
Israel was attacked by Lebanon with precision, the war has reversed, and Israel is afraid that it will be beaten passively

author:The Internet goes with the wind

The war between Israel and Lebanon has been rekindled, and the situation continues to escalate. Lebanon launched a surprise attack on Israel, and several Israeli Metawa tanks were hit with precision by anti-tank shells, scrapping them and causing casualties.

Israel was attacked by Lebanon with precision, the war has reversed, and Israel is afraid that it will be beaten passively

Faced with this difficult situation, the Israeli commander immediately took the initiative and quickly activated the emergency plan. At the same time, in order to cope with the unfavorable situation of blocked reconnaissance, Israel sent a number of drones to carry out the mission, and skillfully adopted irregular flight tactics, successfully avoiding Lebanese anti-aircraft fire.

Israel was attacked by Lebanon with precision, the war has reversed, and Israel is afraid that it will be beaten passively

Things don't seem to be going the way Israel wants. Despite the strength of the Israeli army, they were not immune to being beaten in the face of a series of precise Lebanese strikes. For a time, the battlefield was full of gunsmoke, and the situation became more and more unfavorable for Israel.

Israel was attacked by Lebanon with precision, the war has reversed, and Israel is afraid that it will be beaten passively

What is even more troubling for Israel is that they find themselves in an awkward dilemma in the face of Lebanese warnings and threats. Will you continue to fight back, or will you endure for a while? This is a question that plagues Israeli decision-makers.

Israel was attacked by Lebanon with precision, the war has reversed, and Israel is afraid that it will be beaten passively

As the war dragged on, an intriguing speculation emerged: Is there a mysterious force behind Lebanon? Why has this power allowed Lebanon to grow militarily by leaps and bounds? With these doubts in mind, Israel began a covert investigation in an attempt to unravel the mystery.

Israel was attacked by Lebanon with precision, the war has reversed, and Israel is afraid that it will be beaten passively

As Israel's number one ally, the United States also seems to smell something unusual. They began to reassess their support for Israel, and their attitude gradually softened. This change has undoubtedly made Israel even more worried.

Israel was attacked by Lebanon with precision, the war has reversed, and Israel is afraid that it will be beaten passively

At present, this sudden war is still going on, and the situation is still confusing. Why can Lebanon pose such a threat to Israel? What mysterious forces are behind it? These questions need to be further observed and answered. In any case, the war between Israel and Lebanon is destined to leave a strong mark on the Middle East.

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