
Di Lieba & Xin Zhilei: From a little transparent to a big star, I can eat this girlfriend for a lifetime!

author:Kind spring breeze OOWsF


Di Lieba and Xin Zhilei's "Past and Present Lives", Icelandic Adventures?

It is said that in the vast sea of stars in the entertainment industry, the names of Di Lieba and Xin Zhilei are like two bright stars, each shining but inadvertently intertwined with a wonderful fate.

Di Lieba & Xin Zhilei: From a little transparent to a big star, I can eat this girlfriend for a lifetime!

In the warm review of "Flowers and Boys 5", Reba inadvertently revealed a secret that made netizens explode in an instant - "Di Ali Reba has known Xin Zhilei since she was eighteen years old!" ”

Di Lieba & Xin Zhilei: From a little transparent to a big star, I can eat this girlfriend for a lifetime!

As soon as this news came out, it seemed to open a time treasure box, and people couldn't help but wonder about the youthful years of these two beautiful stars.


"Xin Zhilei's 'careful machine', Qin Lan innocently lying on the gun"

In the show, Xin Zhilei mentioned this past with a wicked smile, and also took the opportunity to "tease" Qin Lan with it, saying that Reba knew him when he was eighteen years old, and the implication was as if he was showing off the deep "revolutionary friendship" between them.

Di Lieba & Xin Zhilei: From a little transparent to a big star, I can eat this girlfriend for a lifetime!

After hearing this, Qin Lan had a confused and envious expression, and instantly became the emoji material for netizens. Netizens left messages: "Xin Zhilei, are you pulling hatred?" "Qin Lan OS: Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing? ”


"I haven't read the private message, and the boat of friendship almost capsized?"

And when it comes to the fact that Reba sent a private message to Xin Zhilei and didn't read it, it is even more unbearable. Reba once mentioned in an interview that he tried to send greetings to Xin Zhilei, but unexpectedly fell into the sea and never received a reply.

Di Lieba & Xin Zhilei: From a little transparent to a big star, I can eat this girlfriend for a lifetime!

This small episode not only showed the down-to-earth side of the two in private, but also made fans shout: "It turns out that celebrities also have times of social embarrassment!" Some netizens opened their minds: "Is Xin Zhilei busy exploring in Iceland and has no signal?" ”


"From the end to the peak, witness each other's transformation"

Looking back on the acquaintance of the two, it was when they were just "little transparent" in the entertainment industry. At that time, they may not have expected that one day in the future they would stand in the spotlight and become the focus of attention.

Di Lieba & Xin Zhilei: From a little transparent to a big star, I can eat this girlfriend for a lifetime!

Di Lieba is popular all over the country with works such as "Three Lives, Three Worlds and Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms", and Xin Zhilei also shines in dramas such as "The Legend of Ruyi" and "Taking Dad to Study Abroad".

Di Lieba & Xin Zhilei: From a little transparent to a big star, I can eat this girlfriend for a lifetime!

Netizens sighed: "This is probably the best friendship, grow up together and shine together." ”

Di Lieba & Xin Zhilei: From a little transparent to a big star, I can eat this girlfriend for a lifetime!

"Icelandic adventures, a new chapter of friendship"

When it comes to Iceland, I have to mention the trip that the two of them participated in together. During the journey of "Flowers and Boys", they not only experienced the magnificent scenery of Iceland together, but also deepened their friendship through mutual support.

Di Lieba & Xin Zhilei: From a little transparent to a big star, I can eat this girlfriend for a lifetime!

The cold winds in Iceland did not blow away their warmth, but only strengthened the friendship. Netizens said: "I really want to watch their Vlog in Iceland, it must be super interesting!" "A trip like this is the best catalyst for friendship!"

Di Lieba & Xin Zhilei: From a little transparent to a big star, I can eat this girlfriend for a lifetime!

Friendship or hype? Which side are you on?

Behind this seemingly beautiful friendship, there are also some doubts. Some people believe that this is a common hype method in the entertainment industry, using personal relationships between celebrities to win attention;

Di Lieba & Xin Zhilei: From a little transparent to a big star, I can eat this girlfriend for a lifetime!

Some people also firmly believe that this is the expression of the sincere feelings of the two, and it is a rare clear stream in the entertainment industry.

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