
Foreign tourists: China has redefined the standards of development and modernization

author:Enthusiastic little dance

Text: Enthusiastic little dance

Editor: Enthusiastic Xiao Wu


In the current information age, tourism has become an indispensable part of people's lives, and many people choose to travel abroad to explore different cultures and experience different scenery during their vacations.

Foreign tourists: China has redefined the standards of development and modernization

As a country with a history of 5,000 years of civilization, China naturally attracts many foreign tourists, including such a tourist from the United States, who has experienced a lot during his trip to China and has many words of praise for China.

1. A trip to China to experience the charm of China in an all-round way

In this trip to China, he did not choose to go to some popular tourist cities, but went to some very representative cities, such as Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Xi'an, Chengdu, Chongqing, Urumqi and so on.

Foreign tourists: China has redefined the standards of development and modernization

He wants to have a comprehensive understanding of China through this trip, to feel the profound cultural connotation of China, and of course, to appreciate the natural scenery of China.

2. Be struck by the development of China, which is the most developed country in the world

In his lens, he was very surprised by the speed of China's development, especially the construction of China's high-speed rail, which made him impressed, he felt that China's high-speed rail was really very fast and very punctual.

Foreign tourists: China has redefined the standards of development and modernization

And it's so safe that China's high-speed rail makes him feel like he's stepped back into the future, and he jokes that he has lived in the United States for so many years before he has to come to China to feel the convenience.

3. China's ancient culture is also very attractive

During this trip to China, he not only went to appreciate China's natural scenery, but also went to many museums and monuments, he wanted to feel China's ancient culture in this way, and he was shocked by China's ancient architecture.

Foreign tourists: China has redefined the standards of development and modernization

He felt that China's ancient architecture was really beautiful, as well as Chinese calligraphy, Chinese tea culture, Chinese traditional opera, etc., all of which left a deep impression on him.

Fourth, China not only has an ancient side, but also a modern side

Foreign tourists: China has redefined the standards of development and modernization

He thinks that the reason why China can become the most developed country in the world is because China not only has an ancient side, but also a modern side, especially some first- and second-tier cities, such as Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, etc., the high-rise buildings in these cities really make him stunned, and China's mobile payment, which makes him feel very convenient.

Foreign tourists: China has redefined the standards of development and modernization

Fifth, the gap between China and the United States is still very large

Through this trip to China, he feels that China and the United States are still very different, especially in some aspects, such as China's cultural heritage, China's humanistic care, and China's innovation ability.

Foreign tourists: China has redefined the standards of development and modernization

China is very competitive, and one of the things that strikes him is that China is protecting the environment, and China is doing a very good job of that.


Through the lens of this American tourist, we can better understand China, but also better understand China, his praise also makes China have a different aura, I believe that in the near future, more and more foreign tourists will come to China to feel the unique charm of China.

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