
Zheng Qinwen was upset by Sun Lulu when he played three percent, and China's first sister Paris catwalk once again sparked heated discussions

author:Kyoto Hoshizuki

After the match between Zheng Qinwen and New Zealand player Sun Lulu, seeing that she became the biggest seed in the women's singles that was eliminated, everyone agreed that if the Chinese first sister wants to become a real top player, she needs to continue to work harder, especially to prepare for the game seriously, and not to use her mind in other aspects.

Zheng Qinwen was upset by Sun Lulu when he played three percent, and China's first sister Paris catwalk once again sparked heated discussions

For Sun Lulu, who was ranked outside the top 100, was upset and suffered a round at Wimbledon for the second consecutive year, Zheng Qinwen also said in an interview after the match that he did not expect it, which is consistent with the prediction of the outside world before the game.

In addition, as for why he lost, Zheng Qinwen bluntly said that he had eye problems and couldn't see the ball clearly, arm pain and key points were the reasons for his loss. The reason for this loss is also understood by many people as that Zheng Qinwen did not go all out when he lost to Sun Lulu, but only played 30%.

In the eyes of many people, after becoming a top 10 player, against a qualifying opponent like Sun Lulu, Zheng Qinwen does not have to show all his strength at all, and may be able to win with 30% of his skills. But it turns out that Zheng Qinwen really couldn't defeat Sun Lulu with only three successes, so it also let everyone see the real gap between Zheng Qinwen and the real top ten players.

Zheng Qinwen was upset by Sun Lulu when he played three percent, and China's first sister Paris catwalk once again sparked heated discussions

People who often watch tennis matches know that any player will have all kinds of abnormalities on the court, but when an accident happens, how to win the final victory when the state is not good is the best way to show a person's excellent strength. For example, Deyo has been able to win major tournaments several times when he is not in good shape, and Nadal's uncle Tony has said that Deyo reached the final of the French Open last year and won the championship, but he is not in the best condition, and the reason why he was able to win is that experience and the ability to adjust on the court have helped a lot at critical moments.

From the example of Deyo, it is shown that Zheng Qinwen does have a lot to improve. Although the Chinese first sister also gave the real reason for her loss after the game, many people think that this cannot be a reason for losing, because Zheng Qinwen is ranked in the top 10 in the world, and as a top 10 player, she should know how to win when she is not in good shape, especially against a player like Sun Lulu who is ranked outside the top 100.

Zheng Qinwen was upset by Sun Lulu when he played three percent, and China's first sister Paris catwalk once again sparked heated discussions

Then, Zheng Qinwen didn't do it, and naturally in the eyes of many people, the problem is a bit serious. Someone bluntly said that if Zheng Qinwen is not in the top ten immortal class, it is another matter, and now he is in the top ten, he should know how to improve in all aspects, "Otherwise, the strength and ranking are completely inconsistent." ”

Before Zheng Qinwen's Wimbledon debut began, Zheng Qinwen emphasized that he didn't look at the draw table, no matter who the opponent was, as long as he had the strength, he could still win. Now judging from the final result, this sentence also made the first sister of China fall into extreme passivity, and many fans and netizens ridiculed it, "This is the real reason why her strength is not good, this is what she said!" ”

Now Zheng Qinwen was upset by Sun Lulu, which caused heated discussions in public opinion, and even made Zheng Qinwen criticized by many people, that is, they thought that the first sister of China was too contemptuous of Wimbledon and did not take it seriously.

Zheng Qinwen was upset by Sun Lulu when he played three percent, and China's first sister Paris catwalk once again sparked heated discussions

For example, other people are actively warming up for Wimbledon and even training hard, but Zheng Qinwen is the only one who accepts the brand's invitation and goes to Paris to watch the show.

Originally, Zheng Qinwen's signing luck at Wimbledon this year was excellent, and it was considered to be the rhythm of going straight to the quarterfinals, especially after the strong opponent Sabalenka withdrew, the quarterfinals instantly became the semifinals. I didn't expect such a good signing and opportunity to miss it in vain, it's really a pity.

Now that he has returned home from Wimbledon ahead of schedule, Zheng Qinwen's Paris catwalk has naturally become the main reason for criticism. Someone talked about the incident and pointed out that Zheng Qinwen's current difficulties are worthy of her previous behavior. More people bluntly said that if Zheng Qinwen seriously prepared for Wimbledon, it would be impossible to lose to Sun Lulu, and in the end, he would not watch the great opportunity slip away from him.

Zheng Qinwen was upset by Sun Lulu when he played three percent, and China's first sister Paris catwalk once again sparked heated discussions

Many fans and netizens deliberately mentioned one thing when mentioning Zheng Qinwen's Paris catwalk. Zheng Qinwen once emphasized to the public that she had a good conversation with the fashion witch Anna Wintour, and even invited her to come to Wimbledon to watch her game, as a kind of show off to the outside world by Zheng Qinwen. Now some people say that it is fortunate that Anna Wintour did not come, and if she came and saw Zheng Qinwen lose, "it would be an embarrassment with a capital letter." ”

Of course, there must be many reasons for Zheng Qinwen's loss, and blaming it on the Paris catwalk to make money is a kind of unscrupulous performance, and it is not very fair to Zheng Qinwen. However, one thing is for sure, after a round of Wimbledon, this defeat will definitely make Zheng Qinwen seriously reflect.

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