
I can't laugh anymore! The annual drama in the entertainment industry: Zhang Yi adjusted, Shen Teng slipped the file, and Wang Baoqiang changed majors

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I can't laugh anymore! The annual drama in the entertainment industry: Zhang Yi adjusted, Shen Teng slipped the file, and Wang Baoqiang changed majors

In the entertainment industry, where light and shadow are intertwined, the major award ceremonies every year always cause countless topics and heated discussions. However, this year's Hundred Flowers Award has been on the hot search in an unprecedented way and has become the focus of heated discussions among the whole people - not because of how many well-deserved awards it has awarded, but because of its series of "god operations" and the witty complaints of netizens, jointly weaving a comedy feast called "Hundred Flowers Award Jokes".

I can't laugh anymore! The annual drama in the entertainment industry: Zhang Yi adjusted, Shen Teng slipped the file, and Wang Baoqiang changed majors

▶ Nomination doubts: adjustment, slippage, and change of major, none of them are missing

Zhang Yi's road to "adjustment".

When Zhang Yi was supposed to be a strong contender for Best Actor with his outstanding performance in "Ten Thousand Miles Home", he was unexpectedly shortlisted as a supporting actor in "Man Jianghong", which surprised many viewers and industry insiders.

Some netizens joked: "Zhang Yi has participated in the 'postgraduate examination adjustment' in the film industry, from a popular major (best actor) to a relatively unpopular major (best actor) that also requires strength (best supporting actor)." ”

I can't laugh anymore! The annual drama in the entertainment industry: Zhang Yi adjusted, Shen Teng slipped the file, and Wang Baoqiang changed majors

More attentive netizens found that after learning the news, Zhang Yi quickly changed his social media avatar and responded to the turmoil in a humorous and self-deprecating way, which attracted praise from netizens: "Teacher Zhang Yi, your mentality is really good!" ”

I can't laugh anymore! The annual drama in the entertainment industry: Zhang Yi adjusted, Shen Teng slipped the file, and Wang Baoqiang changed majors

Shen Teng's pain of "slippery gear".

Compared with Zhang Yi's "adjustment", Shen Teng's experience is even more helpless. As a leading figure in the comedy industry, Shen Teng's every appearance can arouse laughter from the audience.

I can't laugh anymore! The annual drama in the entertainment industry: Zhang Yi adjusted, Shen Teng slipped the file, and Wang Baoqiang changed majors

However, at this year's Hundred Flowers Awards, he encountered the embarrassment of "slippery" - running an empty lap and getting nothing. In the face of such a result, although Shen Teng did not publicly express his position, the reaction of netizens was extremely enthusiastic, and they said: "Uncle Shen Teng, you will always be the 'uncrowned king' in our hearts!" ”

I can't laugh anymore! The annual drama in the entertainment industry: Zhang Yi adjusted, Shen Teng slipped the file, and Wang Baoqiang changed majors

Some netizens ridiculed: "Shen Teng has experienced the feeling of failing the college entrance examination, but it doesn't matter, your talent and works are enough to prove everything." ”

I can't laugh anymore! The annual drama in the entertainment industry: Zhang Yi adjusted, Shen Teng slipped the file, and Wang Baoqiang changed majors

Wang Baoqiang's attempt to "change majors".

Wang Baoqiang, with the identity of the director and starring role of "In the Octagon Cage", also attracted much attention at this year's Hundred Flowers Awards. However, in the face of fierce competition for Best Actor, Wang Baoqiang seems to have chosen to "change majors" - focusing on the director award.

Although this move surprised many fans, it also reflected Wang Baoqiang's courage and determination to challenge himself. Netizens also had a lot of discussions about this, some praised him for daring to try new things, and some regretted that he was not shortlisted for Best Actor.

I can't laugh anymore! The annual drama in the entertainment industry: Zhang Yi adjusted, Shen Teng slipped the file, and Wang Baoqiang changed majors

However, more netizens looked at this matter with a relaxed and humorous attitude, and said: "Brother Baoqiang, you have changed from an actor to a director, looking forward to your new work!" ”

▶ Fans tear each other apart: the "war" of planetary rice and four-leaf clover

In the list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award, the names of TFBOYS members Wang Junkai, Yi Yang Qianxi, Zhang Yixing, Zhu Yilong and other young artists are impressively listed.

This was supposed to be a stage for them to show their strength and charm, but unexpectedly caused a fierce tear between fans. Fans on both sides insisted on their own words, accusing each other of "injecting water" and "buying awards", and their words were surprisingly consistent, which made people sigh: "This year's fans, it's really difficult to bring!" ”

I can't laugh anymore! The annual drama in the entertainment industry: Zhang Yi adjusted, Shen Teng slipped the file, and Wang Baoqiang changed majors

Netizens also couldn't laugh or cry about this, and said: "This is the Hundred Flowers Award, it's simply a battlefield of 'planetary rice' and 'four-leaf clover'!" Some netizens ridiculed: "The next time the Hundred Flowers Award will simply be renamed 'Fan War'." ”

▶ Spicy comments from netizens: The laughter and tears behind the Hundred Flowers Award

With the announcement of the list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award, netizens' complaints and jokes have also sprung up. From Zhang Yi's "adjustment", Shen Teng's "sliding gear" to Wang Baoqiang's "changing majors", every topic can trigger heated discussions and infinite reverie among netizens.

I can't laugh anymore! The annual drama in the entertainment industry: Zhang Yi adjusted, Shen Teng slipped the file, and Wang Baoqiang changed majors

Some netizens even created a series of funny GIFs and dialogues based on these topics, making the otherwise serious award ceremony lively and interesting. Netizens said: "This Hundred Flowers Award is really terrifying! ”

However, in addition to laughing, many netizens expressed their worries and dissatisfaction with the current situation in the entertainment industry. They believe that the Hundred Flowers Award, as one of the important awards in the domestic film industry, should pay more attention to the quality of the work and the acting skills of the actors, rather than being swayed by traffic and fans.

I can't laugh anymore! The annual drama in the entertainment industry: Zhang Yi adjusted, Shen Teng slipped the file, and Wang Baoqiang changed majors

Some netizens bluntly said: "Behind these jokes is the public's real feedback on the pursuit of high-quality cultural life and the pursuit of high-quality artworks." What we need is not these boring hype and tearing each other apart, but excellent works that can really touch people's hearts and resonate. ”

For young artists such as Wang Junkai and Yi Yang Qianxi, although they have caused a lot of controversy and questions in the nomination list, more netizens still have high hopes and expectations for them.

I can't laugh anymore! The annual drama in the entertainment industry: Zhang Yi adjusted, Shen Teng slipped the file, and Wang Baoqiang changed majors

They hope that these young artists can cherish every opportunity, constantly improve their acting skills and strength, speak with their works, and prove themselves with their strength. At the same time, some netizens gave them spurs and suggestions: "As public figures and young artists, you should pay more attention to your words and deeds and the quality of your works." Only in this way can we win the respect and love of more people.

I can't laugh anymore! The annual drama in the entertainment industry: Zhang Yi adjusted, Shen Teng slipped the file, and Wang Baoqiang changed majors

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