
How should youth start writing?

How should youth start writing?
How should youth start writing?

Desks are neatly arranged, rice paper is spread out, and hundreds of teenagers splash ink. Such a scene was staged in 21 cities and prefectures in Sichuan one after another and lasted for two months.

Since April, with the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, the Department of Education, the Department of Culture and Tourism, the Provincial Youth League Committee, the Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and the Provincial Youth Work Committee, the third Youth Calligraphy and Painting Conference has been launched. This is also the first innovative move by Sichuan in the country to carry out the youth "Nengwen Nengwu" program.

Why is it necessary to promote the study of calligraphy and painting so vigorously?

The art of calligraphy and painting is an indispensable gene of the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and it is also a unique art form of the Chinese nation. The life of art lies in inheritance and creation.

Cultural inheritance needs to be passed on from generation to generation; The transmission of calligraphy and painting requires a generation to follow the hearts of a generation. As the spiritual atmosphere of the Chinese, calligraphy and painting carry the imprint of civilization, through ancient and modern, across the east and west, still so vigorous.

How should youth start writing?

The final scene of the 2nd Youth Calligraphy and Painting Conference Photography/Yang Yizhen

How should youth start writing?

Calligraphy and painting are living arts, which need to constantly look back at history and change with the times. Because of continuous inheritance and innovation, we have achieved the prosperity and continuation of the second and second lives of the third life.

The calligraphy and painting of the Shu people are just like breathing, which has never been broken, which is also the key to the inheritance of water and soil.

From the end of the Tang Dynasty to the Five Dynasties, many parts of the country were in turmoil, but Sichuan was relatively stable. The Anshi Rebellion and the Huangchao Uprising forced the Tang Dynasty emperor to take refuge in Shu twice, and many court painters followed him into Sichuan, and the court painting skills were introduced to Sichuan, promoting the prosperity of Sichuan calligraphy and painting art.

Subsequently, "talented people came out of the country". From the Song Dynasty "Three Sus", Wentong, Fachang, to Deng Wenyuan in the early Yuan Dynasty; from Yang Sheng'an, the head of the three talented sons of the Ming Dynasty, to Li Tiaoyuan, the "strange genius in Shu"; In modern times, Zhang Daqian, who has "a thousand in the past five hundred years", has once again pushed the art of Chinese painting and calligraphy to its peak.

Bashan Shushui aura gathers, and literary and artistic talents are both north and south. The art of calligraphy and painting is not only in the same vein, but also unique.

Xue Tao, a female poet of the Tang Dynasty who lived on the bank of Huanhua Creek, took the small page of poetry created by Huanhua Creek, which was popular at that time, and had a far-reaching impact on the paper industry in later generations, and later generations named this note "Xue Tao Paper". She wrote "daylilies" and other poems of the original handwriting, later by the Northern Song Dynasty royal family as a treasure collection, Cai Jing, Mi Fu, Cai Bian these three famous calligraphers of the Northern Song Dynasty even compared her calligraphy with Wang Xizhi and Mrs. Wei.

In the Song Dynasty, which was a "literati's paradise", although they were both Shu people, they only painted bamboo, but they were all leading the way. Meizhou Su Shi not only wrote the "third book in the world" "Cold Food Post" in one go, but also created the "Supai Bamboo Painting", and a "Dead Wood and Strange Stone Map" was selected as one of the "100 Famous Paintings in China". Although it was Su Shi's old friend, Mianzhou Yanting Wentong created the "Huzhou Bamboo School", which not only left the confidence of "confident" to future generations, but also left the "Ink Bamboo Picture" which was among the "100 Famous Paintings in China". Li Shiyong of Huayang, Chengdu, is the first doctor of calligraphy in the history of Sichuan, and one of the only two doctors of calligraphy in the Northern Song Dynasty (the other is Mi Fu), and his technique of painting ink and bamboo is equally exquisite.

In addition to the creation itself, Shudi also provides the right time and place for innovation. Mi Fu left the "China's first beautiful post" "Shu Su Ti", is created on the "Sichuan-made" silk fabric. "Shu Su Ti" is currently the only calligraphy work named after the material, and it is also a symphony of two elements and two lines of excellent traditional Chinese culture.

How should youth start writing?

The final scene of the 2nd Youth Calligraphy and Painting Conference Photography/Yang Yizhen

How should youth start writing?

In the digital age, "input" instead of "writing" is the norm, how should the art of "learning from the past and opening up the present" be inherited?

Pursue the thick culture behind pen, ink, paper, and inkstone. The art of calligraphy and painting is not simply writing and painting, but in the form of figurative forms to achieve the inheritance of excellent traditional culture "moisturizing things silently", the pen end is the word, is the painting, through the back of the paper reflects the artist's cultivation of poetry, couplets, music, and even life attitude, is the accumulation of multiculturalism.

The painter Li Kuchan also once said, "Kung Fu is outside the painting". In recent years, activities such as "traditional culture into the campus" have emerged in Sichuan in an endless stream, and on the basis of opening art, calligraphy and music courses in the compulsory education stage, courses with distinctive local cultural characteristics such as drama, Sichuan opera and Sichuan opera have been opened. Starting in 2022, Sichuan will fully include art subjects in the high school entrance examination and use them as scoring subjects for high school admissions.

