
The society needs to be governed, and it is the need of social progress to rectify the lack of helmets, electric vehicles, and small vendors

author:Big head guy talking

Foreword: Society needs governance, so the government has continuously introduced various policies to improve public well-being, improve the efficiency of urban management, and ensure the safety of people.

For example, riding motorcycles and electric vehicles without helmets is for the sake of traffic safety considerations for the masses.

The society needs to be governed, and it is the need of social progress to rectify the lack of helmets, electric vehicles, and small vendors

For example, the rectification of illegal modifications, or electric vehicles that do not meet the standards, is also for the safety of the masses.

The society needs to be governed, and it is the need of social progress to rectify the lack of helmets, electric vehicles, and small vendors

For example, the purpose of rectifying private slaughter and indiscriminate slaughtering in rural areas is to ensure the food safety of the masses and let the masses eat assured meat.

The society needs to be governed, and it is the need of social progress to rectify the lack of helmets, electric vehicles, and small vendors

For example, the rectification of illegal stalls and hawkers is to enhance the image of the city, facilitate the masses to travel, and reduce urban garbage.

The society needs to be governed, and it is the need of social progress to rectify the lack of helmets, electric vehicles, and small vendors

These policies are intended to be good, but why do many people do not understand them, and even some people openly oppose them. Why is this happening?

The editor believes that to improve the situation, the government needs to take proactive measures so that the policy is widely understood and supported.

First, it is necessary to intensify propaganda so that the masses can fully understand the purpose of policy formulation and the results to be achieved. The government should ensure that the content of the policy is fully and clearly communicated to the public through various channels, such as media releases and social media promotion. For example, the government could explain the purpose behind the requirement to wear a helmet on an electric vehicle and the fact that scientific data shows that helmets can significantly reduce the risk of injury. It is only when people truly understand the meaning and necessity of the policy that they are likely to support and comply with it.

Second, it is necessary to resolve conflicts of interest and the inconvenience caused to the masses. Opponents of policies often touch on the vested interests of some people and cause backlash. At this time, the government needs to assess the impact of the policy and provide appropriate compensation or assistance to the interest groups that may be harmed, so as to alleviate the temporary inconvenience caused by the policy. At the same time, these groups should be invited to participate in the policy discussion process and their voices should be heard, which can increase the acceptability of the policy.

Again, it's about solving the problem of habits, and it's no secret that people are used to always resisting change. Therefore, the new policy should give a transition period to allow people time to adapt to the new norms. For example, if the rectification of small stalls and hawkers who set up stalls indiscriminately, a period of publicity, education and adaptation should be provided, and then the enforcement efforts should be gradually strengthened, which may achieve better results.

Fourth, the lack of mass participation is also an important factor leading to misunderstandings. Transparency and openness in policy-making are crucial, and governments can encourage public suggestions and feedback through public focus groups, online surveys, etc., to make policies more democratic and grounded.

Finally, fair, transparent and compassionate law enforcement is key. If law enforcement officials can be impartial and act in accordance with the law, then people's trust in policies will also be greatly enhanced. At the same time, the government should introduce corresponding remedial measures, such as subsidies, education and training, for those who are indeed affected by the policy, to help them better adapt to the policy changes.

To sum up, for a good policy to be understood and supported by the public, the government needs to make efforts in terms of information transmission, interest coordination, habit adaptation, public participation, and fair implementation.

Through constructive dialogue and fair implementation, the government and the people can build a bridge of understanding and acceptance, and jointly promote social progress and development.

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