
Distressed! Zhang Zhijie, a genius in the badminton world, passed away, and just got a university notice, Lin Dan exposed the inside story of the industry

author:Xiao Zhang said something

In the future, let's bring AEDs ourselves, such a big international event, the rescue of the medical team looks really amateurish! The difference between the medical response of the golden rescue time is a human life!

Distressed! Zhang Zhijie, a genius in the badminton world, passed away, and just got a university notice, Lin Dan exposed the inside story of the industry

As you can imagine, people all over the world watched the 17-year-old fall, watched him convulse, watched him motionless, the referee didn't call a stop, the opponent didn't call a stop, and the medical team didn't rush up in the first place. The slow reaction of the audience, what stings is the family in front of the screen, Zhang Shijie's sister posted 5 Weibo posts in a row, holding grievances for her younger brother, and the feeling of heartache has overflowed the screen.

Distressed! Zhang Zhijie, a genius in the badminton world, passed away, and just got a university notice, Lin Dan exposed the inside story of the industry

Zhang Zhijie's honor

Zhang Zhijie was born in 2007, a native of Zhejiang, his father died early, and he has been living with his mother and sister, he has had amazing badminton talent since he was a child, and later entered the provincial team and the national team in 2023. Since participating in the badminton competition in 2022, Zhang Zhijie has almost been a frequent winner, and he has been a champion trophy all the way.

Distressed! Zhang Zhijie, a genius in the badminton world, passed away, and just got a university notice, Lin Dan exposed the inside story of the industry

According to Zhang Zhijie's sister's post, it may be because of his father's early death, Zhang Zhijie is very sensible and well-behaved, and he got the prize money for the first time in the competition this year, and he took it all out to buy gifts for his family and elders.

On June 29th, Zhang Zhijie just received the admission letter from the university, and June 30th happened to be his sister's birthday, and on July 1st, Zhang Zhijie died away from home before he had time to say happy birthday to his sister, and his sister probably won't think about her birthday in the future!

Distressed! Zhang Zhijie, a genius in the badminton world, passed away, and just got a university notice, Lin Dan exposed the inside story of the industry

Lin Dan once spoke up for badminton players

As an old man in the industry, Lin Dan once complained in an interview that in international competitions, the physical exertion of badminton players is particularly large, but the rest time is seriously insufficient, and he is very tired after a game, and calls on the International Badminton Federation to give badminton players one more day of rest time in the game!

Distressed! Zhang Zhijie, a genius in the badminton world, passed away, and just got a university notice, Lin Dan exposed the inside story of the industry

And Lin Dan mentioned that the final had one more day off, and some netizens felt the same way: "Li Zongwei played very, very tired in the semifinals, so that he was obviously physically exhausted in the final, and he was very tired when he watched it", and another netizen also agreed: "Because the physical exertion was too great, I couldn't recover at all, and finally lost to Chen Long"

Distressed! Zhang Zhijie, a genius in the badminton world, passed away, and just got a university notice, Lin Dan exposed the inside story of the industry

The reaction of netizens

It is a pity that such a sunny and handsome young boy fell without warning, and died without being rescued in time during the game, because if you catch the golden 4 minutes, this teenager can live!

Many netizens immediately compared the process of Eriksen being rescued in a football game before, the race against death made people so nervous that they didn't dare to breathe, and finally succeeded in saving the athlete. Some people say that the on-site configuration of badminton is too poor, and the configuration of football is not comparable to badminton.

Distressed! Zhang Zhijie, a genius in the badminton world, passed away, and just got a university notice, Lin Dan exposed the inside story of the industry
Distressed! Zhang Zhijie, a genius in the badminton world, passed away, and just got a university notice, Lin Dan exposed the inside story of the industry
Distressed! Zhang Zhijie, a genius in the badminton world, passed away, and just got a university notice, Lin Dan exposed the inside story of the industry

Some netizens said that when they were climbing the mountain, they also encountered cases of not being rescued in time, because they had seen too many such pity scenes, and they signed up for first aid training, hoping to help others in the future. But some netizens replied: "Even if you know how to give first aid, you don't dare to rescue, if you don't succeed in rescue, you may be infamous."

Distressed! Zhang Zhijie, a genius in the badminton world, passed away, and just got a university notice, Lin Dan exposed the inside story of the industry

More netizens expressed regret that they missed the rescue time and lost their lives.

Distressed! Zhang Zhijie, a genius in the badminton world, passed away, and just got a university notice, Lin Dan exposed the inside story of the industry


Cardiac arrest, sudden death is becoming more and more frequent, the age is getting younger and younger, life is busy, everyone should also take good care of the body. Peace and health are better than anything else!

Zhang Zhijie's death is sighing, so who is to blame for missing the rescue time?

For this matter, if you have anything to say, you can leave a message in the comment area to discuss!

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