Pursue the aesthetic taste behind "lifting and pressing". The essence of art is aesthetics, and this ability is the accumulation of bits and pieces of time. Since 2022, Sichuan has comprehensively strengthened and improved the work of aesthetic education in schools in the new era, and in order to solve the problem of "three and a half" after school in primary and secondary schools, the practice of aesthetic education will be regarded as an important carrier of after-school service for primary and secondary school students.

In 2023, the Sichuan Youth Aesthetic Education Culture and Art Research Institute and other units jointly launched the "Youth Aesthetic Education Development Plan for the New Era". Sichuan is also gradually improving the teaching mode of "basic knowledge and basic skills of art + artistic aesthetic experience + special expertise in art" in the education stage, helping students improve their core literacy such as cultural understanding, aesthetic perception, artistic expression, and creative practice, and comprehensively promoting the assessment of artistic quality of primary and secondary school students.

The pursuit of "horizontal and vertical" behind the personality cultivation. Calligraphy and painting emphasize "teacher's inheritance", but they are more concerned about "master's heart and not traces", which is the pursuit of "having personality first, and then having calligraphy". Just as Zhao Mengfu "respected the ancient and sought the source" to learn Wang Xizhi's calligraphy, a "Orchid Pavilion Preface" copied countless copies, until his later years copied the "Dingwu Ben Lanting", he was very satisfied. During this period, it may not only be the inheritance and promotion of penmanship, calligraphy, and chapter law, but also the continuation of the ancients' "seeing talent from the pen and seeing virtue from the pen".

How should youth start writing?

Zhao Mengfu came to Wang Xizhi's "Orchid Pavilion Preface" according to Chuanguan News

How should youth start writing?

Su Dongpo said that "there is no fixed way to hold the pen", and cultural inheritance requires endless innovative measures.

The transmission of calligraphy and painting is not only a competition of skills, but also a feast for future generations to promote cultural inheritance. At the Youth Calligraphy and Painting Conference, more than 1,500 schools in 21 cities and prefectures in Sichuan have "competed", starting with the selection competition, coordinating cities and remote villages, and combining the national "double reduction" policy and aesthetic education requirements, setting off an upsurge of Chinese calligraphy and painting learning. Based on the prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural industries, the conference issued "invitation letters" to related cultural enterprises such as calligraphy and painting education, calligraphy and painting trading, calligraphy and painting research, calligraphy and painting cultural creativity, and opened a journey of cultural inheritance for the whole society. The competition has produced nearly 300 outstanding calligraphy and painting practitioners, 110 excellent lesson examples and 23 excellent workshops.

The practice of calligraphy and painting is not only an innovative move, but also a trend to promote the excellent traditional Chinese culture. In recent years, Sichuan's "revitalization of Sichuan Opera", "Dream Back to Dongpo" and other tours have caused a sensation, whether it is official or private Sichuan theaters, there are more laughter of young people, and Sichuan opera has become a popular subject for extracurricular training for primary and secondary school students; Adhere to the prosperous era of revision, promote the completion of the major project of the National Social Science Fund "Bashu Quanshu", and organize and publish more than 100 academic research works (kinds) such as "Tianhui Medical Jane", "General History of Bashu Culture" and "Sichuan Art History"; Innovate cultural expressions, broadcast the documentary "Searching for Ancient China: The Story of Ancient Shu", arrange the Sichuan opera drama "The Legend of the White Snake" and "The Story of Harmony", and create an urban landscape of "Xiao looks at the red wet place, and the flowers are heavy in the official city". Under the background of the cultural "Sichuan Army" vigorously promoting the excellent traditional Chinese culture, the transmission of calligraphy and painting is not simply to let the skills "live" in the future, but the young people can obtain the wisdom and determination of the ancients through the inheritance of skills, activate cultural genes, and establish cultural self-confidence.

The transmission of calligraphy and painting is a mission, and it is also a seed that is sown in the hearts of young people. The thousand-year-old cultural context is endless, and it is the "Oriental Pen" that continues to write the "beauty of Chinese characters" and "the beauty of mountains and rivers" from generation to generation. The seeds of calligraphy and painting have long sprouted in the hearts of young people, as can be seen in an exhibition in 2023. In the summer of 2023, the Chengdu Museum will hold a special exhibition of "Chinese Characters in China: Chinese Civilization between Founders", which has attracted more than 1.4 million visitors in the past four months, of which 80% are young visitors. In order to see Zhao Mengfu's "Orchid Pavilion Preface" and Xin Qiji's only authentic work "Going to the Country", some viewers did not hesitate to queue for two hours.

Walking into the final scene of the 2nd Youth Calligraphy and Painting Conference, seeing the spectacular scene of thousands of teenagers waving on the same stage, Dai Yue, vice chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers Association and chairman of the Sichuan Calligraphers Association, was moved to tears. Perhaps, this is a move to the cultural inheritance of "the world's major events, must be done in detail", but also to the cultivators' "culture casts the soul, moisturizes things silently", and it is also a gratification for young people to "pay tribute to the sages and continue to write with me".

丨Source: Tianfu New Vision丨

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Editor: Lin Xiran Editor: Hou Gege Proofreader: Qiu Xiangdong Third review: Yang Hongnong Final review: Wang Rengang

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