
400 million people are unemployed, 70% of jobs have been replaced, and artificial intelligence has allowed humans to rebuild themselves and become new people

author:Corn said

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Corn said

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With the continuous development of science and technology, artificial intelligence has become a high-profile topic in today's society. The emergence of artificial intelligence has brought a lot of convenience to our lives, but it has also brought a great impact to our job market. According to the relevant authorities, the emergence of artificial intelligence is expected to cause at least 400 million people worldwide to lose their jobs, of which 100 million are on the mainland. And, with the mass production of humanoid robots, it is expected to replace 70% of the world's jobs in the future. It can be said that the emergence of artificial intelligence has brought an unprecedented impact on our job market, and it has also forced us to re-examine the future job market and education system.

First, the emergence of artificial intelligence has brought a huge impact on the job market

1. The advent of artificial intelligence is expected to cause at least 400 million people worldwide to lose their jobs

The emergence of artificial intelligence has had a big impact on our job market, and according to statistics, its emergence is expected to cause at least 400 million people worldwide to lose their jobs, of which 100 million are in our country. Arguably, this is a huge number for us, and it also makes us have to re-examine the job market and education system of the future.

400 million people are unemployed, 70% of jobs have been replaced, and artificial intelligence has allowed humans to rebuild themselves and become new people

2. The mass production of humanoid robots is expected to replace 70% of the world's jobs

And, with the mass production of humanoid robots, it is expected to replace 70% of the world's jobs in the future. It is reported that the mainland's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has released news that the humanoid robot will be mass-produced in 2025 and become a subversive product. Moreover, the cost of this humanoid robot is about 20,000 US dollars, its learning efficiency is 1,000 times that of a human, and the labor cost is only equivalent to 0.45% of a human. It can be said that this is a huge shock for us, and it also makes us have to rethink the future job market and education system.

Second, the emergence of artificial intelligence has brought a huge impact on the education system

In addition to the impact on the job market, the emergence of artificial intelligence has also had a great impact on our education system. It is understood that with the continuous development of artificial intelligence, it may have a great impact on our education system and even challenge our existing test-oriented education model.

400 million people are unemployed, 70% of jobs have been replaced, and artificial intelligence has allowed humans to rebuild themselves and become new people

1. The advent of artificial intelligence may devalue academic qualifications

As AI continues to evolve, it may have a big impact on our education system and even devalue academic qualifications. Because in the era of artificial intelligence, it pays more attention to our actual ability, rather than our academic background. Our education system needs to change accordingly to cultivate more talents who are fit for the needs of the future society.

2. Challenge the existing test-oriented education model

Moreover, the emergence of artificial intelligence has also brought great challenges to our education system, which challenges our existing test-oriented education model. In the era of artificial intelligence, what we need more is the sense of innovation and practical ability, which are lacking in our existing education system. We need to rethink our education system to provide a more holistic development for our students.

400 million people are unemployed, 70% of jobs have been replaced, and artificial intelligence has allowed humans to rebuild themselves and become new people

3. What should we do in the face of the impact of artificial intelligence?

What should we do in the face of the impact of artificial intelligence? We need to realize that the development of artificial intelligence is an irreversible trend, and we cannot stop its development, we can only adapt to it. We need to pay attention to the development of humanistic care and emotional intelligence, because this is irreplaceable by artificial intelligence. We need to keep learning and upgrading our skills to adapt to the needs of the future job market and stay competitive.


It can be said that the emergence of artificial intelligence has brought a lot of shocks to our society, and it has forced us to re-examine the future job market and education system. However, I believe that with the continuous development of science and technology, we will definitely be able to find solutions and meet the challenges of the future. I hope you can be inspired to guess the impact of artificial intelligence on us and how we should deal with it.

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