
My son is mad at me! I even brought a girl home to live together! Here's how I handled it

author:Dream Strawberry Jam

The spring breeze blows people's hearts and minds, and the delicate magnolia flowers are waiting to bloom in the courtyard of Li Huawei's home, waiting for the moment of opening. The morning sun shines through the cracks in the curtains, gently spilling on the bed, gilding the peaceful faces of the couple with a layer of golden light. The morning seemed very peaceful, just like their daily life - although it seemed uneventful, it was full of happiness and beauty.

"Mom, it's really not easy for Mingze to work so hard outside." Zhao Xiaoli, the wife next to the bed, gently woke up her sleeping husband Li Huawei.

Li Huawei rubbed his hazy eyes, "I understand this, but I really hope that he can go home more to visit the two of us." ”

My son is mad at me! I even brought a girl home to live together! Here's how I handled it

Since his son Li Mingze graduated from university, he has chosen to stay in the bustling metropolis to work and live. Although he earns a considerable amount of money and is one of the more successful among his peers, he returns to visit family only a handful of times every quarter.

After breakfast, the couple began to do their usual housework. While cleaning the dishes and chopsticks, Zhao Xiaoli chatted with her husband who was cleaning the window: "Did you talk to Ming Ze on the phone yesterday?" Did he mention anything? ”

"Actually, I didn't say much, I just felt a bit of pressure at work."

My son is mad at me! I even brought a girl home to live together! Here's how I handled it

The eyes of the two of them suddenly caught a suitcase and a few bags of small items under the workbench, "What's going on?" Zhao Xiaoli asked with a hint of doubt.

There are some traces of dust accumulation on the originally spotless furniture, which seems to suggest that the family may not have been so lively for a long time.

"Looks like we're going to need to get some storage in order!" Although Li Huawei never loses his temper with anyone or complains about the unsatisfactory in life, when he sees these daily necessities, he can't help frowning and falling into deep thought.

My son is mad at me! I even brought a girl home to live together! Here's how I handled it

The two of them sat down to drink tea and chat, talking about helping the child tidy up the things that couldn't fit in the apartment. The small area is full of pens, books, magazines, desktop computers and even electronic organs, all of which are crowded together, full of traces of life and traces of time.

The family atmosphere is always intimidating, and well-informed children will always show their own unique persistence and subtlety in this area. But when it comes to the performance of love, they always like to care about others in the details of daily life, only the closest people will understand this heart, those outsiders can't see or touch it!

When the last rays of sunlight disappeared into the sky, the long-standing unusually peaceful life was finally broken! On the other side of the phone, the voice of the child Mingze was whispering, although he was a little flustered, he could still hear the expectation in his heart: "Mom and Dad, are you at home?" I'll be home tomorrow......" Listening to the footsteps that seemed to be a little hurried fade away, but left a hopeful echo, the atmosphere in the whole house instantly became delicate.

My son is mad at me! I even brought a girl home to live together! Here's how I handled it

The world is always beautiful after the rain and the sky is clear, and everything seems so colorful and warm. For them, this is the best moment in life, and even the daily repetition of trivial things can bring a little surprise.

The days passed day by day on such ordinary days. Li Huawei and Zhao Xiaoli are still living their busy and ordinary lives, trying to find their place in this rapidly changing society. However, on a quiet holiday afternoon, they received a call from their son, Mingze.

"Mom and Dad, I'll be home on the weekend." Ming Ze's voice came from the other end of the phone.

My son is mad at me! I even brought a girl home to live together! Here's how I handled it

"Okay, we see, do you need us to do anything for you?" Li Huawei asked.

"Don't bother, I've already discussed it with my friends."

Hearing the word "friend", Zhao Xiaoli couldn't help frowning, "Which friend is it?" Last time, it was Yang Yuxuan who was called Xiao Xu? ”

My son is mad at me! I even brought a girl home to live together! Here's how I handled it

"Oh~ I'm not talking about them...... It's a very good kind of friend. The son's tone on the other end of the line seemed a little vague.

