
Diabetics can't eat watermelon? Doctor reminds: If you don't want your blood sugar to spike, you should touch several fruits less

author:Xiaochai Health Talk
Diabetics can't eat watermelon? Doctor reminds: If you don't want your blood sugar to spike, you should touch several fruits less

Disclaimer: The content of the article is for reference only, the storyline is purely fictional, intended to popularize health knowledge, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention offline.

On a midsummer afternoon, the sun scorches the earth and the air is filled with the sound of cicadas.

Aunt Wang sat on a park bench, holding a piece of watermelon in her hand, but her face was full of sadness.

She has diabetes, and the doctor told her to control her diet, especially to eat less sweets, but the temptation of watermelon was really hard to resist.

She hesitated, should she take a bite?

Diabetics can't eat watermelon? Doctor reminds: If you don't want your blood sugar to spike, you should touch several fruits less

"Auntie, what's wrong with you?" A young girl passing by, named Xiaoli, asked with concern when she saw Aunt Wang's sad face.

Aunt Wang sighed and told Xiaoli about her troubles.

After listening to this, Xiaoli said with a smile: "Auntie, don't worry, watermelon is edible, just in moderation, and choose the right variety." ”

Aunt Wang raised her head in surprise and asked, "Really?" I've heard that diabetics can't eat watermelon, it can raise blood sugar. ”

Diabetics can't eat watermelon? Doctor reminds: If you don't want your blood sugar to spike, you should touch several fruits less

"That's because some watermelons are relatively high in sugar, and if you eat too much, it will really affect blood sugar."

"But not all watermelons are not suitable for diabetics.

Doctors recommend choosing watermelon with low sugar content, such as yellow watermelon, and eating only one small piece at a time to enjoy the delicious taste without worrying about blood sugar fluctuations. ”

Aunt Wang listened to Xiaoli's words, and her heart suddenly relaxed a lot.

Diabetics can't eat watermelon? Doctor reminds: If you don't want your blood sugar to spike, you should touch several fruits less

She always thought that diabetics couldn't eat watermelon, but now she knows that as long as you choose the right variety and control the amount, you can still enjoy delicious watermelon.

Xiaoli's words gave Aunt Wang a new understanding of the diet of diabetic patients, and also made her pay more attention to her health management.

She began to learn about diabetes seriously and actively communicated with doctors to adjust her eating habits.

So, in addition to watermelon, what other fruits should diabetics rarely touch?

Diabetics can't eat watermelon? Doctor reminds: If you don't want your blood sugar to spike, you should touch several fruits less

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016) released by the Chinese Nutrition Society, diabetic patients should pay attention to the following points when choosing fruits:

Choose fruits that are low in sugar: such as strawberries, blueberries, cherries, lemons, grapefruits, etc.

Limit the amount of fruit you eat: Don't eat more than 100 grams of fruit at a time, which is equivalent to a medium-sized apple.

Choose the right time to eat: It's best to eat fruit as a snack between meals, not after meals, so as not to exacerbate blood sugar fluctuations.

Diabetics can't eat watermelon? Doctor reminds: If you don't want your blood sugar to spike, you should touch several fruits less

Here are some common fruits with a high sugar content that diabetics need to consume with caution:

Bananas: Bananas are rich in potassium but also have a high sugar content, about 15 grams per 100 grams of bananas.

Grapes: Grapes are high in sugar, about 16 grams per 100 grams of grapes.

Lychee: Lychee has a high sugar content, with about 17 grams of sugar per 100 grams.

Diabetics can't eat watermelon? Doctor reminds: If you don't want your blood sugar to spike, you should touch several fruits less

In addition to fruits, diabetics should also pay attention to controlling the intake of staple foods,

And choose foods with a low glycemic index, such as brown rice, oats, corn, etc.

In short, it is not that diabetics cannot eat fruits, but they should choose the right fruits and control the amount and time of consumption.

A scientific and reasonable diet, coupled with moderate exercise, can effectively control blood sugar and improve the quality of life.

Diabetics can't eat watermelon? Doctor reminds: If you don't want your blood sugar to spike, you should touch several fruits less

With the help of Xiaoli, Aunt Wang gradually mastered the dietary management methods of diabetic patients.

Her life has also become healthier and happier.

Instead of being shy away from delicious fruit, she has learned how to enjoy her meal while keeping her blood sugar under control.

Diabetics can't eat watermelon? Doctor reminds: If you don't want your blood sugar to spike, you should touch several fruits less

Remind everyone that the dietary management of diabetic patients is a long-term process that requires perseverance.

Consult a doctor, learn about it,

And make a reasonable diet plan according to your own situation, so as to better control blood sugar and enjoy a healthy life.

Diabetics can't eat watermelon? Doctor reminds: If you don't want your blood sugar to spike, you should touch several fruits less

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(The story in the article is purely fictional, if there is any similarity is purely coincidental, if the body is not well, seek medical help in time)

Here are some references about diets for people with diabetes:

Chinese Nutrition Society. Dietary guidelines for Chinese residents (2016)[M]. Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House, 2016.

Chinese Diabetes Society. Dietary guidelines for diabetic patients[M]. Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House, 2018.

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