanon discovered a major vulnerability in the Israeli air defense system Iron Dome. This multibillion-dollar system is considered the pinnacle of the world's air defense system. Lebanon has found its dead end.

Iran really struck! Iron Dome system bug found, Netanyahu: Don't hit me!

Although the "Iron Dome" can deal with hundreds of targets at the same time, its actual detection and interception capabilities are far less efficient than the official claim of "90%". It is reported that even the most elite 15 systems can only cover 400 targets at a time. Lebanon, on the other hand, already has more than 100,000 rockets, which can easily break through the protective net of the "Iron Dome".

Iran really struck! Iron Dome system bug found, Netanyahu: Don't hit me!

Naturally, the Israeli side knows this. Fears are beginning to rise over the clouds of the conflict. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has publicly called on Lebanon to "stop beating me". Although these words were internationally condemned at the time, they reflected Israel's helplessness. The fact that the new equipment of the United States has not yet arrived in Israel and is divided into troops to fight in the south is the main reason why the Israeli military is overstretched.

Iran really struck! Iron Dome system bug found, Netanyahu: Don't hit me!

When the news broke, Lebanon's morale was high, not only was it rich in supplies, but Iran and other countries were also serving as a solid backing for this war. Since last year's Lien War, the morale-boosted Lebanese army has been poised for a long time and is desperate to take advantage of the "Iron Dome" to turn around and regain victory.

Iran really struck! Iron Dome system bug found, Netanyahu: Don't hit me!

When the clouds are thick, both sides are eyeing and preparing to attack. Lebanon has Iran's strong backing behind it, while Israel is counting on the arrival of new U.S. weapons in time. The standoff has escalated into a race for time.

Iran really struck! Iron Dome system bug found, Netanyahu: Don't hit me!

Naturally, Israel will not sit still. As a military power in the Middle East, its armaments have always been at the forefront of the world. But this time it revealed the fatal flaws of the air defense system. The military informed the Cabinet of the situation, which immediately sparked a heated discussion. Analysts point out that the "Iron Dome" system has a vulnerable weakness in the face of high-density firepower, and once Lebanon launches an intensive missile attack, its air defense will indeed be paralyzed.

Iran really struck! Iron Dome system bug found, Netanyahu: Don't hit me!

In this regard, the Israeli generals have no choice but to step up their efforts to find countermeasures. Diplomats have tried to use international influence to call on all sides to turn the tide. To no avail, the root cause of the contradictions between the two sides is too deep and difficult to resolve in a short period of time.

Iran really struck! Iron Dome system bug found, Netanyahu: Don't hit me!

On the other hand, in the Lebanese camp, the military and the people are united and high-spirited. In the event of a war that broke out, in addition to Iran's strong support, Lebanon itself had more than 100,000 militias on standby. This is no longer a simple government military force, but a bloody struggle of the entire nation against the great powers.

Iran really struck! Iron Dome system bug found, Netanyahu: Don't hit me!

The support of the Iranian side was also unsparing. In addition to the 8,000 Katyusha missiles mentioned above, a large number of other advanced weapons continue to arrive in Lebanon. Through the exchange of high-level visits, the two sides have gradually outlined a clear roadmap for the deployment of troops. Once the flames of war are ignited, Iran will be involved in the whole process to ensure the final outcome.

Iran really struck! Iron Dome system bug found, Netanyahu: Don't hit me!

As the standoff heats up, both sides are stepping up their deployments. Lebanese territory is home to a staggering number of rocket launchers. The missile positions were surrounded by militia barracks, which practiced day and night, ready to fight to the death.

Iran really struck! Iron Dome system bug found, Netanyahu: Don't hit me!

The Iranian military has also joined the contest in full swing. They deployed a large number of military advisers to Lebanon to guide the training and tactical deployment of the troops. In addition, a team of experts participated in the analysis and research of the "Iron Dome" vulnerability throughout the whole process, and formulated an attack plan for Lebanon.

Iran really struck! Iron Dome system bug found, Netanyahu: Don't hit me!

Weapons and equipment from Iran rained down on Lebanon, including a large number of Katyusha missiles. This is an elite guided weapon that Iran is proud of, having made numerous achievements in the Iran-Iraq war in the 80s of the last century. It has a combat radius of more than 300 kilometers and a range sufficient to cover the entire territory of Israel.

Iran really struck! Iron Dome system bug found, Netanyahu: Don't hit me!

In addition to massive fire strikes, the parties have prepared a range of other courses of action. Lebanese militants are expected to infiltrate the Israeli border, launching acts of infiltration, harassment and sabotage at the right time. Iran, for its part, may use drones, missiles and other multi-pronged measures to cut off the supply routes of the Israeli army's vital forces.

Iran really struck! Iron Dome system bug found, Netanyahu: Don't hit me!

Israel is racing against time to prepare for war, awaiting the arrival of new weapons from its U.S. allies. At the same time, intelligence services are intensively collecting information on the adversary's deployment and strategy, laying a solid foundation for wartime strikes.

Iran really struck! Iron Dome system bug found, Netanyahu: Don't hit me!

Special forces and elite armored divisions are also constantly practicing combat operations and simulating various response scenarios. They concentrated their main forces in the Lebanese border area, and could quickly counterattack in the event of an enemy attack.

Iran really struck! Iron Dome system bug found, Netanyahu: Don't hit me!

However, according to military analysis, due to the blind spots of the "Iron Dome" system, in the event of a massive missile strike, there will still be heavy losses.

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