After listening to this, the parents' hearts were filled with all kinds of mixed emotions, both expectant and uneasy. In the days that followed, the two old men unnaturally talked about the habits of young people, social circles, and so on.

On Saturday, they heard the doorbell ring, and their hearts were all shocked—this was still the quiet old house, the set plot of welcoming their son's return—but this time the first feeling was an unexpected panic.

My son is mad at me! I even brought a girl home to live together! Here's how I handled it

When they opened the door, they saw that there were obviously two young people, a man and a woman, standing there: a girl came up to greet them with a smile on her face, and the boy was a little nervous, but his sunny smile brought a warmth.

"Mom and Dad, this girl is my good friend Lin Yashan, I invited her to come to our house to play for a few days." Ming Ze introduced the girl next to them, then took her hand and said, "Yashan, these are my parents. ”

Although the scene in front of them still looked so warm, the conversation between the two of them seemed a little awkward. This little episode only made a little ripple in their hearts, but they were also thinking about how to get along with this somewhat strange girl. All sorts of doubts began to come to her mind - her upbringing, her habits, her family background, and most importantly, what did it mean behind all this? These questions are like a stone pressed down their throats, leaving them unable to let go......

My son is mad at me! I even brought a girl home to live together! Here's how I handled it

After dinner, the atmosphere in the living room was a little strange, and the three of us sat there, and there was no talk, only the old clock on the wall ticking and moving. Slowly, the dissatisfaction and complaining began to turn into looking at the details around them, and everywhere seemed to have made overly hard changes: a few new bouquets of flowers were bought and placed on the table, new teapots and cups were neatly arranged, each cup returned to its own place, and the whole room seemed to have never been inhabited. Every subtle movement, every look, every unconscious word is like testing each other, and there is a feeling of nervousness. I don't know when the truth will be revealed?

Then, one night, wolfberry was about to cook some ginger soup, and when he walked to the door of the study, he heard a quarrel inside, mixed with various questions, as if confirming something:

"Daddy...... Do you and your mom think we're too ignorant? The young man's voice sounded gentle, but it was full of firmness.

My son is mad at me! I even brought a girl home to live together! Here's how I handled it

Zhao Xiaoli sat on the sofa, without saying a word, her eyes staring at somewhere, the night breeze outside the window blew gently, the shadows of the trees swayed, her expression looked complicated, and the scenery in her vision became blurred. The quiet child who used to be is now so determined that he can take on the burden of life and face the problems outside alone. At that moment, she felt as if she had been hit hard in the chest, and she passed it heavily to every minute and every second of this time. I hope that the conflict between the family will not be so hard to solve, so that each other's feelings can be released.

Emotions come like a tidal wave, and every tenderness, every disappearing face, every heartbeat and breath is an expression of love. No matter how much you turn the river and the sea in your heart, you must raise your head, smile at each other, and comfort the world. Although time and fate cannot be easily changed, the current family emotional experience is still closely linked:

The deep connection within this Chinese family, the deep affection and love, blends tradition and modernity, so that every member of the family can feel the warmth and warmth of the family. It's as if at the moment when the sun sets, the sky gradually darkens, and Li Huawei's deep worries and doubts become more and more obvious. Although he was sorting through old items in his study, he stumbled upon feminine products in an inconspicuous place—seemingly insignificant things like perfume and lipstick. These discoveries instantly made people feel heart-wrenching thoughts: Has this family been brought back by his ignorant son to live with others?

My son is mad at me! I even brought a girl home to live together! Here's how I handled it

When dinner time comes, the atmosphere of the whole house becomes extremely tense, and even the usual delicious meals lose their original taste. Li Huawei finally couldn't help but speak: "Mingze, there are some things we have to talk about. ”

"Dad, what's wrong with you?" Mingze's voice came from behind the rice bowl.

"I want to ask you, what is Yashan's relationship with you?" The father's tone, although not too tough, was full of seriousness.

My son is mad at me! I even brought a girl home to live together! Here's how I handled it

Zhao Xiaoli, who was sitting next to her, gently pulled her husband's clothes and motioned him to listen to her son's answer.

However, Li Huawei's gaze was firm and profound, "I am your father, and I have the right to know the identity and background of everyone around you." ”

The atmosphere became more solemn, and Ming Ze's eyes first flashed a trace of hesitation, and then became firm, "She's my girlfriend!" ”

My son is mad at me! I even brought a girl home to live together! Here's how I handled it

This sentence is like a stone thrown into the calm water of a lake, stirring up layers of waves. The father, who has always been calm, actually showed a strong emotional reaction this time: "If you have a girlfriend, of course we will not object!" But...... What does it mean that you do that and bring her to live with you? Do you know how this affects us? ”

"She's someone I really like! It's just that she's in some trouble now......" Li Mingze turned his head to look into his mother's eyes and continued: "Mom, I hope you can understand my decision......"

Zhao Xiaoli comforted him gently, "We understand that you are a warm-hearted and good boy...... But there should be a measure of things, kid......"

My son is mad at me! I even brought a girl home to live together! Here's how I handled it

The conversation between mother and son is full of emotional ups and downs and complex reflections: the mother's anxiety, the son's sense of responsibility, and the shackles of social ideas that cannot be broken. At this moment, a beam of lightning outside the window cut through the dark night and landed very closely. Then the thunder shook the silent bookshelves in the room. Then, the icy rain poured down, and the edge of the window splashed with water droplets, which continued to fall like drips. This rain seems to have brought us a baptism of heart and emotion, making people begin to reflect on their usual attitude towards interpersonal relationships, with a little tiredness, falling into an invisible painful struggle......

This kind of interactive dialogue is like a moat, constructing subtle emotional changes between family members, which cannot be ignored and is also the difficulty of human nature. Arguments and reconciliations in the family are always accompanied by emotional grandeur, and after a night of tense exchanges, the sky gradually brightens, and the atmosphere of the Li family gradually calms down. Although my father's emotions were as violent as a storm last night, he had slowly come to his senses when the morning sun was shining on the earth.

"Son." Li Huawei stopped Ming Ze, who was about to go out to work. His tone was no longer reproachful and angry, only a father's deep concern and anticipation for his son's future.

My son is mad at me! I even brought a girl home to live together! Here's how I handled it

"Daddy." Ming Ze stopped and turned to respond.

"I was a little excited last night...... Li Huawei took a deep breath, "but I really did it for your own good." ”

After a brief silence, Zhao Xiaoli interjected softly, "Yes, child, we are just worried that your life will become more complicated because of this. ”

My son is mad at me! I even brought a girl home to live together! Here's how I handled it

In this conversation, all three people felt the understanding and care of the other party, and a warm current surged in their hearts. Parents gradually realize that their children have grown up and have their own life circles and choices; And Mingze also deeply experienced the imperceptible love and care of his parents.

Then all kinds of open-minded and sincere family gatherings began to be held in the house, and the three of us were able to straighten out our relationships and find new strategies for dealing with intergenerational issues - that is, to respect each individual's individuality, to encourage everyone to understand and communicate, and to protect our own personal space, but also to master the balance of love.

Ensuring mutual support and mutual growth is the true essence of family, and in this rapidly changing world, it is especially precious to find the warm essence that can escort you. Since then, the Li family has begun to re-examine the meaning of family, no longer trying to control everything, but choosing to support each other and face the challenges of life together. They found a warmth that could withstand the wind and rain in the ever-changing world, and also allowed the spiritual core of the family to precipitate. Since then, they have found a new balance between their cultural background and social environment, which is also a microcosm of the evolution of their most ordinary life on the Chinese land, which is both real and powerful......

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